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Messages - The Lost Carol

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RPGs / Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« on: April 04, 2016, 12:05:05 AM »
BTW, our links are down due to the Community AP Podcasts being shut down (hopefully not forever, but still a reality.) We're working on a solution in making our own site. Should be up within a week or two, and I'll post the new links. Sorry for any delays, but this has been quite a crazy few weeks, especially for Ross. Glad it seems we're behind the worst of it.

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: April 03, 2016, 09:26:43 AM »
Stardew Valley has been my shit. I've owned it for about a month and have almost 40 hours in, about to go to year 2. It's just so good. There's the farm sim, yes, but there's also relationships, full bore dungeon crawling... It lives up to the hype. Heartily recommended.

RPGs / Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:13:33 PM »

The finale was a blast. I wrote it such that they could have stealthed it... but no one had stealth. Once they got to the roof, I felt ending the campaign with Combat Negotiation was the right choice.

The inspiration for the campaign came from two sources; trinite's write up of Jeff's City as an Enclave, and one of my favorite B-52's songs, 'Legal Tender'. Using an economic crisis as the meta plot just feels natural to Red Markets.

After playing an 18 session campaign, while the rules will change for the final game, Red Markets stood up. It was a lot of fun to play and GM. While I made some mistakes (some bigger than others,) it was never the system's fault.

We will continue to play and post. We're gonna do trinite's Civil War scenarios before starting an EP campaign, and maybe a college hack of Monsterhearts. I really lucked out when I made the post to do a forum goer campaign. Alethea, Trinite, and smalltowncinema are excellent players and people, whom I'm glad to count as friends. Thanks again to Caleb; I can't wait to hold the book in my hands.

And you. Thanks for listening / reading along. In the immortal words of Jane Lynch "If you had half as much fun as I did, then I had twice as much fun as you." B-52's, roll the end credits!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

RPGs / Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« on: March 15, 2016, 01:38:56 PM »
Series Finale! Hit the music!

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

As our heroes entered the Truman Building, a failed stealth check meant they had to run into a side room to duck away from the patrols. Pixie 'luckily' found the torture - I mean, interrogation room, and self control checks were made. After the patrol left they ascended to the floor they estimated the printers were on.

In the DMV, they noticed that there were cameras overlooking the floor. Freebird went to look and scope out the room... only to crit fail his sneak check on the way back, walking right through the cameras. They had moments to act, and used a pincer tactic to take the patrol hostage. After that though, the rest of the crew came down, meaning combat started.

Again with much limb favoring, our heroes and the DHQS took out the guards. They did find the printer room, and used Freebird's C4 to blow it, only for the DHQS agent to have failed his initial explosives check. Once they ended combat by taking everyone hostage after sufficient damage, they reset the C4 and after destroying the printers (and taking some Bounty,) our heroes called in the helicopter and made a break for the roof.

However, Carnavan and the security force were outside waiting for them, meaning we had one last negotiation phase. On the final roll of the campaign, Pixie crit succeeded the second to last round while revealing that the Bounty printing scheme was putting not just their Enclave but the whole nation at risk. Enraged, his own security force went Brutus on his ass, ending Carnavan in an ultraviolent revolution as The Reformers fled to the wall.

The chopper landed in Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio, a former VIP airport turned military base. After reviewing and signing the NDAs, which were airtight contracts ensuring that they could say nothing about their time in the Loss other than it was 'In a bunker with occasional trips out, and were found by the Heroic DHQS (C)', the Reformers and Anton (who was picked up outside of Jeff's City,) were taken to the Cleveland Clinic to ensure they were Blight free.

Anton obviously failed, and was given two choices, to go to Put In Bay, an island in Lake Erie (with lax security) or to become a DHQS agent. He opted for the freedom of being a DHQS agent, and left Bruno in Pixie's care as he was about to be a daddy.

The Reformers were given their families and their plane tickets, and made their goodbyes.

Elder and Jesse flew to Baja California, Mexico, safe but fully in the Cartels' control. Elder reunited in his family, and 'retired' into social work, ending with Elder and Jesse enjoying authentic Carnitas.

Freebird and Davion stayed on Cleveland, opening up his pool hall / gun shop. As father and son grew and enjoyed their peace, we leave them in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, at the Lynard Skynard exhibit, 'Freebird' playing in the background.

Pixie, Sarge, Eliza, Sheba, and Bruno flew to DC, where after meeting Pixie's parents, Sarge looked after the puppy raising business while Pixie was left back in school, enjoying the droning on of a biology professor.

