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Messages - Flawless P

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RPGs / Re: M&M 3e question
« on: March 02, 2014, 10:43:52 PM »
Although it bears mentioning that Age of Masks was written using M&M 2e.

As for the D20 mechanic its mindlessly simple. Roll a D20 add/subtract modifiers to meet or exceed target number.

I suppose, would it be more accurate to say that SCP is Warehouse 13 dialed up to 11?

Dunno that whole comparative tense thing weirds me out.

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: February 12, 2014, 04:45:38 PM »
Anyone else preordering South Park and the Stick of Truth?

Honestly I haven't watched South Park regularly in years(possibly ever) but I've seen a lot of episodes and I like the mechanics I've heard about so far.

That's pretty accurate.

I think I could get onboard with the idea that Warehouse 13 is Delta Green.

Seems pretty legit.
Needs more cultists/horrors from beyond time and space.

Started watching Eureka for the first time about a month ago.
I finished it today and I have moved on to Warehouse 13.

They are both ridiculously game able I think Warehouse 13 might be slightly more.

RPGs / Re: Oregon Trial
« on: February 11, 2014, 01:46:58 PM »
Lol yeah I got a little bit of the overzealous typing fingers... Trial Trail whateva! XD

I like the idea of the mountains being a terrible and difficult pass to make... I think I might go with Orc's and possibly a nice Dragon encounter, although I would like to use the dragon as more of a setting element instead of a foe. Creating terrain hazards and the like.

That's pretty awesome!

Also Pauly don't worry the King in Yellow/Zombie stuff happens earlier in the scenario, although it is an optional encounter depending on if they explore certain ruins or not. Cultist Lizardfolk are likely to be running about.

RPGs / Oregon Trail
« on: February 11, 2014, 12:17:40 PM »
I've been milling an idea around in my head(off and on) ever since the Gen Con videos, I've finally decided on how I want the supplies and such to work, I just need to figure out some conflicts.

So far it's a story of 4 families of at least 3 people each, packing up and heading out on the trail. I'm running it in a very low magic fantasy setting using the pathfinder rules, although there are no clerics/wizards/druids/sorc ect. Diseases will still be a potential  threat and healing is going to be a challenge.

Other than the random repairs and disagreements among families I am having trouble coming up with a suitable "end" game conflict, I want to include a war between tribal lizardfolk and orc at some point so that might be some source of inspiration.

So please help me with some ideas for an interesting plot point to end this mini series on.

General Chaos / Re: Free Humble games
« on: February 11, 2014, 11:04:48 AM »
This thread is mainly populated by both Gentlemen and Scholars.

Got some good guys over here.

General Chaos / Re: Free Humble games
« on: February 09, 2014, 03:04:03 PM »
Can I grab Brutal Legend from you?

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Red Markets Alpha Playtest
« on: February 05, 2014, 02:22:53 PM »
I tend to write my character backgrounds more like a casting call, short physical description, then some bullet points of formative experiences and relationships. Sorry for the lack of focus and the prevalence of errors, I normally only write these for myself, so I kinda gave up on grammar.

Doctor James Porter "Doc"

Late 20's, 6'0", shaggy brown hair. Thin build with long limbs. Wears corrective lenses.

-Grew up in a typical family, one brother and one sister, both younger.

-His family quickly learned that he is extremely intelligent. He skipped 2nd and 5th grade.

-Started High school two years early and ended up in the same grade as his cousin Rebecca. Rebecca and her boyfriend befriended him and protected him from being bullied.

-His cousin had a baby in her senior year of high school named Jonas. Jonas was born with a genetic disorder that causes blurred and limited vision.

-Already having an aptitude for science this helped shape his career path, and he went to college to become a research scientist looking for a way to treat genetic defects.

-He finished school and began working for a large bio tech company.

-When the loss began his company was assisting in providing transport for their employees. He manipulated events(including drugging a fellow coworker) to help his cousin and her kid take one of the transports into the safe zone, promising to follow.

-The time that followed is a blur violence and questionable moral choices.

