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Messages - dragonshaos

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General Chaos / Re: Screen name history
« on: April 03, 2009, 03:32:05 PM »
My name is about 11 years old.  Im 19 btw.  When i first happened across the internet I was doing kid stuff, Neopets for example (when it wasn't all kids crap and before they whored themselves out to merchandising).  Back then I had my little console game names, usually Shadow cause I thought I was being original (damn you internets!).  When creating my profile name for neopets, I was trying to make it Dragonshadows (I love dragons...), but I typed it so fast it came up as Dragonshaos, which as far as I can tell is a name that hasn't been used 16 years (I googled it   :P).

So for the past 11 years (roughly) Ive been using Dragonshaos as my core alias on the internet.  All my profiles are named this.  I usually name my characters in games Shaos because it's not even a word (but some electronic company online has it i think) and it has a kewl ring to it when pronounced right.  Shae-ohs

It started as a mistake but quickly grew on me when I realized I had a unique name of sorts for myself (I was like 8, so meh).  So thats the quick history behind my name.

RPGs / Re: A tad bit of help with my Campaign please.
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:36:39 AM »
Session cancelled.
Not enough people can make it of course...
Just gives me more time to plan I guess...

RPGs / Re: A tad bit of help with my Campaign please.
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:23:47 PM »
.../wrist  :'(

RPGs / Re: A tad bit of help with my Campaign please.
« on: April 02, 2009, 08:40:29 PM »
Alright, I think I'm going to have my first session of my campaign this Saturday.  im nervous, feels like there's a lot not done but Saturday is a good day to have it.  If anyone has any last tips or ideas for it please let me know.  Thanks!

My bad, i suck at math  >.<
All fixed

Throkar was a simple Orc.  A simple Orc with simple needs.  He likes eating, getting angry, fighting, and his job.  His job is a simple job.  He's an en-vest-tee-gator.  Throkar knows this means he looks for things.  Big things and little things at these cryme-seenz.  He writes down the things he sees in his little book, and then reads what he writes to a loy-errr.  Sometimes Throkar get to keep some of the things he find at da cryme-seenz.  Throkar like what he told is Ev-eee-dance.  Throkar also like yelling, fighting things, and then eating what he fights.  Throkar likes meat.  And Throkar like little aminals.  Specially da cute and fuzzy ones.  Throkar sometimes make little aminals splode in red.  Makes Throkar angry, then Throkar punch!  Make Throkar more angry so Throkar punch More!

Yelling (2)
Find Stuff  (3)
Fightin'  (4)
Aminal Buddyship  (1)

Quick question, do I make up my own cliches?

Ill read over the Risus rules when I get a chance but I'd like to participate!  As a detective!

General Chaos / Re: 5 Best Video Game RPGs
« on: March 31, 2009, 03:59:51 PM »
My random favorites
Ogre Battle 64(My first rpg, Im holding onto my n64 just in case I find this game again)
Final Fantasy Tactics PSP (Never owned a ps1 and too late when i got a ps2 to play)
Morrowind for the Xbox was fun, until i got it for the PC then i just edited everything to my favor.
Does the original Pokemon count?  if so Blue and Red Version.
Mass Effect was entertaining.
Final Fantasy X
([Cause people say I look like Auron when I cover my lower face; the samurai guy] FUCK BLITZBALL!)
Golden Sun for the Gameboy SP, both 1&2 (never beat 1)
That's all I got for now.

RPGs / Re: A Study in the Logic of Gaming
« on: March 30, 2009, 05:03:18 PM »
In a one shot zombie game I played with 2 of my players, one of the players decided that he would kill off the people in his fort who had weapons so he would have them all and thus fight off the zombies.  He didn't manage to kill the other survivors due to the survivors grabbing him and throwing him out a window where he fell squarely on top of a section of zombies that had been outside the base for a few days now.

In a separate zombie scenario, my 2 players had a house on a hill which was barricaded from the street, where of course zombies waited.  I added in a small dog that was supposed to give them a fun factor of sorts and let the players get creative with what the dog can do.  The dog managed to climb up the hill and get into the players very bare house (it had like a table, 2 chairs and a few canned goods, everything else was used to barricade).  However, I played a game with the players and dog and made it where the players didn't know what it was, but it was inside the house.  I pretty much described to them that it was a dog and it was hungry and tired and what not, But they believes it was a zombie dog!  They immediately went outside and burned down the house so they would be safe.  Afterward the barricade on the street collapsed due to a rockslide.  Their logic: 'Burn the house so we'll be safe from the zombie.  Then!  Find another house.  Somewhere.'

