The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
Active Games => Eclipse Phase: Pulse => Other RPG's and Misc. => Games Games Games? => The Mesh => : Dom February 08, 2011, 07:57:45 AM
This thread is for the Out of Character discussion for the game.
Some background to the first post IC, the PCs were asked to enter the Simulspace environment at 18:30 to meet with the Firewall Proxy that would provide your last briefing regarding the mission.
Inside the Simulspace environment, you have an avatar of yourself. Whether this avatar is how your character looks or if it is a custom avatar, it is up to you. Make sure to describe your look in the thread.
I'm a bit swamped with homework and a bit midterm on Thursday, so I won't get my character updated/fixed until after then. Hopefully that's not a big problem...
DancingWarPanda, just for reference does your character's avatar look like this? 'Cause that would be cool.
I was picturing it more like the classic Shadowrun silver default avatar things, really.
DancingWarPanda, just for reference does your character's avatar look like this? 'Cause that would be cool.
He does now lol. I was thinking of a very anonymous persona but that pictures keeps my idea and also adds a bit of style to it. I approve.
I hate to double post but I was curious as to how dice rolls would work?
Also just a little note to everyone. The message that has Khalil's contact info comes in on cartoony bear stationary. Coza knows he hates it and so when not ordered to not use it he takes advantage of the lack of detail.
The forum has a dice roller. The command is : dice xdy : without the spaces between the colons. So, for our game it would be : dice 1d100 :
Write the name of the skill and what number you have on the skill and bonus modifiers in the same line as the roll.
The skill number should be in parenthesis and any modifiers should be in square brackets.
For example:
Perception (60+20) [Enhanced Vision]
Rolling 1d100: (2): Total = 2
So if I wanted to roll to whack someone with a solid right hook, it'd be
Rolling 1d100: (100): Total = 100
Hand To Hand [Boxing] (65)
Edit: Let's do this right, this time.
Yeah, I believe edits make a mess of it...
Sounds like a good anti-fudging measure to me. 8D
Rolling 1d100: (38): Total = 38
just practicing.
Perception (60+20) [Enhanced Vision]
Rolling 1d100: (61): Total = 61
Profession Lab Technician (50+10) [Spec: Argonaut Labs]
Rolling 1d100: (64): Total = 64
testing as well
Rolling 1d100: (14): Total = 14
So if I wanted to roll to whack someone with a solid right hook, it'd be
Hand To Hand [Boxing] (65)
Edit: Let's do this right, this time.
Yeah, sort of. In the parenthesis put the base skill plus the modifier bonus. So, if you have a 55 in Hand to Hand and a +10 because of the specialization, then it would be (55+10) [Boxing]
Ok, I got 'dis.
So if I was gonna perform a soulful rendition of John Lee Hooker's 'Tupelo' on my harmonica, I'd be doin'
Art: Performance [Harmonica] (35+10)
Rolling 1d100: (14): Total = 14
If I were going to be using chopsticks to remake the mona lisa...
Art: Visual (45+15) [Spec Chopstick bits]
Rolling 1d100: (25): Total = 25
Performance (50+10) [Specialty: Dice Rolling]
Rolling 1d100: (100): Total = 100
You critically botched your roll for dice rolling.
. . . is that like now you get nothing but natural 1's in D&D for an entire game or something?
Maybe the TITANs infected his dice roller.
...I'm worried. I am famous in my gaming group for having consistently horrible rolls. Could this be a changing point in my dice-rolling life!?
...I'm worried. I am famous in my gaming group for having consistently horrible rolls. Could this be a changing point in my dice-rolling life!?
Since you're meant to roll low, probably. Either that or you suddenly start rolling consistent 100's
...I'm worried. I am famous in my gaming group for having consistently horrible rolls. Could this be a changing point in my dice-rolling life!?
Since you're meant to roll low, probably. Either that or you suddenly start rolling consistent 100's
I just jinxed it, didn't I?
Doh, just rolled a 97 for networking. Looks like that angle's blown.
...I'm worried. I am famous in my gaming group for having consistently horrible rolls. Could this be a changing point in my dice-rolling life!?
Since you're meant to roll low, probably. Either that or you suddenly start rolling consistent 100's
I just jinxed it, didn't I?
Jinxed it all over the place.
Do you think a critical failure of rolling the dice means that maybe the failure will be so bad that it'll actually make a PASSING roll? You know, like a negative minus a negative equals a positive?
lol no
You can't refute math!
