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Active Games => Eclipse Phase: Pulse => Other RPG's and Misc. => Games Games Games? => A Time of Eclipse => : Dom February 15, 2011, 11:51:37 AM
Reb Riveira’s Apartment
Lien’s address takes Reaver and Zeeb to one of the more run-down areas in Pembroke Gardens. The building is a prefab metallic foam apartment complex: dark grey walls with a definite preference of functionality over architectural aesthetics. The people who walk around look shady at best; among the crowd there are several obvious Triad gangsters peddling organic drugs, petals and illegal XPs.
The main door of the building is wide open, and occasionally a person will enter or leave through it. From outside, a main staircase can be seen. The address points to an apartment on the third floor.
Jeeves pops up in Reaver’s entoptics, a balding man wearing a butler uniform consisting of a suit and red tie. “It seems like Sarah does remember that unfortunate incident. Maybe we could try to check with someone else in the @ network, but I’m sure Sarah is now aware you’re looking for information there and will try to hinder your progress.”
[OOC] You can try Networking: Anarchists again, but you will have a -10 modifier to the check.
Ok Jeeves. Take your time this time. Let's try to avoid problems. I can't believe that she still holds a grudge. her father doesn't! And he's the one I shot!
But it was her uncle that you put in cold storage for 5 years.
Yeah. I guess it's true about scorned women. Story of my life.
As this is taking place, Reaver sets the security on his bike, takes a drink from his water bottle and scans his TacNet for any sign of Zeeb.
Networking:Anarchists (45)[+20 for taking time, -10 for botched prior attempt.]
Rolling 1d100: (67): Total = 67
"Very well, I will try again. This might take some time, however. We should continue with the investigation." Jeeves bows his head slightly and vanishes from the entoptic display.
I will glance at my TacNet one more time for Zeeb, seeing nothing, I will start walking to the apartment - taking the stairs. I will take my time and keep watch for any and all surveillance devices that may be around.
Perception (50)
Rolling 1d100: (82): Total = 82
Zeeb walks up somewhat quickly while at the same time trying to not appear rushed. "Sorry I'm late, Richard gave me crap for directions."
"Hey, now that's not fair man. I got you here didn't I?"
"Yeah, after practically taking me back to earth first, you planned such a roundabout way."
"You know I'm not great with public transit. Maybe you should get your own transport like one of those new cycles instead of blowing your money on a CM."
"You know what, that's going to be very useful. Point is you screwed up and it's all your fault."
Sarcastically "Aww..."
He then turns to Reaver. "Anyway, what's up?"
"Getting ready to head up. Figured we'd take the stairs since it's only the third floor. You find out anything new?"
Both Reaver and Zeeb start walking up the stairs towards the apartment. As they walk, Reaver looks around for any surveillance devices but finds none. It looks like there wouldn't be much in the way of security, seeing as people are just walking in and out. The building also looks like it has been here for several years before the Fall- it is old and antiquated. Newer residential buildings are built with comfort and security in mind, this building does not seem to be of that mindset.
The stairs look sturdy, being made of the same metallic alloy as the rest of the building. The place seems even more run-down inside: scratch marks on the walls, brown grime on the floor and trash littered in the hallways.
Finally, Reaver and Zeeb reach the apartment number five in the third floor- Reb Riveira's apartment. The hallway is deserted and cold, the only noise heard is that of a low hum coming from apartment seven, most likely a group of Tibetan authentics in meditation. Zeeb tries the door to Riveira's apartment, but finds it locked.
Zeeb turns back to Reaver, "Locked. You have the key?" he asks quietly. He also scans the floor quickly to see if anyone is watching them engage in what could be construed as some questionably legal activities.
Perception (40)
Rolling 1d100: (12): Total = 12
Zeeb looks for unexpected bystanders or security devices, but finds only cold solitude. He does become aware, however, that a loud noise in the hallway could bring nosy tenants out of their apartments to investigate, so a quiet entry would be recommended.
