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Messages - Phelanar

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Because Gleemax was freaking broken as often as it was working. Login problems, downed servers, broken code, and other issues just didn't make people want to put up with it. If it had worked the way it was supposed to, it could have been a nice resource. As it stands, got to find gamers through old fashioned game store notes,, and all those other sorts of places.

RPGs / Re: Why do you game?
« on: May 03, 2009, 04:31:13 PM »
There was nothing finesse about this guy at all. He'd get offered a job and say "okay" without asking what it was we were doing, what we were delivering, where we were delivering it to. This happened about 4 times. The fact that the GM encouraged this behavior and smacked down the other characters who were (understandably) unhappy with this practice didn't help matters any. He practically creamed himself at the thought of carrying spice like Han Solo did and he kept trying to do a Kessel Run as well (even when our ship was so bad that trying the run would have gotten us killed). His first reaction into running into someone is to ask them for a job or shoot them with his super tweaked out heavy pistol. He didn't have jets (nor a Vette), but that's just because the GM wouldn't let him have one.

He was our pilot, yet didn't want to learn vehicle combat stuff or any of the other rules, for that matter. He had to be walked through nearly every action he did, even though this was basically d20 and not exactly rocket science. So when he went back to WoW, I was not unhappy.

RPGs / Re: Wil Wheaton loves 4e!
« on: May 03, 2009, 04:14:46 PM »
The problem is one that even Wil admits. He was a wish fulfillment character for Gene Roddenberry and a lot of the early writing for him was absolutely atrocious. It's true, that once they started writing Wesley better and TNG got better in general that Wesley was a much better character, but by then a lot of people already didn't like him.

RPGs / Re: Share your Best Prop Story
« on: May 03, 2009, 05:33:58 AM »
Best props...used to be in a D&D game with someone who was in a pottery class. At the DM's request, she made small props for the game on occasion. The coolest was a couple of small coins that were part of a puzzle that we were needing to solve. I don't remember a lot of the details at this point, but we had to use the coins to translate something.

RPGs / Re: Wil Wheaton loves 4e!
« on: May 03, 2009, 05:13:01 AM »
I agree that he was fun to listen to in the PA/PvP podcasts and I hope they include him in future ones. Wil Wheaton turned out surprisingly well considering how many of us grew up wanting to push Wesley Crusher into a man-sized blender feet first.

RPGs / Re: Why do you game?
« on: May 03, 2009, 05:11:34 AM »
I game because I enjoy the idea of a group of people using some dice and their minds to entertain themselves. Unfortunately I must be the only one because WoW destroyed my fucking gaming group.

Strangely, about half of my Star Wars (and Shadowrun, since there's now 100% overlap) groups are recovered MMO addicts, though a couple of them still dabble a small bit. The one remaining serious WoW player eventually quit the Star Wars game because of very thin reasons that basically amounted to he wasn't getting enough WoW time. Good riddance to him, I said. He was pretty lazy and kind of a jerk and I hated seeing him slavishly try and recreate the bastard love child of Han Solo and Boba Fett anyway.

What I'd run (and will run, as soon as I find other players and have time), is D&D and 4th Ed specifically. None of the gamers I play with now like D&D at all. In fact, most make a point of bashing D&D on a regular basis and they especially hate 4e (though I find it ironic that most of them love Saga Edition Star Wars while hating D&D4e). So, while I do like all these people and they are my friends, I can't run D&D with them. Almost any other game I'd think about running (In Nomine, Cthulhutech, Call of Cthulhu, etc), they'd be great for. But I want some fragging D&D, damn it.

I've played and beaten both of the PA games. I enjoyed the hell out of both of them and can't wait for the third one. Love the sense of humor in them, even if sometimes combat is kind of annoying. Relies a bit too much on split-second timing and it could be better if it a lot more forgiving. The second game is a little better than the first in this regard, but still.

RPGs / Re: Why do you game?
« on: April 27, 2009, 08:44:36 PM »
I game for a lot of reasons. For fun is the obvious one, but I can break things down farther than that. I play some games just to let out steam, maybe be a bit of a jerk, and relieve stress by way of doing horrible horrible things to NPCs and sometimes taking their stuff. Gods know that my Shadowrun game turns out to be that way most weeks. For other games, it's a creative outlet where I get to use my imagination and think of cool and awesome things to do and become. I also play games for the social aspect. Let's just say that I'm not good at getting out and interacting people because of medical/mental health issues and roleplaying is a good way for me to get out of the house, interact with people, make friends, and do fun things.

General Chaos / Re: Happy Zombie Jesus Day
« on: April 12, 2009, 05:36:33 PM »
All the zombie talk makes me want to work on that D&D module I've been writing off and on.

RPGs / Re: Who's trying new games?
« on: April 12, 2009, 05:32:04 PM »
I'm not sure what games I'd like to give a try, even if I weren't pretty full up on gaming right now.

I'd like to play in a d20 Dark*Matter game. I have, somehow, never played a d20 game that wasn't D&D. Kind of odd now that I think about it. Anyway, I love Dark*Matter and think it would be an awesome game to play.

I'd really like to play Mutants and Masterminds. I have a Ninja Iron Man concept I want to play with that's been in my head for ages and I haven't gotten to roll with it.

I'd kind of like to play Scion, as well. I picked up Scion: Hero when it was offered as a free PDF a while ago, but only read through it last month and I thought it was pretty interesting. I'm not exactly hardcore jonesing to play it, but I wouldn't mind.

I've been told that I might like SLA Industries, but I know almost nothing about it. So maybe I could look into that as well.

RPGs / How do you handle player suggestions/requests?
« on: March 29, 2009, 05:05:42 PM »
As per the usual, I have an ulterior motive for asking this, but I figure it's a good general RPG question to ask and get opinions on. When you're GMing a game, how do you handle player requests or suggestions that come from players? Not just things like item/equipment wishlists, but anything else. Plotlines, encounters, scenarios, house rules, whatever. Not just in the positive (things that they want to see), but the negative (things they don't want to see anymore). Do you lean towards taking them vitally important or not very important at all? Do you work in everything when possible or cherry pick what to add to the game? What do you do when something someone wants contradicts what someone else wants?

When I GM, I tend to treat player suggestions/requests as fairly important. It helps me guide a game more towards what everybody likes to see or at least what they don't like to see. I rarely take everything exactly as requested though. At the very least, it keeps players more on their toes if they don't know quite what to expect. Also helps to avoid conflict between what different players want or when it doesn't gel with my own plans.

It's only my opinion, but I can't say as I'd find that a hell of a lot of fun as a campaign concept.

General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: March 29, 2009, 05:25:25 AM »
I just bought 4th ed. Players Handbook 2 for 50% off at Planet Comicon! WOOT!

The general response from everyone I told at the con was "I hate 4th ed."

My response was, "Well, you don't play it with my group."

That's brilliant. I really am kind of tired of all the 4e bashing. People don't like it, fine. Gods knows it's not for everybody and not perfect at all. But the dead horse doesn't need more beating. 

General Chaos / Re: User titles
« on: March 29, 2009, 05:23:05 AM »
I was kind of wondering about what the thresholds were, if they weren't just custom assigned.

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