Hello all.
Wanted to introduce myself on here.
I'm Jen, 30 years old, engaged, nerdy girl. I live out here on the east coast in RI. I need to find a good gaming group over here.
General crafter of various nerdy things. Sewing, making dice jewelry, painting minis, sculpting, needle-felting, making props for the LARP I am in (I'm Head of Props for our chapter, I make all sorts of crazy stuff with MacGyver like skills).
Been into table top gaming since high school. Been plaing video games since the Commodore 64, for those of you that don't know what that is it's really fricken old!

I've played a variety of table top games, played Advanced D&D and mostly got started for real on 3.0. I have been learning more about other systems and have played GURPS, Shadowrun, Mutants and Masterminds, and probably a few others I can't remember at the moment. I LARP, been doing it for over 10 years now, wow, it's weird to type that out. Part of Alliance LARP NJ.
My fiance gave me a few of your pod casts to listen to one day and well I've been completely hooked ever since! Been listening to the New World campaign and I am loving it, it's funny to realize how old it is when movies and such are mentioned, but some days at work it's the only thing that keeps me from having a mental breakdown.
I love being able to listen to you all since I don't have a lot of free time to play these days it lets me get my nerdiness in the day and still get work done.
Well that's enough about me. I think I just got my fiance to realize he needs to get on here and actually talk to people and introduce himself too.
