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General Category => General Chaos => : Mason March 21, 2009, 11:13:10 PM

: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Mason March 21, 2009, 11:13:10 PM
Recently Resident Evil 5 has come under some controversy. some people belive the game is racist because your killing black zombies. Now the point that some try to make is that these zombies represent how people feel about black people and that by putting them in a game like this it sends the message that its okay to kill black people. This demonices the black people and to add insult to injury who do you have kill the zombies? Chirs Redfield, a white hero.

Now honestly I dont know what kinda of ethical acrobatics someone had to go through to make that connection but lets face it zombies are of all shapes and colors and need to be killed equally. Now can't we all just get a long and curb stomp a grub?
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Tadanori Oyama March 22, 2009, 03:24:34 PM
It doesn't seem to be intentionlly so. The lead characters don't seem to be have any particular malice towards the enemies. They don't display any real pity either.

As a friend of mine pointed out, if the game is anything it's not about skin color but national affiliation. The reason that alot of crap is happening in some places in the world is an end result of World War 2 and the "nation building" that resulted. New nations where formed in places that weren't used to them and lines where drawn without regard to cultural history. Ethnic divisions were generally ignored, forcing people who had been enemies for lifetimes to share a country. Shit in Africa has been horrible for years, in alot of places.

So, no I don't think it's racist. I am not offended by it. I could see how someone might be. I'm still playing it, of course; I love killing zombies!
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Maze March 23, 2009, 02:18:58 AM
Zombies of all race, creed and color deserves a bullet to the brain...oh, you just said that... well, I second that thought.

The game does have some racially insensitive material, simply due to historical baggage that people might or might not have. Being white and raised in a fairly inclusive community, I'm fairly oblivious to the less blatant examples of perceived racism anyway, so what do I know. A zombie's a zombie.

Resident Evil 6 will probably have a level in a maternity ward where you shoot pregnant zombie women and zombie newborns. That'll go well with the media.
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: dragonshaos March 23, 2009, 02:45:20 AM
What about in Call of Duty: World at War with their Nazi Zombie level?  No one seemed to complain about that.  It's a little off topic yes but your shooting German after evil zombie German.  Is RE 5 why not just use the excuse that your killing off the zombies, who happen to be African, in the 'bad, evil dictatorship' of Africa.  I'm sure my opinion is flawed but for an excuse it works in my head.
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Maze March 23, 2009, 10:46:12 AM
What colors are the zombies in Left 4 Dead anyway? (Which I always play as Louis, because he's awesome.)
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Mason March 24, 2009, 08:14:02 PM
mostly white I believe.
: Re: Resident Evil 5 Racist?
: Tadanori Oyama March 25, 2009, 12:13:14 PM
They are primarily American, I believe. Their skin color is a grey or white color (the literal color of white, as in white washed, not pink). Their individual backgrounds are more difficult to determine what with the insane rage and flesh tearing.