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Messages - Ayslyn

Pages: [1]
I'd agree it was a dick move if the decision had been made swiftly. I've only been able to get more than basic information from the WildFire side of things so my overall view is likely tilted. The way the WildFire staff tells it, they've been having payment problems regarding royalities from Catalyst for sometime now.

As I understand it, CthulhuTech books only recently came out as PDF downloads from DriveThruRPG because Catalyst held the rights to the material so WildFire couldn't "e-publish" or whatever the right term is.

So, WildFire felt the terms of agreement where not to their liking (I don't know if they felt they where unfair or just wanted more money, I don't personally care either way) and has filed legal action following failed negotiations. Like I said, don't know the Catalyst side of events.

As I am given to understand, WilfFire agreed to accept the remainder of the physical CthulhuTech books as payment.  However, when those were delivered, the number in the boxes didn't match up with the numbers on the agreement.   Their legal action is an attempt to get the remainder of what is owed them, and was not a rash decision. 

Catalsyt hasn't been paying their royalties to WildFire; when somebody stiffs you, you file for legal action.

I'm with WildFire on this one.


I realize I was earlier saying that Catalyst wasn't looking bad, but the details coming out constitute the "good reason" that I mentioned previously.   

Im Sure the guy from Enron was a good guy, and didnt realy mean to do it too, you know you just kinda dont Realized your getting an extra 800,000 bucks.

*shrugs*   Maybe.   I'm just saying that I'm not seeing a lot of animosity coming form them, and that unless I have good reason, I don't see why I shouldn't take them at face value.  Normally when there is some sort of malfeasance the wronged party doesn't have much of a problem telling you what a tool the other guy is, so when they seem (again, IMO) to go out of their way to NOT go that route, I am willing to roll with it.

To me, that release sounds more like an "Ooops.   Screw-ups on all sides.   Sorry All." than "That rat-bastid done us wrong"

Anyway.   The bright point in all of this is that it doesn't look like any of the game lines are going to suffer, and I suspect that we will see all of them represented at GenCon.

1980's training montage

You're the best (AH!) Around!!!

On the Catalyst Labs front, their official announcement reads a little differently.   It sounds (to me) as though the financial issue wasn't a malicious act, and that the person involved a.) didn't necessarily understand what was happening, b.) cooperated fully in the investigation to figure out precisely what had happened, and c.) is arranging some method to return the money.

Here's the relevant quote from their press release:
While we wish the review had only uncovered positive news, we also discovered our accounting procedures had not been updated as the company continued to grow. The result was that business funds had been co-mingled with the personal funds of one of the owners. We believe the missing funds were the result of bad habits that began alongside the creation of the company, which was initially a small hobby group. Upon further investigation, in which the owner has willingly participated, the owner in question now owes the company a significant balance and is working to help rectify the situation.

Eclipse Phase will continue, as will CthulhuTech, just not with Catalyst as partners in publishing them.   Posthuman Studios and WildFire (respectively to the two aforementioned game lines) will continue to publish them.   Catalyst is concentrating it's resources on their two flagship games of Battletech and Shadowrun.  Also, they plan to complete and release Leviathan.

« on: April 14, 2010, 11:15:20 PM »
One good thing about Synibarr....

It's not FATAL.   ^.^

General Chaos / Re: How did you find RPPR?
« on: February 24, 2010, 02:10:24 AM »
Started listening to the Penny-Arcade actual play podcast, and that got me looking for RPG podcasts in general.   After wading through several that ranged from interesting, but misguided (imo); to nearly unbearable, I found RPPR, and loved it.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New Listerner of RPPR - Kudos guys!
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:59:00 PM »
Hi Ross,

I'm just curious...   What kind of composition software are you using?

garageband for RPPR proper - final cut studio/compressor to compress AP episodes

Sorry, I meant when you were doing the PDFs.   ^.^

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:50:09 PM »

New poster, but been listening for a bit.   I just recently got to listen to the Candlewick AP, and I have to say that it was a blast.   You guys really were fantastic, and it was obvious that you were all enjoying it a lot.

I love games where children are the stars.   It really mixes things up.   Years ago, I ran a Changeling one-shot at a local convention called Along the Cherry Lane.   All the characters were between eight and ten, and it was a blast.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New Listerner of RPPR - Kudos guys!
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:45:12 PM »
Hi Ross,

I'm just curious...   What kind of composition software are you using?

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