Author Topic: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)  (Read 10552 times)


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Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:21:16 PM »
My wife and our friends have been wanting me to run a game for them for the last few weeks.  I'm more a RPG listener than a RPG player, but I have had some ideas floating around.

My favorite RPPR APs have been the Wushu games.  They were out of left field and still on my ipod so I can listen to them.  So I'm going to try out that system.

Similar to the RPPR's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1988, everyone plays a cartoon character.  As a team, they have to form a resistance and fight back the invading army of anime characters that are tired of seeing Toontown sprawl and grow while they lived cramped on a bunch of islands.  They wake up to a full out invasion.

I'm creating eight or nine different "levels" the players characters can go to and fight back certain villains.  They obviously won't do all the levels, but I want to give them some choices.  The goals are simple for the levels.  They need to defeat the NPCs to keep the anime characters from destroying a certain arsenal or from securing a mcguffin.

I'm going to post my layout and plans, if that's ok.  If not, someone just delete my post or whatever.

Feedback and ideas graciously accepted.

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Re: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 09:35:50 PM »
[This is my initial idea]

The lands of Toontown have always had a shakey peace with the United Nations of Anime in the East.  For decades, the UNA have looked on Toontown's large expanses of land from their tiny islands with a desire to make them their own.  However, the Sealab Accord signed by the two nations have kept things civil between the two of them in recent years.  A sense of friendship has been fostered, allowing toons and anime to travel and work freely in the two nations.

It is the start of the day in Toontown as the characters go along their day to day jobs off screen.

   [Intro Encounters to get players used to rolling/etc]

Suddenly the sky darkens and the town goes quiet.  Looking up, you see hundreds of airships in the air over Toontown; an armada stretching as far back as the Western Horizon.  From the jumping off points of the ships, parachuting down, are thousands of Mobile Suits.  The machines land and manuever quickly to surround Toontown and it's outlying areas.  All roads, airways, and shipping routes are soon blocked off.  Any travel is suspended in what is now UNA occupied territory.
   [Gamer Reaction]
Apparently, the UNA force has a poor handle on Toontown's defensive systems, as the Army of Toontown begins a counterassault on the invaders.  G.I. Joe, Toontown's primary defensive organization, begins attacking the Mobile Suits surrounding Toontown, Big Town, and Suburbia.  As the invaders are pushed back, you see a fleet of Personel Carriers roll in to the town, and the Joes start packing anyone and everyone they can inside them before leaving.  You all waste no time running towards the last remaining APC and joining in on the exodus.

After what seems like hours of being bumped about and knocked into other toons in the crowded APC, the carrier opens and you all find yourselves ushered out to a large, apparently underground military base.  Soldiers and fighters rush about you, prepping for battle and reinforcements.  A sudden flash of light and rush of wind blinds you all briefly as what you all assume was the Justice League mobilizing to fight back the larger parts of the UNA Armada.  A teenage boy [Tucker from Danny Phantom] leads you away from the APCs as they speed off to collect more refugees, and you all are walked farther inside the base.  He stops occasionally at certain doors, checking his computer, and ushering characters inside before moving the group along.  Eventually, it is down to just you all as he comes to a door and says, “Please step inside.  He'll be with you shortly.”

The door opens, and what appears to be a small boy walks in.  You can see he is as serious as he is bald.  He scans the room and yourselves before giving a situation report.
      [Numbah One's Scene detailing the PCs draft into the resistance.  Also, he explains that Toontown's most powerful characters, like Superman, are busy fighting the Gundams in space to keep a space colony from being dropped on Toontown.  Also, he details that by using Raven's magic and Mighty Max's dimension jumping hat, the team can be deployed and collected from anywhere in Toontown]
      [Round 1.  PCs pick a mission]

         Big Town
   The teams teleports in to see the MIB HQ under seige by a platoon of Mobile Suits.  Black suited agents are using their interstellar arsenal to keep the UNA from taking the builing.  Two toons stand out amongst the suits, front and center at the front line.  One is a large, commanding man in a space suit, proudly emblazoned with the Star Command crest [Buzz Lightyear].  The other is a small girl, possibly not even in high school, in a pink and white uniform that singles her out as a Galactic Guardian [Atomic Betty].  Both are seemingly doing more damage than the fast dwindling MIB agents, firing their lasers at the oncoming hord.  Buzz doesn't even turn to you and says, “Are you going to stand there, or are you going to help?”