On a more game related note Excellent Success is Excellent. What bonus do I get?
I'll likely be busy on Monday because of Saint Valentine's Day, so there won't be a post that day. Feel free to post if you wish, or don't if you're busy that day too.
... And we're back. The investigation has begun and we should be getting back on track.
The idea of the fountain spelling out slogans came from this: It's a fountain that takes words at random from news stories on the internet, rasterizes them and then open the water valves in synchronization to form the words. Pretty nifty.
A minor note, Dom, you may want to split the 2 investigations since they are 2 teams. Maybe a 2A and 2B?
That way we won't be tripping over each teams posts and can still look at the other to keep track of what's happening.
And if we need to send a message, we can pop into the other thread.
Just a suggestion from a neat freak.
Great idea! I just split the topic in two. Thanks!
Another Excellent Success, what's the bonus that I get?
Make sure to type out the modifiers for the perception check, I want to know what modifiers you added to add more fluff to the descriptions.
EDIT: Mckma, I need the updated character sheet before you start making rolls. Check your email and make the necessary corrections.
Tch, so close. Anything I can do for a cheap +5 to the check? 8D
I'll check your character sheet if there's anything that might give you a bonus. If not, you can reroll by burning a Moxie point or try another approach.
EDIT: I will allow using Academics: Psychology as a complementary skill, which would add a +30 bonus to the check. I could see it being used as your character knowing various 'tells' that people show when they are lying and trying to suppress them. Only use the base skill of 60, not the 70 from the Criminal Psychology specialization.
I am tactless and clueless.
BTW - I hate dice rollers. A necessary evil, but the ones I use for Shadowrun hate me too.
20 from enhanced vision, 10 from a sleight, actually you should remove that last 10. I thought I bought specs and I didn't. Either way it still succeeded.
I'll check your character sheet if there's anything that might give you a bonus. If not, you can reroll by burning a Moxie point or try another approach.
EDIT: I will allow using Academics: Psychology as a complementary skill, which would add a +30 bonus to the check. I could see it being used as your character knowing various 'tells' that people show when they are lying and trying to suppress them. Only use the base skill of 60, not the 70 from the Criminal Psychology specialization.
Wonderful, thanks. =D Here's hopin'!
Edit: I should probably roll. *downs*
Academics: Psychology (60)
Rolling 1d100: (10): Total = 10
Sorry I wasn't able to get on that character sheet earlier, I've made about half the changes I want, so it should be finished tonight...
Is it unreasonable to assume that there is some form of public transportation?
You know it's been a while since I played a character who has a drastically different personality then my own. It took all my willpower to make him rush into that situation and stay true to his personality rather then do what I would usually do and hang back.
Hopefully that won't get us killed lol.
Sorry I wasn't able to get on that character sheet earlier, I've made about half the changes I want, so it should be finished tonight...
Is it unreasonable to assume that there is some form of public transportation?
No problem, you can roll skills now.
In Noctis-Qianjiao, there's taxi cars, rentable bicycles and the Noctis Tram (Also called the Night Train). There's more info on page 117 and 119 of Sunward.
In regards to opening a door, Hardware: Electronics seems like the skill of choice in Eclipse Phase. However, I will allow you to use Infiltration at a -10 penalty or an Infosec roll with no penalty. Some complementary skills that could give you a +30 to the check if made could be Profession: Ego Hunter since you might have had experience opening locked doors with that, or Research to look up the schematics of the lock to get a better idea of how to open it. You can also use the Covert Operations Tool, but its likely that it will trigger an alarm on the building's network.
Other ways to open the door could be to talk to the landlord and make him open the door, or to use Networking to find someone who could open the door.
In regards to opening a door, Hardware: Electronics seems like the skill of choice in Eclipse Phase. However, I will allow you to use Infiltration at a -10 penalty or an Infosec roll with no penalty. Some complementary skills that could give you a +30 to the check if made could be Profession: Ego Hunter since you might have had experience opening locked doors with that, or Research to look up the schematics of the lock to get a better idea of how to open it. You can also use the Covert Operations Tool, but its likely that it will trigger an alarm on the building's network.
Other ways to open the door could be to talk to the landlord and make him open the door, or to use Networking to find someone who could open the door.
Awesome, I have crazy Hardware: Electronics skill...
Could I retry that same role with a +20 from Academic: Sociology? I would think someone with some knowledge of the field would be a good judge of political climate.
