Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 581497 times)


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #345 on: September 03, 2014, 05:28:32 PM »
Hi everybody, I'm Ethan from Columbia, Missouri (Ethan C. is my normal commentator name on the AP and Episode posts; I'm Trinite most places on the internet).

I think I discovered RPPR sometime around Episode 69 -- pertinent, since I was hoping to start running a little Call of Cthulhu at the time. And so I jumped on over to the Actual Play site to listen to some sessions. Started with Lover in the Ice...and was hooked.

Later on I discovered that the RPPR guys are fellow Missourians, which is cool. Then I met Ross and Caleb at Fear the Con 7 in St. Louis this summer, which was also cool.

RPG-wise, I'm running a long-term Pathfinder campaign for about 6 friends -- with work schedules, we're lucky to play once a month -- and running Call of Cthulhu scenarios whenever I can get folks together for them. I'd really like to run Base Raiders and Eclipse Phase sometime.

Oh, I'm a librarian by profession.
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #346 on: September 03, 2014, 08:27:43 PM »
BTW I will post the CoC game you ran at Fear the Con, as a one shot. I think the current schedule of one shots will be:

Tom's game of Accursed
Kerberos Club: The Grandfather Paradox
Your game
A one shot of Wield


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #347 on: September 04, 2014, 01:28:01 PM »
Sweet! That'll hopefully give me time to run it for most of my friends before it goes up.
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #348 on: November 01, 2014, 10:03:41 PM »
Hello everyone, I am Tristan from Ohio.  I've listened to RPPR since the start of their No Evil campaign, but have just got up the presence of mind to actually join the forums.  I've only played a few systems once or twice, and the most common one I've played is the Fallout Equestria homebrewed system.  I'm soon going to be GMing my first game (Better Angels, doing the Good the Bad and the Hunky and then running No Soul Left Behind when that comes out if they like it.)  Otherwise I'm just here to have fun and talk with fellow RPG fans.
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #349 on: November 05, 2014, 06:40:15 AM »
They will like it


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #350 on: February 22, 2015, 10:09:06 PM »
Hello all! I'm Thomas from the U.S.A, and I got into the podcast while randomly searching around on iTunes for some new podcast to listen to. I think the first one I listened to was either the Call of Cathulhu or the Isle of Doctor Oak. After that I listened to the Better Angels campaign, and I've been enjoying the RPPR antics ever since. Hopefully one day I'll get a chance to try out some of the games the guys have done over the years, especially Eclipse Phase, Base Raiders, and Better Angels.  Wouldn't mind giving Call of Cthulhu a chance too if I can.
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #351 on: February 23, 2015, 06:33:01 PM »
Looks like I’ve made five dozen posts here without introducing myself.  I guess that was a bit rude, so:

Hi, I’m Bryan (that's me in the avatar), I’m 41 years old and I’m an Architectural Technologist (aka draftsman)  in Ottawa, Ontario, the capital of Canada.

I started playing rpgs in ’84 or ’85 when my friends and I played a lot of AD&D and a little Champions & Robotech; I was also introduced to wargaming by way of OGRE & Car Wars at that time.  I had a hiatus from gaming during my highschool years, but got back into rpgs, wargames, comics, etc. between highschool & college in the mid-90’s.  Since then I’ve played (off the top of my head) AD&D 2e, Shadowrun, CoC, Bushido, Heavy Gear (mostly the wargame), Jovian Chronicles (mostly the wargame), D&D 3.x & a bunch of d20 derivatives, LUG Trek, Mega Traveller, GURPS, WFRP 2e, Legend of the Five Rings, Marvel Universe rpg (the one with the stones), LUG Dune, Fading Suns, Feng Shui, Deadlands, Metabarons, Exalted, Artesia, Vampire, Scion, D&D 4e, Dark Heresy…

I'm on a bit of an rpg hiatus again now, but I still play occasionally, and I’m wargaming as well.  I heard about RPPR while listening to the Unspeakable! Podcast, so here I am…
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 08:54:15 AM by CADmonkey »
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    • LauraBWrites
Re: Introduction
« Reply #352 on: February 26, 2015, 05:22:43 PM »
Hi all

I'm Laura, a cataloging librarian by profession, and with any luck, about to start actually playing in a ShadowRun game. Now that we've actually managed to have 2 sessions and finish building characters. This is what happens with someone who's completely new to RPGs, a baby, and two folks playing insanely complicated characters (a hacker and a rigger). I'm also in a 2nd ed. DnD campaign (completely bored - the GM doesn't do plot) and really hoping a local GM starts doing some EclipsePhase one-shots soon since the interested folks' schedules are too convoluted for regularly scheduled sessions and thus a campaign.

