Author Topic: Character Naming conventions  (Read 8490 times)

Flawless P

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Character Naming conventions
« on: September 30, 2010, 06:56:57 PM »
Inspiration for this thread can be found here.

I don't know how many of you can make up random character names off the top of your head but I am terrible at it. I used to sit in front of whatever game I was playing FOREVER trying to think of suitable names for my characters, hell I have a character I've been playing on and off for a year and he still doesn't have an offcial name(Currently he is called Dagon). That is until one day I picked a few names that would be my go-to names.

I have

James Porter

Used in
City of Heroes
My first ever DnD Character
Baludrs Gate
Mutants and Masterminds (based after my CoH character)

Markus Battlin is another name I am fond of for Rogue type characters.

Rebecca Porter
Diablo II (Sorc named Becky)
City of Heroes

Am I the only one who reuses old names?

Also, post some character names here so we can shamelessly steal them for NPC names.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 07:03:09 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Character Naming conventions
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2010, 09:14:34 PM »
Reginald MacNamara has appeared twice in RPPR one shots (not recorded) and died both times. The first time he was eaten by a meat puppet controlled by an undead leather tanner. The second time he was eaten by zombies.
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Re: Character Naming conventions
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 10:33:03 AM »
We all hate when our players constantly ask 'what's his name?' in our games, right? I had one new player who would do this particularly often; one of my roommates. Now, he would be walking down the street and he would see some random citizen.
Him: *Points* "What's his name?"
Me: "You don't know."
Him: "I go over and ask him."
Me: "He says he is tired from his long day at work and wants to be left alone."
Him: "I continue to bug him."
Him: "What about females?"
Me: "Kirbette."

Keep in mind that he has probably asked the name of at least fifteen or so of random NPCs; not even important ones, either. Just random passer-bys on the street. I finally snapped. I stayed true to my word, though. Every NPC was named either Kirby or Kirbette, with the exception of special npcs (que in 'Oh, it isn't named Kirby, it must be a boss!').

I then followed by making a Orc Barbarian/fighter who had a 15 in Int (Purposely chose Barbarian as first level and paid the 2 skill points for literacy, even though you can auto gain it when you multi into Fighter). His dream was to make a Mercenary group, and his name was Kirby (in homage to the NPCs from the aforementioned game).

tl;dr Kirby.
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Flawless P

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Re: Character Naming conventions
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2010, 12:20:00 PM »
William Pierce is one my friend uses for a lot of his PC's
along with Jax Traylen (I always though it was Jack Straylen)

Some names from my group
Rurik Stonesplitter
Brothgar Stonesplitter
Maelstryx was a Centaur Monster of Legend (very evil)
Stonewall Jackson
Zackery Nickson Johnson
Darren Hardwick
Raunt Flameus
Eid Annog
Vyse Rogue
Alexandria Croteu
Roth and Roth 2.0(Roth was a human, Roth 2.0 was an Android with the humans soul in it.)
Chet Awesomelaser of the Awesomelaser Awesomelasers, subsidary of Awesomelaser Incorporated(This one was a joke DnD campaign we did where he stole the name Chet Awesomelaser from the WoTC AP's and then turned him into a very funny character.)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 05:20:29 PM by Flawless P »
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Re: Character Naming conventions
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 10:04:34 PM »
The only name I tend to re-use is 'Dargan Blackblood', and I only ever re-use for games set in the Warhammer universe, and always for Dwarf characters.

Regardless of time, location or what ends up happening to the character, I just like imagining all these different 'Dargan Blackbloods' as variants on the same character at different stages in his life.
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