Sure, try to roll Academics: Sociology as a complementary skill for a +30 bonus to the check.
I forgot to add a negative modifier for having to try to convince him again but I got a 7 anyway so I don't think it matters.
Just an FYI, I read the Deep Scan description in the EP Core Rulebook. Aghassi will be aware that you have probed his head, and he is a dangerous guy to cross. At best, you can expect to get kicked out of the Office and be beaten to within an inch of your life. At worst, the entire office's security will crash down and your cortical stack would end up as a paperweight in an Oversight agent's office. Unless you can somehow make him forget that he got Deep Scanned after you do so or convince him that it was nothing, you will likely face heavy repercussions.
Also, since every piece of information you extract takes one action turn to do so, others will likely notice when you are holding his hand for ten seconds while he looks like he is in catatonic shock.
I'm letting you know because it could be dangerous to your character and it might not be worth it in the long-term. If you still want to do it, fine by me: we'll let the dice tell the results.
For the papers in the apartment, may I roll research with a bonus due to my (50) in Linguistics?
Sure, roll it as a complementary skill. If you succeed, you will gain a +20 bonus to the Research check (+30 from the complementary skill and -10 from not knowing Portuguese.)
Naww I got a better idea. A two parter. You'll see.
So I'm a bit worried that my first roll being so awesome will mean the rest will suck :P
Don't worry. I haven't rolled less than a 50 so far.
I think my character needs to find other employment. ;D
If anything I've has been rolling too low. In an opposed test I would get schooled.
Rolled a 29.
I actually made a check.
We need to celebrate! Digital cookies for everyone!
Sorry guys, something big came up today and I'm exhausted. I'll post tomorrow.
no problem. Life happens occasionally.
no problem. Life happens occasionally.
Quite frequently actually...
Hey dom I didn't know if you wanted me to ad-lib the name of a college or not. If you're okay with saying something of a response to Friction that either Oriole or Ripley would know, I'm okay with that.
Don't worry about it, in Eclipse Phase searches that are for public information are instantaneous so you could pull a real name in no time flat.
Spiffy, I wasn't really sure what name to use. I like that one, sounds fancy :P
I would like to contact Sarah again. This time with the TTO terra-formming info as a peace offering.
What bonus/penalty would I receive since I botched my last 2 contact rolls?
Robot Master, the reason why you haven't gotten the info is because you took extra time. You'll get it soon.
S'all good man, I threw out a non-action post to get filler in there and move Oriole around a bit.
DancingWarPanda, not really sure which Psi Sleight you're using. Let me know so I can tell you the results.
I would like to contact Sarah again. This time with the TTO terra-formming info as a peace offering.
What bonus/penalty would I receive since I botched my last 2 contact rolls?
You get a -30 for trying a third time, but a +30 for the documents, so just do a straight-up roll.
Also, I think it would be cool to do some cross-pollination between the threads so you can go ahead and post the message that Jeeves sends the guys in the TTO offices in their thread.
Whoops, sorry. Mimic. It will give me a +30 on impersonating him.
hahahaha I love it. I just saw the triple freerunning fail @ the apartment thread.
"!" thump-crash-aagh!
hahahaha I love it. I just saw the triple freerunning fail @ the apartment thread.
"!" thump-crash-aagh!
Yeah I imagine the way it goes down is the first two (who actually have points in it), take off kind of shaky then I just trip right off the bat...
Hey, c'mon. It's hard chasing someone down a set of stairs without breaking an ankle. ;D
Huzzah, natural 1 on the Profession check! I am the best cop EVER.
'Course, that doesn't help me when I've pulled down a 74 on the research check.
Now, with the +30 from the Profession as a complimentary skill, that puts me at 50. I can spend a point of Moxie to flip the 74 to a 47, which is a pass, correct?
If so, I'll do that. 8)
Has the time passed for me to get my info from my very first networking check?
EDIT: Nvm, I saw what you posted in the IC thread.
Huzzah, natural 1 on the Profession check! I am the best cop EVER.
'Course, that doesn't help me when I've pulled down a 74 on the research check.
Now, with the +30 from the Profession as a complimentary skill, that puts me at 50. I can spend a point of Moxie to flip the 74 to a 47, which is a pass, correct?
If so, I'll do that. 8)
Actually, I think I'll break it down into bits of information. With that Profession: Police Procedures check you'll get information on the type of case and how to get it open. With the Research check (with the +30 bonus) you'll get the information of what is inside the case and its significance. So if you want to use Moxie, that's fine too and would probably be helpful to the investigation.
