The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
General Category => General Chaos => : Boyos November 25, 2010, 08:06:57 PM
Happy Thanksgiving RPPR Forums!
P.S. I refuse to post in Order 66 tribute, worthless!
Happy Thanksgiving.
P.S. That was an odd non-sequitur.
... I'll re-word it, I'm thankfull for not posting in the Order 66 Tribute Thread, and never will!
... I'll re-word it, I'm thankfull for not posting in the Order 66 Tribute Thread, and never will!
You know you want to. :-*
nope, Im a firm beliver that you all brought it back from the pits of hell it self by speaking its name, Now back to the topic on hand!
Happy Thanksgiving!
My Thanksgiving was an orgy of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, football and pumpkin pie...
Good God it was wonderful!!!
I got together with a bunch of friends and watched Thankskilling over dinner. Highly recommended thanksgiving movie, for the right group.
I went to my in-laws house and played board games while dinner was being cooked. Then got in trouble for forgetting my wifes DS....her fault lol. Then I spent of the day trying to fix my mother-in-laws computer because the damn thing is disabling its own network card then forgetting there ever was one!
Dinner made up for it though, delicious and free two of my favorite things.
Smoked Ham is incredible!
On a side note the night before we played a zombie themed DnD game where we were trapped in a building with windows modeled after Call of Duty World at war Zombie Survival mode, every zombie killed was worth 50 points it was 1000 points for mystery boxes and unlocking new areas and 500 points to activate the alter to cure the zombie infection.(If you got bit) Level 5 characters, it was a ton of fun.
What are you guys talking about? Thanksgiving was a month ago.
Silly Americans.
What are you guys talking about? Thanksgiving was a month ago.
Silly Americans.
I hope you're enjoying your nice summer weather down under.
I thought America had taken over the world by now.
I thought America had taken over the world by now.
What are you guys talking about? Thanksgiving was a month ago.
Silly Americans.
(threatening double chest bump)
Awwww damn, Arje done called you OUT, boy.
Canadians are so American that the Queen doesn't want anything to do with them or their voodoo "bacon" (its ham!) anymore...
We call it ham up here, you're the guys that call it "Canadian Bacon".
I'm most likely outnumbered 20:1, but I really don't care.
We call it ham up here, you're the guys that call it "Canadian Bacon".
I'm most likely outnumbered 20:1, but I really don't care.
I love Canadians and Canada...
Reason #1 to love Canada
Reason #2
My conclusion - I LOVE CANADA!
If america is canada's underbits, doesn't that make us where all the fun stuff is?
Since you are canadian i'll go ahead and preemptively accept your apology. I know you want to. They don't give poutine to non-polite canadians.
Oh right, I forgot about Poutine. Canada, all is forgiven.
Oh right, I forgot about Poutine. Canada, all is forgiven.
I didn't want to have to do this. Atlas, I didn't want to do this, but crash was about to come down on your side...
Justin Beiber.
Honestly, after watching the news today I might be willing to give Canada a chance.
Oh...and Bif Naked's from Canada. That girl's totally in my wheelhouse.
We call it ham up here, you're the guys that call it "Canadian Bacon".
I'm most likely outnumbered 20:1, but I really don't care.
So True.
I didn't want to have to do this. Atlas, I didn't want to do this, but crash was about to come down on your side...
Justin Beiber.
Hopefully you can forgive us in a decade or two, after the Dark Age of Beiber is over. To be fair, you guys have given us plenty of horrible pop-stars as well.
I'm surprised none of you guys mentioned Celine Dion, in my books she's a national embarrassment.
I like Justin Bieber . . .
I like Justin Bieber . . .
I liked Justin Beiber in "Boys Don't Cry".
I'm surprised none of you guys mentioned Celine Dion, in my books she's a national embarrassment.
That bitch gots a triangle shaped head.
I heard you guys have ketchup flavored potato chips up there. Is this true?
Yeah but they have Andrew Pants and Gunnarolla, which is like 10 anti-Biebers.
I heard you guys have ketchup flavored potato chips up there. Is this true?
The ketchup-flavored chips are pretty popular in Boston as well. I've had them before. They were...interesting to say the least.
I like Justin Bieber . . .
Cody, the Canadians rest their case... :(
Oh...and Bif Naked's from Canada. That girl's totally in my wheelhouse.