[A round or two of fighting back the mobile suits]

The platoon suddenly pulls back, and a cheer is heard though the beseiged building.  But this is short lived as a large, coffin like structure drops from the sky and lands in Big Town.  The crypt opens, and a 20 foot tall abomination of science emerges.  The Robeast begins tearing town not just MIB, but the nearby Galaxy High School and most of Big Town.

            Win:  MIB HQ is saved and the Alien Armory is intact
            Lose:  MIB HQ and armory is destroyed

         Dexter's Lab

The teleportation effect dissapates around you and for a moment you think you are at the wrong location.  You are standing on top of a building looking out at an expansive metal city.  You realize though that the buildings are actually large machines and other pieces of lab equipment.  Under the sky of flourescent lighting, you hear explosions nearby and you run towards the danger.

You run up to two middle school boys [Dexter and Mandark], arguing with each other as they are fighting off a mass of zombie like creatures.  You hear the tallest one saying, “How could I know it wasn't her?  She looked just like her!”  The shortest one responds with, “I don't even know why I let YOU in here!”

“Boys?” A little girl [Helouise] you swear wasn't there a second ago, but you find it hard to explain how you missed her large mace. “Let's survive the zombies before we decide to maim each other!!”

            Fight:  Envy, Kimblee, & Soldier Zombies
            Item: XJ-9 and Science Arsenal

         The Kingdoms

You appear from the teleport in a beautiful grassy meadow.  In the distance, over the rolling hills, you see not one castle, but multiple castles dotting the landscape surrounding you.  From the gates of all the castles, roadways snake away, through th countryside, into a large forest located in the middle of the grasslands.  There are no animals.  No people.  No sounds at all, really.

As you are looking around for a hint of invaders, you hear a buzzing sound coming from the forest, almost to quiet to hear.  The noise begins to grow somewhere in the forest.

Into the woods you go, and by following the buzzing, you notice the roads from the castles merging together in the direction you are going.  You push on and reach the crossroads.  In the center of the roadway, you see a sword sticking out of a simple stone monument.  Standing in front of it is a strange sight.  It looks like a yeti, or a greyish gorilla with a large black cauldron.

            Fight:  Naraku
            Item:  Sword in the Stone (which is the key magic item of the land)

Round 2

You step out of the teleport into a land in complete physical chaos.  The sky is black and lightning is running untamed acros the sky as if it has never been allowed to play about.  You see a town nearby ungulfed in flames.  You run into the town to help get things under control, only to find out that things are.  You see horses, pegusi, and unicorns running around and using whatever means they have to put out the flames, although some ponies are having to rush behind one flyer to put out even more fires she's making.  One pony in a cowboy hat stops and drops the bucket she's holding in her mouth and says, “We got this.  But the desperadoes that did this are making a bee-line for the palace!”

You are pointed in the right direction and rush off, making it to the palace in little time.  Horses in armor are scattered around the entrance of the palace.  From the ransacking noises you here inside you rush right in.  You see what looks like a snake, a floating grey cloud, and a giant cat digging around like they are looking for something.

            Fight:  Team Rocket w/ pokemon
            Item: Discord statue (PCs will be tricked into thinking they are there to save the Elements of Harmony)


You land in Suburbia, located on the outskirts of Big Town.  Two story homes, well trimmed lawns, trash cans neatly set near the road, and one house that looks like it has exploded.  You come up to a crowd of neighbors at the destroyed house, all holding lawn tools and other mob related weapons.  A small smoking fire is dying in the front yard.  You push through the crowd to investigate and find out that it's a charred corpse of a small child.  Nearby is a pink hat.  A crashing noise is heard from the remains of the house and you see a man with dark blue hair and a strange whit trenchcoat.  He looks at you with dead eyes and says, “Kill them.”  The mob moves towards you.

            Fight: Legato Bluesummers with Controlled Neighbors
            Item: Cosmo & Wanda

         Cobra Island

You teleport into the worst situation imaginable:  Combra Commander's throne room.  You are obviously surrounded by red and blue uniformed soldiers, as well as what looks like roadies for a Motorhead tour.  Cobra Commander screams, “INTRUDERSSS!” and before you can even explain yourselves, the lasers begin firing.