Hey, c'mon. It's hard chasing someone down a set of stairs without breaking an ankle. ;D
Thankfully Mars' gravity is a third of that on Earth, so there's less chances of injury from something like that. The more you know.
Less of a chance, maybe.
But the way I've been rolling most of the time..............................................
Huzzah, natural 1 on the Profession check! I am the best cop EVER.
'Course, that doesn't help me when I've pulled down a 74 on the research check.
Now, with the +30 from the Profession as a complimentary skill, that puts me at 50. I can spend a point of Moxie to flip the 74 to a 47, which is a pass, correct?
If so, I'll do that. 8)
Actually, I think I'll break it down into bits of information. With that Profession: Police Procedures check you'll get information on the type of case and how to get it open. With the Research check (with the +30 bonus) you'll get the information of what is inside the case and its significance. So if you want to use Moxie, that's fine too and would probably be helpful to the investigation.
Hey, c'mon. It's hard chasing someone down a set of stairs without breaking an ankle. ;D
Thankfully Mars' gravity is a third of that on Earth, so there's less chances of injury from something like that. The more you know.
Great! I'll do that, then.
Ok, so I screwed up my Perception. The skill is (60) on my sheet and I should get a +20 from enhanced vision for a total of (80)
I rolled a 73.
Ok, I'll take that into account.
Hey Mckma, I need to know if you'll be part of the combat, if so I need you to roll Initiative. I'll wait until tomorrow and see if you've rolled it, otherwise combat will begin without you.
csr556, you can turn on the Neurachem bioware that the Fury morph brings to get +1 to your speed, in other words, an extra action per turn. According to the Eclipse Phase rule, right now the action turns would be the man first, then you, then you again- the turn then ends and repeats. So unless Mckma joins in and rolls a lower Initiative than you, you can go ahead and make both Actions in the same group of posts.
Consider Neurachem on. I'm going hand to hand so I don't make as much noise.
Oh yeah, and NOW i start rolling low. ;D
Actually, I'll just let you make the two action phases at the same time even if Mckma rolls lower, to speed up the combat.
Another thing to speed up combat, I will roll your Fray when making the attack, and you will roll my Fray while making your attack. The man's Fray is 40, so you can roll that when attacking to determine if you hit him or not.
Since I do not know what his armor is, I'll let you do damage for me, okay?
I just have my armor clothing (3/4) and my Bioweave (2/3) for a total of (5/7)
The man is also wearing armor clothing, so he has an AV of 3/4.
Remember that the man goes before you; I'll let you keep the roll you already made, but I first have to know if Mckma will join in. If he doesn't post by tomorrow, combat will start and the man will get the first swing.
Is it too late to spend a point of moxie to flip my initiative roll?
No, go ahead and spend it.
Ok, I will modify the thread. I'll post the original roll, since it won't keep.
Okay, for DancingWarPanda and Robot Master, whom are trying to infiltrate the offices, I'll list off a few of your gear or implants that can be useful for infiltration.
Electrical Sense - Immediately sense any electric fields from devices, and +10 for interacting with them.
T-Ray Emitter- With the enhanced vision implant, allows for adjustable X-ray vision.
Grip Pads-Stick to surfaces and grants +30 to climbing checks.
Chameleon Coating for Armor- +30 to infiltration checks to avoid being seen through certain vision modes. Same as Chameleon Cloak.
White Noise Machine- Masks sounds, in the gear description it mentions only conversations but I would think it could also be used for noise during infiltration.
Covert Operations Tool- Opens electronic locks, but may trigger alarms or leave a log of the event
I may have missed a few, but those should be enough to sneak in. You can also use them for fluff purposes in the descriptions.
Hardware 50:dice1d100:
:roll dice1d100:
Hardware 50 : dice 1d100 :
sorry having a bad night tonight
Hardware 50
Rolling 1d100: (54): Total = 54
Don't worry about it. I'm assuming the roll in the thread is the "official one" so I'll go with that one.
Since Mckma hasn't posted in the fight thread, Reaver can make his next attack.
Ouch, a critical failure for Reaver. I'll let you choose, do the densiplast gloves get damaged or does he skip a turn?
Ok this is a weird one. In the actual table top game a 00 would be a critical success but you can't roll 0's on this dice roller. On the table top you roll somewhere between 00-99. Does that mean for the lack of existence a 00 = 100?
If not we're screwed lol.