Mostly I lurk.
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #353 on: February 26, 2015, 09:02:08 PM »
Glad you could join us. Eclipse Phase really is the knee's bees. I kind of want to pick up Shadow run but I doubt I could get the rest of our group interested in learning its very complex system.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #354 on: February 27, 2015, 11:32:38 AM »
Hi all

I'm Laura, a cataloging librarian by profession, and with any luck, about to start actually playing in a ShadowRun game. Now that we've actually managed to have 2 sessions and finish building characters. This is what happens with someone who's completely new to RPGs, a baby, and two folks playing insanely complicated characters (a hacker and a rigger). I'm also in a 2nd ed. DnD campaign (completely bored - the GM doesn't do plot) and really hoping a local GM starts doing some EclipsePhase one-shots soon since the interested folks' schedules are too convoluted for regularly scheduled sessions and thus a campaign.

Mostly I lurk.

Hey, cataloging librarian! I'm a tech services librarian. Pleased to meet you!

My if-I-won-the-lottery geek dream would be to create and run a research library of RPG and gaming materials. The whole RPG publishing industry could really use some dedicated preservation and curation.
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    • LauraBWrites
Re: Introduction
« Reply #355 on: March 01, 2015, 07:22:26 AM »
Glad you could join us. Eclipse Phase really is the knee's bees. I kind of want to pick up Shadow run but I doubt I could get the rest of our group interested in learning its very complex system.
Thank you!

If only I could find a regular game for Eclipse Phase - my usual GM is currently in the throws of 'new parent' so not so much with learning new systems right now. Even though he really does want to pick up Eclipse Phase at some point.  This is actually my ShadowRun GM - he actually bans new players to the system from playing a magic user, hacker or rigger their first campaign. Those three types use a system within a system, so that way new folks only need to learn the general system first go. On the plus side, easier on the player. On the negative side, if everyone is new, that's going to limit the kind of runs a group can do. Also on the down side (for the entire system, in my opinion) is the complexity of the rules the GM just keeps in his head, in order to keep track of the opposition.

Also, I think I would pay good money to listen to Caleb in a ShadowRun game, the twisty, crafty gentleman. Actually, I'd pay more money to watch/listen to Caleb game with my partner going up against my GM. The lot of the twisty machiavellian ... folk. Let's just put it this way: in a random game at a con, I checked with that GM that red actually meant bad, green good in a color coding system. Because that is the level of assumption that my GM will fuck me over for. In addition to every crazy complication he throws at us.

Hey, cataloging librarian! I'm a tech services librarian. Pleased to meet you!

My if-I-won-the-lottery geek dream would be to create and run a research library of RPG and gaming materials. The whole RPG publishing industry could really use some dedicated preservation and curation.

Hello fellow tech services librarian! Please to meet another one of us on the internet (not on AutoCat)!
Given that Kansas University has the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction (, that could already be out there. Very poorly advertised, but out there ;D  I think it'd be really cool if that library could get buy-in from the industry to be a deposit library like the British library - one copy of everything published automatically given to the library. Other than the same inevitable problem of running out of room, like the British library...
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Re: Introduction
« Reply #356 on: March 04, 2015, 03:10:57 PM »
Hey all.  I have only posted once but I've been going through and making comments (as KenR) on old AP episodes.  I've recently become hooked on the APs - in particular, for CoC and ToC adventures, it's fun to listen through and see what crazy things the players do, then read the whole scenario, then maybe run it for other people.  Listening to you guys run through Better Angels and other systems has also given me some ideas on how to streamline my own games.  Mostly it's just fun though.

I'm running Dungeon World and Monsters and Other Childish Things right now (with a Team Rocket from Pokemon theme to it).  I'm hoping to throw in some more investigative games once the Dungeon World game wraps up.

Anyways, I am a grad student in biology, hopefully getting near the end of my time in school.  I also like to cook and brew up beer to drink during game nights.  I have too many cats.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #357 on: March 04, 2015, 04:56:12 PM »
RPPR Listener traits:

>Grad school


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #358 on: March 04, 2015, 09:00:44 PM »
RPPR Listener traits:

>Grad school

I only have beer  :(

Except I have beer so  :D


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #359 on: March 04, 2015, 10:16:51 PM »
That takes priority.  8)