As the sun sets on the once United States of America, a military man took over Jeff's City, leaving it's fate uncertain. But the Four Seasons is thriving, and our heroes retired in comfort, after surviving -


There's one and a half days left, but you can get what appears to be a fairly huge set of Pathfinder PDFs and a starter set for what seems to be a good price on Humble Bundle. I've never played and RPPR hasn't really talked about it, but that's so many books it seems worth a shot, plus the beginner box has some physical books and a reusable grid map (which means it's perfect for Caleb!) There's also a Pathfinder comic bundle that has some physical merch in the form of minis.

RPGs / Re: Red Markets Beta Listener Campaign: The Reformers
« on: March 04, 2016, 01:23:00 PM »
Episode 3 is live!

My (personal) apologies for the delay on the finale. My car broke down last Thursday and my mother had surgery this week and I'm helping take care of her. Shit happens. Depending on her needs we should be good for the finale next week. Trinite ran what sounded like a bitchin' COC game last night.

Also, alethea has been talking about her projects and also talks about her perspective on our games, both as a player and writer. Check it out!

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: March 04, 2016, 01:11:34 PM »
Kinda surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but Baby Bestiary Vol. 2 (with a reprint of Vol. 1) is up on Kickstarter. 4 more days and needs $3000 more.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Dan's Patreon Ptolus Campaign
« on: February 26, 2016, 11:56:17 PM »
Well, I suppose it depends on how much you want to split the level divide, if Elana is gonna have more levels of Bard of Warlock. Since we're RPPR fans, I'd say Eldritch, but if those options are the only three, perhaps Fae is the better one.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Dan's Patreon Ptolus Campaign
« on: February 26, 2016, 01:15:40 PM »

I did pick from the tables; it's a little too random for random rolls. After Dan approves my character sheet I presume we can post them here or in the Google Drive. My focus is to use the picks or rolls as touchstones for the overall character.


That's more a Ross / Dan question, but if what I think is correct our campaign will either take the third slot of the Patreon games or will be run at Dan's leisure when he's available and he can get enough PCs. Regardless of methodology, the episodes stream live on the RPPR YouTube channel, and if you're a backer it isn't impossible the you could get a slot as a silent 'live studio audience.'

Since Tom has spent literal months of his life playing Skyrim, I'd like to hear him do an in character AP from start to finish as an Argonian. (Or, in Dante Must Die mode, as a normal, non-werewolf or non-vampire human.)

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Dan's Patreon Ptolus Campaign
« on: February 24, 2016, 09:47:41 PM »
This campaign's gonna be crazy. I love it already.

My character is Wraqrin "Freezer" Turnuroth, a NG Dragonborn Sorcerer.

Is he called the Freezer because of his ice magic or because of his chilly stare?

One of the things in the 5th Ed book about naming Dragonborn is that they're supposed to have a nickname that is used by their fellow friends and siblings as a term of endearment. Since Wraqrin is a Silver dragon he has ice breath. I imagine an incident where he froze someone or something and it's an incident that he never lived down, so he uses that as his nickname. He'll let you use it once you get to know him.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Dan's Patreon Ptolus Campaign
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:07:38 AM »
This campaign's gonna be crazy. I love it already.

My character is Wraqrin "Freezer" Turnuroth, a NG Dragonborn Sorcerer. He's a leader in the Brotherhood of Redemption, an order of monks who seek to turn evil creatures into good ones by giving them the chance to repent. Whereas most of the other factions in the city are either filled with evil souls or planning dark things, the Brotherhood is what it says on the tin, though due to an advantageous marriage they get roped into helping out everyone anyway. Wraqrin truly buys into the Brotherhood's ways; he was saved from certain death by a Brotherhood member as a hatchling, and eventually became good friends with his would be killer after he changed his ways. As he strives for self-improvement, he finds himself roped into the schemes of his fellow citizens of Ptolus...

(My character sheet is almost done; just gotta pick a magical item, then I'll get it to Dan.)

"Here's your sympathy monster"

That's good hustle. A+ work as always, Review Cultist.

RPGs / Re: Hacking Red Market question.
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:56:47 PM »
Between how my players have been handling their final mission in the Beta Campaign and listening to the Drunk and Ugly's mini-campaign with the Leverage system, I think the Profit System could easily be used in a heist style game. All of the skills are pretty commiserate with the skills you'd need, and the d10x2 dice mechanics could work well. References and Dependents help flesh out the stuff outside the heist, and the system can let you go quiet or go live.

Just think, Ross: you could license the Profit System from Caleb and license the Payday IP from Overkill and make a Payday Role Playing Game  ;D ;D ;D

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