Author Topic: Begin character creation!  (Read 53848 times)


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2010, 10:12:36 PM »
Bleh, I would rather not create a whole new skill for psionics. Since it's so important in Dark Sun, I would argue that psionic power encompasses multiple fields: Arcana, Nature, Perception and even Endurance would factor in to using and understanding psionics.
1. It's naturally-occuring, IE, an inborn power. Namely, an adaptation by the organisms that possess it to the world around them. Understanding the natural environment helps understand how and why creatures, sentient and otherwise, have psionic powers.
2. Psionics manipulates reality, alters the underlying "weave" of existence. Obviously, specialized training in the form of Arcana helps contribute to an understanding of The Way.
3. You probably won't understand what the hell is going on, but people on Athas are familiar enough with psionics to recognize it as such when it is manifested.
4. Moreso than any other magic, psionics is completely reliant on the physical and mental fortitude of the caster to properly wield it. It does originate solely from their minds, after all.
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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2010, 10:21:24 PM »
So should I drop the ritual caster or make standard skill checks?


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2010, 10:25:20 PM »
Just keep Ritual Caster. I was just arguing against creating a new skill to encompass psionics. I will prohibit you from using religion-based rituals unless you learn them from a high-ranking templar or sorcerer king, though. And you probably won't get any of the more "benevolent" rituals (IE, Raise Dead) anyways.
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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2010, 10:46:08 PM »
Can I take Wild Talent Master (Benefit: You gain three wild talent powers)?  If so, do I only get two additional (since I already have one), and if you want to roll for the allowed number would you do so?


EDIT:  Character is basically done, just have to make few last minute adjustments based on your setting allowances (I'm assuming the "Purify Water" ritual is not allowed).  Unfortunately/fortunately the great 4th Ed spreadsheet hasn't been updated for Dark Sun or Psionic Power (both of which I've pulled from), so I'll have to fill out one by hand, which I think I'll do tomorrow or much later this evening and then pass on...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 10:58:51 PM by Mckma »


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2010, 10:56:46 PM »
what he can't be serious

oh dear god it is a feat o_O

Looks like I gotta do some more reading. Let it never be said that I am infallible.

Fuck it, you get the following three additional Wild Talents:
4 - Mental Tools
9 - Telekinetic Grasp
7 - Psionic Spark (AWESOME)
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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2010, 11:00:59 PM »
what he can't be serious

oh dear god it is a feat o_O

Looks like I gotta do some more reading. Let it never be said that I am infallible.

Fuck it, you get the following three additional Wild Talents:
4 - Mental Tools
9 - Telekinetic Grasp
7 - Psionic Spark (AWESOME)

Oh, I'm going to have to do some more work potentially since that gives me some abilities that I was banking on class abilities for (namely mental tools).  But I'm tired right now, so I think I'll hold off until later.  Character will be up for sure in finality tomorrow though (sorry it took longer than I thought it would)...


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2010, 02:53:12 AM »
Just posted the character on the Templar Archives. I will write up a back-story in the morning and post it there too.

I built the character by hand, but I double and triple checked the sheet to make sure it was legal. Either ways, you might want to give it a look to be sure that everything is correct.


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #37 on: August 26, 2010, 03:12:11 AM »
Just posted the character on the Templar Archives. I will write up a back-story in the morning and post it there too.

I built the character by hand, but I double and triple checked the sheet to make sure it was legal. Either ways, you might want to give it a look to be sure that everything is correct.

I saw the sheet you used, is that a template that you can fill in fields with?  Or did you just do that yourself?  I have mine actually filled in in handwriting, but I figured if I could type it up it might be clearer (though to be fair I think my handwriting isn't that bad)...


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2010, 09:20:19 AM »
I've decided to drop out of this game.


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2010, 12:23:11 PM »
Just posted the character on the Templar Archives. I will write up a back-story in the morning and post it there too.

I built the character by hand, but I double and triple checked the sheet to make sure it was legal. Either ways, you might want to give it a look to be sure that everything is correct.

I saw the sheet you used, is that a template that you can fill in fields with?  Or did you just do that yourself?  I have mine actually filled in in handwriting, but I figured if I could type it up it might be clearer (though to be fair I think my handwriting isn't that bad)...

I couldn't find a fill-in character sheet, so I printed out a character sheet as a PDF and edited the text. I used Foxit Phantom, which has a 30-day trial.

If anyone wants me to type up their character sheet in a similar fashion, you can email it to me.



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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #40 on: August 26, 2010, 11:21:45 PM »
Sorry to hear that, Ryo.

I dig the characters, people. You all have given me tons of potential plot points... and ideas for antagonists >:) Once siriq posts his character, we'll get started.
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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #41 on: August 27, 2010, 12:02:45 PM »
character will be up by the end of the day with backstory


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2010, 09:28:47 PM »
Siriq, if you're still up for this game, I need your character sheet by tomorrow night. Otherwise, I will have to attempt to find more players. Or maybe we can work with three, I dunno.
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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2010, 01:29:22 AM »
So, will the game start soon? Siriq hasn't posted his character sheet yet and according to his profile he was last active August 27.

Maybe we could start, or get more players. But right now the game is looking stalled.


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Re: Begin character creation!
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2010, 05:47:44 PM »
Yeah, it does look that way.  I'd still love to play, the game looks like it could be really fun.