-Eventually he reconnects with Rebecca and Jonas,who help him to feel less hopeless and give him a reason to try and get out.

-Now he works as a medic/street doc type with his crew. He has turned his genetics experience into trying to find a cure for the change, albeit unsuccessfully.

The basic rundown here is a guy who wasn't necessarily a traditional doctor before the loss but he had to learn to adapt.

I left the locations ambiguous intentionally so that he can fit in anywhere. His ties to humanity will be sending supplies to and skyping with his cousin and her kid. He assumes that the rest of his family are still alive(His parents lived in Maine and his brother and sister shared and apartment in New York) but the only people who he has been able to reconnect with were

Rebecca and Jonas. I leave the fate of his cousins husband open to interpretation because he could easily be a player character as well(lots of people who have kids in highschool join the military so he could even be the gunman for Porters current crew).

He's generally a nice, happy guy, he actually wants to actively help people, but he does have a dark side when it comes to protecting people he cares about. His goal is to eventually reunite with his family and finally get to work with real lab equipment and help work on a real vaccination with people in person, instead of trying to get his random message board posts noticed and taken seriously.

General Chaos / Re: Food and Drink!
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:55:00 PM »
I have two groups.

One only gets together sporadically, and we play marathons, like 8 hours or more. Usually we take a break in between to eat. Although there have been one or two times where meal time coincided with a meal in game, which works out, eating and role playing is strangely fun.

As for drinking, it's usually light across the group. Everyone there enjoys drinking but tend to keep it confined to 1-4 beers throughout the day.

My other group meets Thursday nights and we almost always get pizza. About half the group drinks, one of which catches crap for drinking nearly an entire large bottle of wine to himself.

The Thursday game is a little less serious though due to the sheer amount of people all trying to play.

On average we have 7 players at the table and the group actual size is 9 players 1 gm which is nigh impossible.

We make it work to the best of our abilities but battles generally take entire sessions to complete.

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:51:26 AM »
While I can't play this at the moment, I'm excited about the 20th anniversary release of Gabriel Knight. I think it is due out sometime this year. The last time I played that was in the mid 90s.

I had this argument with a few people when Final Fantasy 7 Came out on steam. Don't get me wrong yes the game is amazing but for fuck sake come on give us an HD remake of it, at least tone it up some don't just release the same stuff that I could play in front of my tv with an old console. Look, I love playing old games, but if I'm gonna be playing it on my PC that runs games that look simply amazing, I don't want to use graphics from 15+ years ago, Even games that focus on that as an art style at least they up it to make it look good. A company like square who re-released HD versions of Final Fantasy 1-6 on the DS should know to up the way a game from 15 years ago should look!

I personally don't eve know what Gabriel Knight is, so I'm sorry to call out a game you love, and maybe it is in an HD remake, I'm just upset that Square is lazy and other company's too. lol.

Friend of mine shares your sentiment.

As do I. They could completely remake all the Final Fantasy games in current graphical godliness and as my buddy says "They'd basically have a license to print money".

I can't imagine the kind of money a FF VI or VII remake would bring in, and playing FFVIII in a graphical style that is better than even the cinematics of the original would make me very happy.

"Are you a cop? You have to tell me if you're a cop."
I keep hearing this, but I have no idea where it's from.

I'm pretty sure this is just from the urban legend that undercover police officers have to tell you if they're an officer if asked, which is complete bull shit. If they're intentionally referencing something specific then I'm not sure.

My group makes this joke often as well, as far as I know it's just a reference to the erroneous thought that an officer has to expose themselves when asked.

This lead to someone in my gaming group turning to an NPC and saying "Are you a Paladin? You have to tell me if you're a paladin."

Is the Crown Royal bag of dice a common thing?

I only game with the same people, and one of them does in fact have a crown royal purple bag.


RPGs / Re: Wild Talents question
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:01:14 AM »
This has been particularly helpful, How does this play out with interference?

Also, does this basically mean that a character with "armored defense" get to apply its defenses against all attacks, while gobble dice even though they are permanent are only usable once per round?

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