No one has mentioned Rush yet. I'm ashamed to be a member of this forum.
On the downside, Canada's money still features the Queen. So much for independence, eh?
Oh...and Bif Naked's from Canada. That girl's totally in my wheelhouse.
No one has mentioned Rush yet. I'm ashamed to be a member of this forum.
On the downside, Canada's money still features the Queen. So much for independence, eh?
Rush sucks and this is why we don't mention them.
I second that. Rush is elven after school special music that sucks.
Neil Peart can eat a big fat...diiiiick
Geddy Lee can eat a big fat...diiiick
Death Row can eat a big fat...diiiick
Alex Lifeson eat a big fat...diiiick
Rush sucks and this is why we don't mention them.
I like rush. . . :'(
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
So in other words, you've never listened to Rush. It's OK. I understand that some people on this board would prefer listening to emo bands in their bedroom with the lights off and the shades drawn so that no one can see them. By the way, where do you want me to send the cases of tissues and razor blades that I bought for you.
I would sooner listen to Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians than to listen to Rush.
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
So in other words, you've never listened to Rush. It's OK. I understand that some people on this board would prefer listening to emo bands in their bedroom with the lights off and the shades drawn so that no one can see them. By the way, where do you want me to send the cases of tissues and razor blades that I bought for you.
There is so much love and acceptance here, it really warms my heart. (This post and the sarcasm in it is brought to you by Maker's Mark Whisky)
Fuck your Maker's Mark whiskey. Real men drink Jameson.
(humor joking)
- (
That wikileaks thing has a US diplomat reporting to our government about Anti-US sentiment in their media and how we need to...
We need to do everything we can to make it more difficult for Canadians to fall into the trap of seeing all U.S. policies as the result of nefarious faceless U.S. bureaucrats anxious to squeeze their northern neighbor. While there are those who may rate the need for USG public-diplomacy programs as less vital in Canada than in other nations because our societies are so much alike, we clearly have real challenges here that simply must be adequately addressed.
...although I'm kind of tickled at the concept of an American diplomat suggesting that we combat Canadian television imagery of the US being sneaky and bossy in a private, classified memo to the US government.
"WHAT?!?!? Canadians are increasingly showing television programs that depict Americans as nefarious, sneaky, and underhanded. I suggest our government gets involved in this RIGHT away."
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
So in other words, you've never listened to Rush. It's OK. I understand that some people on this board would prefer listening to emo bands in their bedroom with the lights off and the shades drawn so that no one can see them. By the way, where do you want me to send the cases of tissues and razor blades that I bought for you.
Wow. Nice work with the standard stereotype of what emo is. Tell me, what is 2003 like? I miss it so much.
From the Rush song "The Necromancer"
"Brooding in the tower
Watching o'er his land
Holding ev'ry creature
Helplessly they stand
Gaze into his prisms
Knowing they are near
Lead them to the dungeons
Spectres numb with fear
They bow defeated"
From Dreamline
"He's got a road map of Jupiter
A radar fix on the stars
All along the highway
She's got a liquid-crystal compass
A picture book of the rivers
Under the Sahara
They travel in the time of the prophets
On a desert highway straight to the heart of the sun
Like lovers and heroes, and the restless part of everyone
We're only at home when we're on the run
On the run
"Time is a gypsy caravan
Steals away in the night
To leave you stranded in Dreamland
Distance is a long-range filter
Memory a flickering light
Left behind in the heartland"
From Nocturne
"Did I have a dream?
Or did the dream have me?
Set off on a night-sea journey
Without memory or desire
Drifting through lost latitudes
With no compass and no chart
Flying through hallucination
Distant voices, signal fires
Lighting up my unconscious
And the secret places of the heart
Dream - temporary madness
Dream - a voice in the wilderness
Dream - unconscious revelations
The morning says, the answer is yes"
From Ghost Rider
"Pack up all those phantoms
Shoulder that invisible load
Keep on riding North and West
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider"
The list goes on. I know that I might have been off in my lyrics but really, I wasn't THAT far off. When I worked at a comic book store, I worked with a guy that would only listen to Rush and Olivia Newton John and therefore, I will hate Rush with every molecule of who I am.
To conclude, "What about the voice of Geddy Lee? How did it get so high? I wonder if he speaks like an ordinary guy."
Wow. Nice work with the standard stereotype of what emo is. Tell me, what is 2003 like? I miss it so much.