            Fight:  Dreadnoks & Cobra
            Item:  The Weather Dominator  (Lupin III Steals)


This is the Warehouse District of Toontown, where all the movie companies store their unneeded props and equipment.  It's had to imagine why the UNA would want anything here.  In one of the neaby buildings you hear the tell tale signs of someone who has no clue where they are in the dark.  As you sneak inside, you hear three seperate voices, engrossed in two subjects; whatever they are looking for and their mother.

            Fight:  Viscious (sword), Kadaj(sword), Loz(stun), and Yazoo(gun)
            Item:  The Dip

         South Park

You land in front of the Town Hall in the small mountain town of South Park.  The town is in complete chaos as the construction paper looking people are in mass panic.  What is apparently the town's one cop isn't helping as he fires blindly into the riots.  Bodies of townsfolk are everywhere.  You gingerly step over a little boy in a orange coat and move out.  You come across a strange sight.  A child dressed in black holding a sword, but it's almost as if the sword is holding the child.  He ragdolls around as the sword slices into people left and right.

            Fight: Krona w/ Ragnarok
            Item: Butters (Medusa kidnaps)

   Final Encouter: Destruction of The Pitt

You return to the Pitt for a new briefing with Numbah One to try to figure out what the UNA is after from the details of the last few
encounters.  As you study all the incoming reports a large explosion hits the base, bringing down a large section of the exterior walls.

As you rush outside, past some of the base's vehicles and construction equipment, you see a teenager standing in a large crater.  He wears jeans, a white tank top, and has could be described as a torn red cape around him.  He turns, and you see his right arm is horribly mangled, and is more or less a mass of flesh and wires.  As he get's his bearings from the initial attack, the air around him
begins to crackle with energy and bit of rubble begin to float up from the ground.

         Fight 1:  Tetsuo
                        Fight 2:  Devastator
                        Fight 3:  The merged bodies of Tetsuo and Devastator

End Flavortext

What the players try to do in Round 1 is keep the defenses of Toontown up be securing the Science and Magic weapons.  Round 2 has the players fighting to keep items and characters that can warp reality for falling into enemy hands.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 03:23:36 PM by travisbmartin »
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Re: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 01:00:09 AM »
I once ran a similar game, except it was 80s/90s cartoons (when the best cartoons were anyway), and Overlord Barbie ruled the world from her Malibu Dream Deathfortress with her general Osama Bear Laden (a Care Bear with an AK47).

If you want more mechanics than Wushu (like if you want to make it into an extended kinda campaign), you might try taking a look at Cartoon Action Hour, or maybe Wild Talents, or OVA (Open Versatile Anime RPG).

To at least differentiate between the 2 forces, I'd probably suggest leaving out anime-inspired cartoons like Teen Titans, Avatar, etc, or maybe making it a mission to recruit them to your side before they join with the others. (maybe go all Water Baron fucked up political)

and some general cartoon suggestions:
Air transport/dogfights - Tale Spin (the Sea Duck is awesome) +Launchpad in the ThunderQuack [toon] vs. Sky Crawlers or Last Exile [anime]
Stealth Ops - Rescue Rangers


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Re: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 12:22:27 PM »
I'm planning on extending it, assuming they like playing it.  I think Chapter 2 will be set in the Anime Nations, and the characters will play anime characters fighting off a Doolittle Raid from Toontown.  Chapter 3 is to conclude it all, using Adult themed characters for a conclusion (Dr. Tran, Carl from Aqua Teen, Stan Smith, etc.)

I've had to toss a bunch of ideas to the side because I fear the players won't know too many 80s cartoons.  I wanted a space level featuring Sky Vault from The Centurions and I realized no one knew what that show was.  Someone mentioned it would be fun trying to play Don Karnage, but I never thought to use the Tailspin world as a setting.
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Re: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2012, 03:24:53 PM »
Finished up adding all the starting descriptions of the missions.  We play tomorrow, so I'll try to break down what happens later on.
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Re: Assault on Toontown idea (Wushu)
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2012, 06:47:02 PM »
Cool! Sounds like you have a good set up for the game. Hope you have a blast.