Author Topic: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction  (Read 13392 times)


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A friend of mine plays alot of 'LoTR' online and really enjoys his guardian character, which is basically a defender in 4.0 terms.  A major difference is that in LoTR armor reduces the damage you take instead of reducing the chance of getting hit, so a heavly armored character can sit there and take hits all day.  In 4.0 terms the only similar idea I could think of was going on total defense, but that would cost you your marking abilities, as you wouldn't be attacking. 

My idea, which I just thought of is to allow a player to reduce their damage by some amount for a bonus to damage reduction (DR) the next round. 

Some numbers that might work:

1. Every 5 points of damage you delcare before the attack up to your max is 2 pts of DR.  For example if your attack is 1d10+4 your max would be 14, so the most you could sack would be 10, for a DR of 4, while if it was 1d12+4 you could sack 15 for DR of 6.  This would give you the DR regardless if you rolled enough damage to cover it, if in the last example you rolled a 4 on your d12 for a total of 8 damage, this would not reduce your DR, but it would reduce your damage delt to zero!

2. Every [W] die you reduce gives you a DR of 5, so on most of your at wills you do 1[W] you could sack for a DR 5, if you used  a daily 3[W], you could sack 1, 2 or 3 of them to have 5, 10 or 15 DR respectivly.  These dice just wouldn't be rolled, thus the damage would be lost.  Example, power X gives you 3[W] + ability and you sack 2[W] for a DR of 10 the next round and roll 1[W] + ability for damage from the power.

From a Roleplaying point of view, I was thinking this was basicly simiar to full defense in which you were putting more effort into avoiding hits and blocking blows then in your own attacks.  I could think of making the DR gainned based on the type of armor you were wearing, but that seemed more complex than was needed.  I would proably require a feat to gain acess to this or something though...

Any thoughts? Improvement suggestions?

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 03:28:55 PM »
There's several kinds of armor that give Damage Reduction as well. Will you allow those reductions to stack? Is this Fighter based Damage Reduction considered a Power bonus or an untyped bonus?

I like the idea. This sounds like something that should be designed as a completely seperate Fighter build.


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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2010, 03:39:00 PM »
I'm not sure I like it, and here's why.  Generally, the main goal of a defender is to make the enemy make a hard decision on either to attack the defender or one of his allies.  Defender do this in two main ways

1.  Applying an debuff to the enemy, usually a mark which gives them -2 to hit other people
2.  Making them take damage when they attack other people.

All of the current defender classes do this in various ways.  By reducing your damage to increase your damage resistance, you make it more likely that your allies will be attacked.  Sure, the enemy has the -2 to hit your allies still, but you've reduced the damage they might take if they attack someone else, and you've made yourself a less attractive target to attack because of the damage resistance.

A class role I do think this is appropriate for would be a controller or leader, who don't enjoy being attacked, and want to discourage this as much as possible, and aren't focused on dealing damage but applying status effects and debuffs.


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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2010, 03:56:24 PM »
@ Tadanori - I was thinking anyone could take the feat, maybe certain classes would be better at it?  Though at that point it could be armor based, plate = 4 DR per teir, scale = 3, chain = 2, leather = 1 maybe?

@Murph - You have good points.  In video games we can take away the control of npc's all the time to force them to attack us, but we don't do that as much in D&D.  It could be argued from a role playing view that the npc's wouldn't know in advance that their damage would be reduced so they wouldn't know if attacking the defender was a good idea or not...  but thats fairly cheesy!  Its difficult to balance RL ideas with game mechanic's... in a fantasy game no less.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2010, 04:44:59 PM »
@ Tadanori - I was thinking anyone could take the feat, maybe certain classes would be better at it?  Though at that point it could be armor based, plate = 4 DR per teir, scale = 3, chain = 2, leather = 1 maybe?

You left out Hide, which is the a big armor selection for Strikers. If the armor is resisting weapon damage only than it might make for a good feat power; such as an encounter power with a Sustain addition.

could be argued from a role playing view that the npc's wouldn't know in advance that their damage would be reduced so they wouldn't know if attacking the defender was a good idea or not...

They'd know because the Defender just did it to them. Nearly every Striker and Defender has to somehow designate their target ahead of time and that isn't a subtle element. Something knows when it's Cursed, or Quarried, or Marked, or Oathed, and it can respond accordingly.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:49:17 PM by Tadanori Oyama »


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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2010, 05:06:25 PM »
They'd know because the Defender just did it to them. Nearly every Striker and Defender has to somehow designate their target ahead of time and that isn't a subtle element. Something knows when it's Cursed, or Quarried, or Marked, or Oathed, and it can respond accordingly.

I think we are miss comunicating on this point, though I am in a hurry and might just be miss reading what your saying.  My ideas was that the player would choose each round to do this action, its completely theirs, and effects no one else, though if you hit them it does reduce the amount of damage you do.  For example, if your attacking a ghost that takes half damage, you don't 'know' your only doing half damage, you just hit and do normal damage, the GM only records half as he knows.  I understand in RL we like to discuss this point so both parties are halfing their damage, but from the characters point of view they don't know it...

I hope that makes some sense :*)



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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2010, 05:50:58 PM »
Instead of a rule, maybe you could take an existing approach.  This sounds a lot like a utility power, a stance in particular.  Maybe something like

Daily , stance
you must he in heavy armor

While in this stance, reduce your damage by X.  You gain DR Y while in this stance.  You can end this stance as a free action.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: D&D 4.0 - Interesting house rule idea, defenders and Damage Reduction
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2010, 06:01:23 PM »
Instead of a rule, maybe you could take an existing approach.  This sounds a lot like a utility power, a stance in particular.  Maybe something like

Daily , stance
you must he in heavy armor

While in this stance, reduce your damage by X.  You gain DR Y while in this stance.  You can end this stance as a free action.

That would work. Maybe make it a Skill Power based off of Endurance.