Let's see in 2003, I had already worked at an architectural firm while still in high school, had a chapbook of poetry out, was publishing consistently in ezines, had had dinner with Mark Jarman, and went drinking with Zach Galifianakis. 2003 was awesome! In fact, I actually had time to do things that I wanted to do. Stupid PhD program...rabble rabble rabble
Also, in the future, I will only scale my references back five years when making fun of you. I was under the assumption that Springfield was still 10 years behind the rest of the world. Apparently that push to become a Google city accelerated some things.
Awww . . . Pat . . . you miss Order66 to push around so you resort to picking on me.
It's almost cute . . . almost.
By the way, be sure you bundle up. I know that it seems like a heatwave with 19 degrees in Milwaukee, but it apparently feels like 8 degrees. We wouldn't want your head to catch cold the way your heart has.
Wow Sethrick, you did more in 2003 than I've done in my entire life!! How does it feel to be made of pure awesome!?
Cody is right about Rush lyrics...
Neil Peart is an amazing drummer, as any drummer will tell you.
Wow Sethrick, you did more in 2003 than I've done in my entire life!! How does it feel to be made of pure awesome!?
Cody is right about Rush lyrics...
Neil Peart is an amazing drummer, as any drummer will tell you.
Not in 2003, but by 2003. Although 2003 was the drinking with Zach, which was great fun. Too bad we couldn't convince Mitch Hedberg to tag along.
By the way, be sure you bundle up. I know that it seems like a heatwave with 19 degrees in Milwaukee, but it apparently feels like 8 degrees. We wouldn't want your head to catch cold the way your heart has.
Hearts are overrated.
this thread:
Neal Pert is a mediocre drummer at best.
There. I said it.
I can go into any little seedy jazz bar in american and find 4 drummers who are much MUCH MUCHHHHH more talented.
Is it just me or does anybody else think that nurse ratchet was pretty fucking hot?
Is it just me or does anybody else think that nurse ratchet was pretty fucking hot?
Its just you.
Is it just me or does anybody else think that nurse ratchet was pretty fucking hot?
So what does this do for you?
Seriously, the chick who played nurse ratchet was pretty friggin' hot back in her day...
Oh, I see what's happening, the RPPR cast members have buried the hatchet and are now picking on the "new" guy.
I guess I should have seen that coming...
Actually, I don't think I fully qualified the "in her day" aspect of my statement... Although theres nothing wrong with an "older" woman, especially if she's from a different planet. 8)
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
Explain to me how these are bad lyrics. I wish more music included dragons and love beam eyes in the same verse.
Everyone Rush song ever (I wish you could hear my voice because it's all warbly on this)
"I fly with a unicorn over a meadow
We like to eat cupcakes
And explore our sexuality.
Sometimes I slay dragons with my imagination
I shoot beams of love from my eyes.
There is a tiger, he is a hunter
He eats my presents until I shoo him away."
Explain to me how these are bad lyrics. I wish more music included dragons and love beam eyes in the same verse.
You just have to hear my Geddy Lee.
Also, I really wish Rush songs were more like the ones I write for Rush. At least they'd be entertaining.
In all honesty, the first time I heard Rush I thought the singer was a woman.
Coincidentally, the first time I heard Tsunami Bomb I thought their singer was a dude.
I frankly dont trust them for the one reason that they get there milk in bags.
Not a big fan of Rush, but I agree with the guy who said there should be more songs about dragons and love beams shooting out of people's eyes...
That woman, right there, is a New Jersey 4.
That woman, right there, is a New Jersey 4.
She has NOSE. SCALES. And that's a 4? I weep for New Jersey.
That woman, right there, is a New Jersey 4.
I'm unfamiliar with this term. Is a NJ 4 like a double bagger?
hahaha okay I mentioned this in the "Drunk Thread" but I'll repeat here. I don't grade women in scales of 1-10 because that doesn't take into account the level of "hotness" in a certain area.
For example: A Mumbai 2 is nowhere near as attractive as a South Dakota 2.
The above picture I gave a "New Jersey 4" because from what I understand Snookie is considered to be "hot" in parts of New Jersey. So my brain-maths basically thinks that if Snookie is a New Jersey 6, then you're going into the 4's around nose ridges. I mean, she has NOSE RIDGES but aside from that she has pleasant cheekbones, right?