Yep, 100 is 00. So that is indeed a critical success, with a Margin of Success of +60.
Don't worry about it. I'm assuming the roll in the thread is the "official one" so I'll go with that one.
yeah I tried some 10 different configurations until I actually started researching the code again. The roll I made was the first one that actually worked.
Yep, 100 is 00. So that is indeed a critical success, with a Margin of Success of +60.
Thank god lol. I was afraid of how bad that was about to become.
So Dom do I wait for you to put something or should we assume the connection is set up?
Some stuff from latest combat post:
1. Accidentally missed closing tag for italics, only the first "paragraph" should be, didn't want to edit as it screws up the die roller.
2. I haven't had a lot of time to look through combat rules, so I'm really not sure if I got everything or if I even got the basics right. Let me know if I screwed it up too bad. I'm going to try and read it a bit better this weekend.
3. On the same note, I really have no idea for damage or 100% if I hit (I'm pretty sure I did), so I need to check on that.
at what point should I roll my infosec check to play around with TTO's system? Also I'm gonna try to add a spoof job that'll allow us to get friction back out the way he came without needing to crack that electronic lock again.
You've got a secure wireless connection now, which you can use for Infosec checks.
I'm a moron, by the way, my total skill for those checks was at 81, not 80.
but they still passed, no harm no foul. In other news I'll probably get the rolling code right the first time next roll.
So failed the infiltration roll. Hopefully that doesn't screw us over too much.
Hate to double post but I try to avoid putting too much OOC in the OC threads. Should I consider Khalil left for the bar or do I actually have to post it?
Go ahead post Khalil leaving the offices and entering Gastown. Get to the part where he meets the doorman to Hemel and what you decide to do from there- either to drop off the guns with him, conceal them, or persuade the doorman to let you past with them. This applies to Oriole too, if he's going to Hemel.
Just occurred to me that I don't think that Ace actually told us why we're going to Hemel, so I versed it to the other squad that we're following Ace.
I'm holding right now to see if the other guys need Oriole. Once that's decided I'll post at either Hemel or wherever the rest of the guys are going.
Ace does not know why you all are goin' to Hemel. He's there to meet a contact, after all.
If you guys want to meet up, Riveira's apartment seems like a good choice since Ace is just meeting his contact. Reaver is also going to go meet with his barsoomian contact, and I think Zeeb will go with him.
Also, I'm sure Khalil would like to use his Async abilities with no holding back. ;D
Just so everyone knows, I will be out of pocket on Thursday and most of Friday. I will be with my daughter at the hospital.. Tonsils and adenoids need to come out.
Just so everyone knows, I will be out of pocket on Thursday and most of Friday. I will be with my daughter at the hospital.. Tonsils and adenoids need to come out.
Hope everything goes well.
No problem on this end, hope your daughter gets better soon.
Thanks. It's pretty routine anymore, so there is a high probability that it will be fine.
DancingWarPanda, is Khalil going to the apartments too?
I'm assuming that Khalil did go to the apartment, but if not let me know and I can edit the post.
Hey guys. The game and the posting rate has gone down these last two weeks, and that includes from my end.
Since a few important events are coming up for me, I'd like to take a break for the game momentarily for perhaps two or three weeks, depending on how much time you guys would prefer. In the mean time, i would like to email or IM with you guys in a one on one conversation to see how I can make the game more interesting for your PCs as well as your players. I'll be looking for points of interest that you'd like to develop in your character, suggestion on cool events you'd like to see, and constructive criticism on my GMing style- what you like and what you don't like so I can mold the style to you guys.
If you guys want to have an open conversation on how to improve the game, that's fine too. I'd encourage the person to open a thread so that the other players can hop on and discuss the game during the break.
Remember, there is no need to force yourself to play if you are not having fun. If for some reason this game has not fulfilled your expectations and you wish to step out, I won't take it personally. However, I ask that if you do wish to step out, I would like for you to give me a reason for it, so that I may know how I can improve in the future to avoid the same mistakes.
Thanks for your understanding, and I hope to start this game up in about three weeks time. In the interim, I'll send an email to each of you individually that we can discuss the game and ideas for the plot.
Alright, works for me.
I'mma toss out a response to your latest post in Hemel first though. Otherwise I'll feel like a slacker.
That works for me. We all need a little time now and then for things.
I'm having fun! I just thought we were going to have our psychic guy check out this dude at the apartment, so I've been kinda waiting for that to get thrown in.