Author Topic: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)  (Read 70526 times)


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Re: Skype game. Monday 7/26
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2010, 07:59:37 PM »
Derik  Johansen

Derik grew up in a densely populated urban city, where city officials made sure to line their pockets with the community’s money while the taxpayers lived in squalor.  His home was situated in a neighborhood between three rivaling gangs, with drug dealers slinging dope on every other corner.  The sound of gunfire or people screaming no longer made him jump - it made him angry.   After years of watching his friends fall into drugs, prostitution, or outright killed from the game, it occurred to Derik that the system wasn’t working.  The police couldn’t save him, and listening to the politicians and pastors only filled him with a sense of dread.  With no one else to turn to for help, he decided to become the person to fix his neighborhood.

By tapping a resource, which social workers and law enforcement rarely had access, Derik began to see a change in his neighborhood.  He knew the dealers, he knew their families, and he knew what they needed.  He spoke with the girlfriends, the boyfriends, the mothers, the fathers, the sons, and the daughters.  He found ways to help them find a different source of revenue other than hitting the streets.  He even formed his own non-profit business that assisted in providing food for the impoverished.  During this time, he knew that his neighborhood was only a small piece of the large puzzle.  He majored in business, hoping to break the system from the inside.

If there’s a rally or riot, Derik’s going to be there.  His trademark photo with a red bandana covering the lower part of his face always making it on the news.

The Good Soldier
Derik Johansen

PL:  (90pp)

Abilities: STR: (10) +0 DEX: (16) +3 CON: (12) +1 INT: (14) +2 WIS: (12) +1 CHA: (18) +4

Skills: Acrobatics 8[4], Bluff 16[12], Climb 0, Computers 2, Concentration 1, Craft 2, Diplomacy 16[12], Disable Device 2, Disguise 8[4], Drive 3, Escape Artist 7[4], Gather Information 12[8], Handle Animal 4, Intimidate 8[4], Investigate 2, Knowledge, Language, Medicine 1, Notice 9[8[, Perform 8[4], Pilot 3, Profession, Ride 3, Search 10[8], Sense Motive 9[8], Sleight of Hand 7[4], Stealth 11[8], Survival 1, Swim 0

Feats: Combat Feats 5: (Evasion +2, Dodge Bonus +2, Uncanny Dodge) Fortune Feats 3: (Inspire (+2), Leadership) General Feats 1: (Teamwork +1) Skill Feats 2: (Connected, Taunt)


Base Attack And Defense: +2 Base Attack Bonus and +4 Base Defense Bonus

Combat: Attack +2 (List Individual Attack Bonus’s here) Defense +6 (-- Flat-footed, --etc.) Init +3

Saves: Toughness +2(+1) Fortitude +4(+3) Reflex +5(+2) Will +3(+2)  

Abilities 22 + Skills 22 (88 Ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers -- + Combat 12 + Saves 8 - Drawbacks 0 = 75pp's
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 08:43:15 PM by Alexander »


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Re: Skype game. Monday 7/26
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2010, 10:28:50 PM »
Skype game was something on an intro game. But it was a success. It looks like we are going to play the same characters and continue the story on thursday, possibly making this a regular thing. There is room for another player or two.

I'll be adding the characters powers and posting a link to the recording sometime later tonight. Off to the gym.
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Re: Skype game. Monday 7/26
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2010, 11:47:00 PM »
RJ, please let me sign up for this.  I'll have a character by tomorrow regardless (I should brush up on my M&M anyway).

EDIT: I made a character.  


Jefferson grew up in a normal suburb with normal parents in the middle of Mediocrity, America.  Boring.  School was a breeze; he never had to take any tests, he'd just bullshit his way out of them and impress the teachers so much with his "knowledge" they gave him near perfect marks.  About the only reason he even went was the joy he gained from being student council president and, eventually, practically running the school district (kids still thank him for helping to get rid of those godawful school uniforms).  As soon as he was at university, he quickly worked his way up the ladder of his local fraternity chapter (to more than a few people's resentment), which in turn gave this business major first grab at the Veritas Industries internship slot reserved only for such distinguished fraternity brothers as himself.  As an (to put it nicely) ambitious young man, it only makes sense to take this stepping stone.

Jefferson Wilfred Lott

PL: 7 (90/105)

Abilities: STR: 12(1) DEX: 14(2) CON: 12(1) INT: 18(4) WIS: 18(4) CHA: 20(5)

Skills: Acrobatics 0(2), Bluff 12(17), Climb 0(1), Computers 4(8 ), Concentration 0(4), Craft 0(4), Diplomacy 12(17), Disable Device 2(6), Disguise 2(7), Drive 4(6), Escape Artist 0(2), Gather Information 6(11), Handle Animal 0(5), Intimidate 12(17), Investigate 4(8 ), Knowledge(Politics) 8(12), Knowledge(Pop Culture) 4(8 ), Knowledge(History) 4(8 ), Knowledge(Theology &Philosophy) 8(12), Language (), Medicine 0(4), Notice 8(12), Perform 0(5), Pilot 2(4), Profession 0(4), Ride 0(2), Search 6(10), Sense Motive 12(16), Sleight of Hand 2(4), Stealth 0(2), Survival 0(4), Swim 0(1)

Feats: Combat Feats: Fortune Feats: Leadership General Feats : Ambidexterity, Eidetic Memory Skill Feats : Attractive(3), Connected, Contacts, Fascinate(Bluff)

Base Attack And Defense: 2 Base Attack Bonus and 2 Base Defense Bonus

Combat: Attack - Ranged(4), Melee(3) Defense - Defense(3), Flat Footed(2) Init - (2)

Saves: Toughness 3(4) Fortitude 2(3) Reflex 2(4) Will 4(8 )
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 02:35:00 AM by Sean-o-tron »


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Re: Skype game. Monday 7/26
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2010, 02:47:34 AM »
It appears Sean-O-Tron will be joining us.



