It's just so much fun that I can't stop!
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello?
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: how are you?
Stranger: good n u?
You: not so good
You: my wife left me tonight
Stranger: wow. im sorry
Stranger: y?
You: not your fault
You: unless you're the cheating bastard she was fucking
You: *nervous laughter*
Stranger: um
Stranger: no lol
You: *suspicious glance*
Stranger: not a dude
You: ha
You: asl
Stranger: 22/f/ga
You: Georgia!
You: Are you a Georgia peach?
Stranger: oh yes lol
You: got a boyfriend?
Stranger: no
You: why not?
Stranger: dont want one
You: good choice
You: we're nothing but troubl
You: trouble
Stranger: i know. been there. done that.
You: what are you doing tonight?
Stranger: nothing just chillin
You: other than the wife leaving me . . . I am doing the same
Stranger: lol
You: this is no jk
Stranger: ok
You: she was not jking when she left me
You: no jk there. no sir
Stranger: whyd she leave u?
You: she was fucking some guy behind my back
Stranger: ohh u shouldve left her then
You: I thought I could make it work
You: can I ask you a question?
Stranger: what
You: why are all women whores?
Stranger: theyre nor
Stranger: *not
You: then why do they all cheat on me?
Stranger: can i ask u a question?
You: sure
Stranger: why are all men selfish pricks? maybe ur one and thats why they cheat
You: I'm not selfish though
Stranger: oh but ur a prick? thats good...
You: when she was really sick, I quit school so I could pay for her medical bills
You: I'm not a prick either
Stranger: sorry u wasted your money
You: yeah. I should have just let her die
Stranger: well thats a little harsh...u shouldve just let her take care of her own shit
You: do you think she cheated on me because I have an eye patch?
Stranger: oh.....what do u look like and how old r u?
You: I am 57 years old. 6'8" 190lbs
Stranger: why do u have an eye patch?
You: I was in Iraq and I had a really bad accident
You: my gun misfired and shrapnel went right into my eye
Stranger: how old is she?
Stranger: oh no, im sorry
You: she is 19
Stranger: UM
You: I mean, I bought her fair and square!
Stranger: dude shes 19. youre 57. theres your problem.
Stranger: u bought her?
Stranger: dude wtf is ur deal?
You: isn't age only a number?
Stranger: um no
Stranger: where the fuck did u buy her?
You: um . . . from Thailand. duh. LOL!
Stranger: okay. so maybe its for the best she left u cuz thats pretty sick and disturbing
You: it's legal over there
You: the law is in the eye of the beholder
Stranger: who cares?
You: get it? because I have one eye!
Stranger: um law is the law dude. and moral are morals. apparently u dont have any
You: well, at least I am not a cheating whore
Stranger: um ur a disgusting pig that buys 19 year olds
You: at least I stayed true to my sweet, sweet Mei Mei
You: no. I am a loving husband that has lost his wife
Stranger: im glad she left
Stranger: she probably didnt even love u
You: you know what really makes me mad though?
Stranger: what
You: and I swear to God I am not even JKing about this
You: It pisses me off she left me for a fucking Mexican
You: those fucking Spick bastards took my job and now they took my wife
Stranger: as long as shes with someone SHE wants to be with and not with someone who bought her like a piece of fucking furniture
You: I bought like she was EXPENSIVE furniture though
You: really nice furniture that would make me dinner and finger my ass as she gave me a blow job
Stranger: okay go find a real woman not someone to buy. obviously u cant get someone real thats why u gotta buy them
Stranger: ur a pervert
You: well, not too expensive due to the fact she had so many scars when I bought her
You: do you think it's because of the eye patch?
You: is that why I can't get women?
Stranger: yeah probably cuz she got beat to shit cuz shes forced to be bought cuz dumb assholes like u
Stranger: no its not cuz of ur fucking eye patch, its probably because ur a disgusting pervery
Stranger: *pervert
You: no. she was beaten because she was a prostitute and all whores should be beaten and as we established before . . . all women are whores
You: I think it's because of the eye patch. I have a glass eye. Maybe I can put that in
You: Do you think that will work?
4Stranger: yeah its cuz ur fucking ugly
Stranger: and ur fucking eyeless. thats gross as fuck
Stranger: i wouldnt go near some shit like that
You: I lost my eye while at war!
You: I'm a patriot and a hero!
Stranger: who gives a shit its still fucking gross
You: It's gross that I lost my eye while fighting for your freedom of speech?
Stranger: yes
You: Well, if that is so, then I am a gross mother fucker
Stranger: and u guys arent fighting for our freedom. ur fighting for iraqs freedom. get it right.
You: no no no no no no!
Stranger: yes yes yes
You: Iraq took our freedoms and I helped win them back!
Stranger: um no they didnt
Stranger: ur delusiounal
You: That's why we're there. They took all of our freedoms and I had to kill all of those godless bastards to get them back
You: U
You: S
You: A
You: Y
You: um
You: U
You: S
You: A