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Messages - SashaKemper

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Re: Eclipse Phase
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:50:50 AM »
I remember there being a discussion, either on the forums, or maybe a sheet on the resource page, discussing various neural damage. One of them was blindness.

Edit: Here we are, by Mr. Anders Sandberg himself:

Cortical blindness

The occipital lobe has been profoundly damaged or corrupted, not only
preventing vision but making it impossible to restore easily. The person
is blind regardless of the morph. Sometimes “blindsight” can remain if
subcortical systems such as the superior colliculus are undamaged: the
person can avoid some obstacles, catch thrown objects or make
surprisingly accurate guesses about their surroundings. Psychosurgery
can often enhance this to a degree, making the person blind for conscious
information but relatively able to move and function.

I've read the same PDF, as well as his Think Before Asking scenario. Brilliant man. This blindness could be attributed to a botched Egocasting, as any number of things could go wrong and it's realistic for non-elites to just have to deal with it at their destination. It should have occurred before the character entered Firewall, as their constant back-ups would make it easy to restore his sight (think copy-paste). At severely close ranges (within arm's reach?) the negative modifiers would probably be negated, as other senses take over to "see" for the most part. Their muse would be able to feed AR and mesh data (mail, rep scores, etc.) but hacking would be a stretch without full VR, and even then, the cortical blindness would affect how he would experience VR simulations, I'm sure.

General Chaos / Re: RPPR Minecraft Thread
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:41:03 AM »
I'd like to join if Tekkit is an option. MC name is that same, SashaKemper.

I agree that not everyone looked exactly as my mental image depicted them, except Thad, and maybe Aaron. Certainly unconventional means of running a game though.

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