(bludgeons Navi to death) Seriously though, here it is:
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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2010, 02:33:33 PM »
Is there a particular day that you think you're going to be running this per week? I like your GM style, and I'm interested if it turns out I can spare the evenings that you're planning to run.


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2010, 02:42:30 PM »
I can probably make Thursdays if you are willing to take me (I know that would bump you to 5?).  I would probably make a physicist if that fits in (it would almost let me live a little vicariously through my character :P).  I'm about halfway through the recording and I'll roll up a character this afternoon if you have an extra spot...


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2010, 02:45:35 PM »
I think if both mckma and I join, it'd be 6 right?


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2010, 02:48:13 PM »
I think if both mckma and I join, it'd be 6 right?

Oops, missed your post, yes it would, if that's too many, I was last on, so I'd be happy to just listen to the recordings.


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2010, 03:04:11 PM »
I think if both mckma and I join, it'd be 6 right?

Oops, missed your post, yes it would, if that's too many, I was last on, so I'd be happy to just listen to the recordings.

No problem. If it turns out Arje is running on a day I'm busy, I won't be able to play anyway.


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2010, 03:34:10 PM »
we probably won't have a regular day. our next meeting is this thursday though.

you are both able to join in. Get me characters soon! SOON!
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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2010, 03:45:53 PM »
we probably won't have a regular day. our next meeting is this thursday though.

you are both able to join in. Get me characters soon! SOON!

Will be done this afternoon.  I take it you will give us powers as if we had rolled characters before.  What should we do as far as backstory (i.e. should we write them up to the internship, or what)?


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2010, 05:20:56 PM »
we probably won't have a regular day. our next meeting is this thursday though.

you are both able to join in. Get me characters soon! SOON!

Will be done this afternoon.  I take it you will give us powers as if we had rolled characters before.  What should we do as far as backstory (i.e. should we write them up to the internship, or what)?

Yeah, i'll be giving you your powers. Your character lives in a world where there are no powers. They should be build just like they were awesome normals.

Backstory goes just up the internship.
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Re: Skype game. Monday 7/26
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2010, 05:47:19 PM »
Jonathan (John) Andrews

John constantly feels that if he can get "just that one last piece," he will be able to make the next big discovery.  Unfortunately, this "last piece" is often along the lines of an MRI machine to take apart at best, or unfettered access to the LHC at worst.  A packrat in every sense of the word, he keeps anything that "might be useful."  Fascinated with everything and how it all works, he continuousely seeks knowledge and understanding.  As a young child growing up in a Californian suburb, he quickly grew bored with the monotony of suburban life and discovered video games as an interesting escape.  He has since developed this into an absurd habit, trying to play almost every game, "just to see it."  Incredibly intelligent, but somewhat lazy, he decided not to speed through schooling, instead using his free time to learn other "more interesting" things, or to take additional classes.  He spends his spare time in three activities, reading/learning, playing video games, or tinkering and building devices.  Though he is mainly interested in physics and the possibilities of "sci-fi" technology, he figured that working for one of the worlds leading firms, regardless of the fact it was mainly medicine, would allow him access to technology to pursue research in physics on the side.  He values knowledge and in many ways hoards it, believing it to be the most valuable commodity on the planet.  When applying for the internship, he carefully looked at any clauses that gave up intellectual or research property, already beginning to plan around those so that he wouldn't have to give up any discoveries.  When it comes to any fights, he prefers to fight with his mind, not his body, dodging and weaving, either to tire out the opponent or eventually use the environment or opponent against themselves.

PL: 7 (70/105)

Abilities: STR: 8 (-1), DEX: 16 (+3), CON: 11 (-), INT: 22 (+6), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 10 (-)

Skills: Computers +7 (13), Craft (Electronic) +5 (11), Craft (Mechanical) +5 (11), Disable Device +5 (11), Drive +5 (8 ), Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +12 (18), Knowledge (Technology) +12 (18), Medicine +4 (6), Notice +2 (4), Sleight of Hand +9 (12)
Languages: English, German, Japanese

Feats: Ambidexterity, Evasion (2), Improved Initiative, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-Of-All-Trades, Master Plan, Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft Mechanical, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand)

Base Attack and Defense: Attack +2, Defense +6

Combat: Attack Bonus - +2 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +1, Grapple: +?), Defense +9 (+6 flatfooted) Initiative +7

Saves: Tough: ?, Fort: +2(2), Ref: +2(5), Will: +4(6)

Abilities 21 + Skills 17 (68 ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 0 + Combat 16 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 70

Not sure on some of the values, will look through the book more to figure out (only second character I've made, so if you see glaring errors, please let me know).

6ft "psychic-sonar-blindsense"
Moving objects with mind
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 09:41:06 PM by Mckma »


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2010, 05:05:02 PM »
Did you say you were starting at 7 CST?


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Re: Vox Ut Verum (Skype game)
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2010, 05:41:57 PM »
Yes indeedy.
My new goal in life is to play D&D with Judi Dench