"Sure thing."
Reaver takes his back pack off, opens one of the many small pockets and extracts what looks like a multitool. It is in fact, a covert ops tool.
"Gimme a sec or three" he says while applying the tool to the lock.
OOC: Not sure what I roll for this thing. Let me know and I'll add another post.
Reaver pauses before continuing. He looks at Zeeb; "I can do this, but I can't remember our past ops. Are you better at this? I'm passable, but not great."
"It's been a few weeks since I've actually cracked a lock, but it doesn't look like this is too secure of a joint. Should be a nice warmup. You mind?" He asks motioning towards the tool. "Those are so much fun."
Electronics (Using Covert Ops Tool or Wrist Mounted Tools 70)
Rolling 1d100: (4): Total = 4
Zeeb crouches down and removes the lock's panel with an expert twist of the wrist-mounted tools. He then fiddles with the lock's circuitry for a second and the door unlocks. Placing the panel back on the lock, it looks as if the door had never been disturbed.
The pair enters a small, single room apartment with a separate bathroom door to the right. A single-sized aerogel bed takes up most of the wall opposite from the apartment's entrance, its sheets are messy and somewhat dirty. To the left a small kitchen set is littered with the remains of insta-meal packages. Paper, average lined paper like the type seen back in the 20th century, clutters the entire room. Picking one up, Reaver notices that it has Portuguese handwriting. The slightly blue-tinged light above matches the coldness felt inside the room.
[OOC] To look around the room, you can make Perception or Investigation rolls to search around the room. To read through the papers you can give me a Research roll, and a complementary skill is Portuguese for a +30 although I don't think any of you know it- you can still read them using translators but it will be at a -10 penalty.
"Hey Zeeb, you speak or read Portuguese?" As he holds up one of the papers.
"So, do you want to start looking through these, or search though the apartment? I have some training in Linguistics, that may help with these."
"Nah man, just some technical Russian and Japanese. I'll give the place a once over though, if you want to take a look at those papers. I could look up some translation software for you though." Zeeb then begins to idly wander about the apartment both looking for clues and any interesting small electronics or other devices. After all, if Riveira's really missing, he won't need them and Alex has 10 years of technology to catch up on...
Perception (40)
Rolling 1d100: (90): Total = 90
Reaver starts to really scan some of the pages he has picked up. "It had to be Portuguese."
Linguistics (50)
Rolling 1d100: (50): Total = 50
Muttering to himself "well that looks like a..... Yeah and that is a..... I think I've got this for the most part."
You are muttering to yourself again.
Yeah, I know. Bad habits are hard to break. Anything from our contacts?
Not yet. All doors seem to be closed. Perhaps if you make a peace offering?
I'll consider it.
Meanwhile, Reaver will go back to the pages as the Portuguese comes to him slowly.
Research (50)[+20 for Linguistics roll exactly]
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
After a couple of minutes, Reaver's head starts to ache from the eyestrain. I thought I had this figured out.
Taking a break, he starts scanning the apartment for anything unusual.
Perception (50)
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
Reaver and Zeeb start pacing around the apartment, pushing away the lined paper and looking around. They look around for a while, but find nothing of much importance except more and more paper. The room ends up looking even messier than when they found it, if that were even possible.
Finally, Richard speaks up: "No offense man but I'm not so sure we will be able to find much here. I mean, sure, we can still try, but it looks like your home decoration project isn't going to help us find anything any easier."
[OOC] For any skill you have rolled and failed, you can try again at a -10 penalty. Or, you can call it a day and look for other leads elsewhere.
"I'm not seeing anything useful around here. Let me take a look at these papers again."
