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Messages - Connallmac

Pages: [1]
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Congratulations Mr. Payton
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:49:17 AM »
I know I'm proabably in the minority on this forum, but I actually like Pathfinder quite a bit. No, it's not the greatest thing ever. And yes, it's basically 3.5(that's kind of the point). But I still love the pathfinder/3.5 system, flaws and all. Just having too much fun and good experiences with it right now. Nothing against 4th Ed, more power to it. Just not as much my cup of tea.
Anyways, congrats on the nomination as well. That really is awesome.

If that is what you like, then more power to you. It's not mine, but if we all played the same thing the same way this would be pretty boring and stagnant hobby.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Congratulations Mr. Payton
« on: July 10, 2011, 01:12:55 PM »
Congratulations on the nod, it's well deserved! I will echo your comments about Pathfinder, it's basically 3.5 D&D with the serial numbers filed off and a two liter soda bottle on the barrel serving as a silencer.

RPGs / Re: Delta Green
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:23:32 PM »
That's cool, I haven't had a chance to take a look at it yet. Sounds like you should be all set then Vlad.

I am awfully excited to Dark Sun see the light of day again, but I am thinking of running it with Savage Worlds. SW seems to be designed with Dark Sun in mind!

RPGs / Re: Delta Green
« on: July 05, 2010, 12:14:26 PM »
Can you run it with the D20 CoC?

You can, but you would have to do some conversion between the systems. Check out for all sorts of Cthulhu related gaming info. There is a sub-fora that is dedicated to Modern Cthulhu/Delta Green, where one of the more recent interesting ideas I've seen is an Arkham Special Cases Unit. Seems to be influenced by both X-Files and Harry Dresden.

« on: July 05, 2010, 12:01:46 PM »
You're welcome. I've found Chaosium's BRP to be a nice basic tool kit for running games, especially for those who are new to role playing games. Most people can grasp the concept of a % chance of doing something.

I know I am late getting to this topic, in addition to mostly lurking here, but a long car trip on Saturday let me finally catch up on my RPPR episodes. Having played and run rpgs for seventeen years now I think Ross made exactly the right call. I've read Aron's blog posts and I think had another player tried the same sort of thing on him he would have been terribly upset over Ross having let said player run roughshod over his character. The only way to handle this sort of situation, barring a game with actual mechanics for it like Burning Wheel, is to role play it out and handle it like adults. Robbing another player of free will is never cool, and I don't allow it at my table.

Have you heard the Actual Play yet? Cause when it comes up in the game, nothing is realy said other then, flower boy going, Can I roll Presuade? Ross going no, I dont like that happeing in my game sorry. Flower boy, Ok.

I can't say as I have, I've never really gotten in to the Actual Play episodes. That makes Aron seem even more lame, nothing like a tempest in a teapot! It's situations like these when I try to take a deep breath and remember that every man is the hero of his own story. Some folks make it very difficult.

« on: July 05, 2010, 10:31:09 AM »
Also, you can download the basic rules for CofC for free from Chaosium at . They even give you a choice between a color version and black and white. It even includes the free adventure "The Haunting", which is an essential classic of CofC. Hope that helps!

I know I am late getting to this topic, in addition to mostly lurking here, but a long car trip on Saturday let me finally catch up on my RPPR episodes. Having played and run rpgs for seventeen years now I think Ross made exactly the right call. I've read Aron's blog posts and I think had another player tried the same sort of thing on him he would have been terribly upset over Ross having let said player run roughshod over his character. The only way to handle this sort of situation, barring a game with actual mechanics for it like Burning Wheel, is to role play it out and handle it like adults. Robbing another player of free will is never cool, and I don't allow it at my table.

RPGs / Re: Alternative Uses for the Call of Cthulu game mechanics
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:52:49 AM »
Here's a link to the Chaosium website where you can download a free Quick Start version of the BRP rules. Very handy!

General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:09:56 AM »
My name is Andy, I am 32 and live outside Rochester, western NY. 

Andy, I don't know if you are currently looking for a game to join or not, but you may want to check out the gaming club at SUNY Geneseo. I used to be a member, and for a year president, of the club when I was a student at Geneseo. Their web address is and I still pop up on the forums there on occasion. I believe they have already had their convention for the year, which always falls fairly early in the spring semester, but they often have "mini-cons" throughout the year where folks will get together, usually on a weekend day, and play lots of different games.

General Chaos / Re: Intoduction
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:03:10 AM »
My name is Josh. I'm 30 and have been gaming for about 16 years now. I'm originally from Upstate NY, near Syracuse, but I now reside in Eastern Indiana. I have played more games than I care to think about. My favorite rpg  is Call of Cthulhu and the Chaosium Basic Role Playing System, both are very simple and easy to learn (and if you know one, then essentially you know the other). They are also very easy to adapt to different genres and time periods.

I have been listening to RPPR for a few months now, and I've really been enjoying it, keep up the good work guys!

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