RPGs / Base of Operations
« on: March 30, 2009, 03:19:17 AM »
It appears in most games Ive seen/played/hosted, but players always seem to make themselves a Base of Operations.  Id like to get opinions as to how everyone deals with this idea.  Should the players have a place they can store the crap they've collected over the course of the session and use it as a place of planning...stuff.  Or do a lot of GM's just not allow players to do this, due to whatever reason.  And by Base of Operations i mean a house where they killed the owners or a cave they killed some bears in, along those lines, not a Hotel room they rent out or something.

I myself will allow a base of operations as long as I know the players will be in the area for a long enough time.  They seem to always want to make every house the base, after they've killed the owners, or make a phone booth their 'ammo dump' in some games, even going as far to kicking a hobo out of his 'house' so they could store things there.  Not even useful things.  Just things.

RPGs / Re: How do you handle player suggestions/requests?
« on: March 30, 2009, 03:06:38 AM »
That is SAD. You might wanna try to ease them into roleplaying and if that fails, punish them for metagaming or something. Basically the answer to my e-mail in the last episode.

Oh god have I made progress with them.  Now that we're actually playing a structured game with rules I'm going to be more strict.  They've come pretty far from when we first started, not even knowing what a roleplay was.  The musician thought he had to role play with a robot voice and tone for his elves.  I don't know why...

But my group has gotten a lot better.  They act things out now, they're beginning to understand that what they know isn't what their characters know, etc etc.  So I think over some more time I'll have a group of players im not embarrassed of.

but yeah, the metagaming thing, Im working on it with them.  Ive had some talks and discussions for awhile with them explaining what it was and what they were doing and they're genuinely sorry for it.  So punishment has been something Ive begun to do, it's cut it back quite alot.

RPGs / Re: How do you handle player suggestions/requests?
« on: March 29, 2009, 05:46:13 PM »
Ill try to add in to an extent what they want.  usually in past games the players comments are along the lines of 'omg that one part where we did X and then X happedn to X and we were like XXXXXX and XXXX' or 'I hate much' (jokingly on that second part)

I like to add just a bit of everything into an adventure and see how players react to different parts, and work off those parts more and keep mental notes as to what each one likes and seems to dislike.  After game comments are very useful to this too.

My players are: 1. The powergamer/metagamer, 2. The Just Watches girl, 3. He who attempts to role play metagamer, 4. The Idiotic, argues w/ me about everything, ADHD musician who would rather role play himself playing an instrument than fight guy, or fight them with musical instruments (like a flute, just a regular flute), and 5. The nerd who actually knows what he's doing.

In game I can deal with them all NP whatsoever, Im friends with them all in RL.  But I know just what each of them wants, so I tend to lightly season my meal of a session with different spices each players likes, having them experience each flavor and tending to want more of theirs, which represent the roleplay aspects, the planning of plans, the fighting, etc.

RPGs / Re: A tad bit of help with my Campaign please.
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:29:59 AM »
The slaves themselves come from small villages and towns from across the land, a few taken here and there, secretly so as not to arouse suspicion.  Most of the slaves are just that though, slaves.  Bought and traded, eventually ending up here.  This will give the players the main community of their village, people who want to stay and settle out of harms way of the whip and beatings.  But the ones who came from families and had lives want to return to them.  This way after the town has grown enough supplies and can live on it's own peacefully for now in the valley, these npc's that had lives will gather what they can, and leave.  This will be when the players themselves leave the village, after all their work is done and they are not needed.  The village community will encourage that the players go out and make a name for themselves in other towns as they did in this one.

This takes care of the villagers and families as stated earlier.

I'm using the maze layout now in hopes that if it works out great, if not, I have another entire dungeon layout using a random dungeon generator I can use for the floors below.  In future games I plan to use more structured dungeons bu for now the Maze seemed fun.

I can see guards joining in with the slaves.  Ill have a unique Npc try to get the players to talk to a room barricaded by guards.  If it works the guards will join up, if not, fighting will ensure.  The players can try this a few times.

But OK...I think Ive got this first session, as hectic as its been, just about done.  Just gotta make the unique Npcs and add the magics with the encounters and presto!   A headache!   ::)

RPGs / Re: Question or two about DnD 4 ed.
« on: March 27, 2009, 11:12:36 PM »
Well I wanted to know if actually Naming the items was normal.  Like if most people just refer to it as 'Bow +5' or  by it's name such as 'Bow of Additional Piercings'.

And btw, what are these +1/2/3/4/5/6 enhancement?  I'm assuming they are the bonuses you add to the appropriate category (AC, defenses, and/or attack and damage rolls) for the enchantment.  Such as a frost dagger has a +1 lvl3 enchantment to attack and damage rolls.  Do I apply +1 to attack and damage rolls?

Im pretty sure I do, but I just want to check first.

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