While I am known as a player who will take some sort of action to move the plot along, I can't say for sure that it's a helpful impulse to most GMs. I will occasionally do things that are completely bugfuck crazy or, at the very least, counterproductive if it goes along with my character's proclivities and inclinations, whatever they may be. For example, I once turned what should have been a simple scene in which the party was being transported to a prison cell under armed guard into a two-hour long gun battle through a vast underground complex because I figured my character would rather go down shooting than let himself be dragged off to Technocracy jail and reprogrammed. Luckily, the rest of the group was willing to go along with my insane escape attempt, and we somehow managed to wipe out a ton of crunchy guards without getting killed.
As a player, I tend to make things happen--sometimes good things, and sometimes rather unfortunate things--but if I see a GM struggling to get something across, I'll usually help him or her out with it. Still, I don't feel that necessarily means I've got the Gamer Superego merit because I've also been known to buck the story if it doesn't jibe with my character's motivations. I'm never a dick about it though; if my character has a problem with a particular storyline, I try to say yes in a way that shows I'd really prefer not to.