The first campaign I ever played of DnD was in the OA setting, I didn't really like the classes I was faced with picking between so I asked for special permission to make a Paladin and after hearing my idea for intergration the DM allowed it.
It was my first go so he is not terribly fleshed out, but I do have some basics.
Human Paladin turned Gray Guard after seeing a Samurai clan leader turn corrupt and violent over a love affair.
I have a running in character debate going with my friend who plays a samurai about loyalty to a church vs. loyalty to a clan
my point being clan leadership changes but my deity is a constant source of leadership to me.
Anyway, I want some other peoples input on how to play this character that would be fun for me as well as a good way to play off the fact that his perception of the world is vastly different than most of those around him dealing with a European attitude in a Japanese inspired land.
Oh and yes I have been in many arguments/honorable duels because of my ignorance to japanese culture.