Perception (50)[+20 for linguistics][-10 for 2nd attempt] 60
Rolling 1d100: (29): Total = 29
"Whatever. Just you watch," Zeeb directs at Richard. Responding to Reaver, "Why don't you take another look at the papers, I'll give the place a last scan. If I don't find anything, we'll bounce and take the papers. With more times and the others, I'm sure we'll figure them out." Zeeb once again begins rummaging through the apartment perhaps a bit distracted by looking for interesting devices to "borrow."
Perception (40) [-10 for second attempt] 30 <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(32): Total = 32 </div>
"I guess you were right, as much as I hate to admit it," he concedes quietly. "Well, I'm ready to go."
Reaver holds up his hand while scanning another sheet "Hold on a sec, something looks interesting here. Can you gather more papers?"
As Reaver starts gathering more and more sheet, a pattern starts forming in his head. He manages to arrange the sheets in groups depending on the topics they deal with.
The first pile of papers is not only in Portuguese, but it also deals with important technical details regarding chemical and biological terraforming techniques associated with the Tharsis Terraforming Office. Looking through them, Reaver finds chemical formulas, genetic arrangements and geographical data on future terraforming efforts.
Jeeves appears in Reaver's entoptics, looking surprised. "Sir, I believe this could be important information regarding the terraforming projects of the TTO. I'm sure that they would not like this data to become public knowledge and it could serve as leverage against them if needed. Or, we could give these plans to another faction, I'm sure they would be glad to receive it though the Tharsis League could resent that."
Reaver also find what seem to be a few pages that do not match the other sheets. Looking through them, the data is not like the others: they are mathematical calculations and programming information. It seems obvious that Riveira was attempting to write down a piece of software, though what it was supposed to be is not immediately apparent.
A last pile of papers are dedicated to what seems to be like a daily planner. In it, Riveira lists out his daily schedule, Mesh accounts with their respective passwords, contact information including those of Barsoomian and Firewall contacts, and more personal information.
Richard pops up in Zeeb's entoptics, a curious look in his eye.
"Y'know, I was kinda interested as to why this guy would write down so much, seeing as he had a Menton morph and nowadays everyone simply writes with their Mesh inserts. I did a bit of research on my own and it seems like scientists working with governmental affairs are assigned Morphs that have no long-term memory. It helps to make sure that secrets do not leave their work-place. Their muses are programmed to lead them on through the day and only remind them of what they have been programmed to remind them. If that wasn't enough, their base memories are often edited and they tend to go through a lot of psychosurgery. A pretty sad existence indeed."
Richard shakes his head
"I guess this guy must have wanted a semblance of memories that were not tampered by the government. It's actually pretty interesting- he stopped using his muse and his Mesh inserts, and instead reverted to plain old writing to keep track of his memory. I guess when technology is so much a part of our daily lives, we forget that non-technological means exist to do the exact same things."
Jeeves, make e-copies of all these papers. Also, all contact information, Barsoomian and Firewall, store and encrypt.
Reaver takes a look at the daily planner, trying to make some sense of it. If there are dates, or an apparent order, he will look for the last entry. "Zeeb, we have three categories here: TTO terraforming - useful for the Barsoomians and TTO, some type of software program notes - beyond my skills, and a list of Barsoomian and Firewall contacts and a daily diary. I'm thinking that the TTO information could help me get back into my contacts good graces in the Movement. It could also be an 'Ace in the Hole' if we need to go after something they are doing. What do you think?"
Jeeves, send a message to the others quickly - look for anything that has to do with software engineering or TTO Terraforming. It may help narrow things down for them.
"Interesting," Zeeb responds, "can I take a look at some of those? Maybe something will pop out to me. We should definitely take down a copy of those. I mean I figure if he took the trouble to actually write stuff down rather than make a digital copy, he doesn't want anyone to be able to hack and take it. I mean granted we broke into his place, but it wasn't exactly easy to figure out what was on these sheets." Zeeb gives a look over the math and programming sheets.
Academics: Mathematics (50)
Rolling 1d100: (32): Total = 32
Programming (40) [+20 if related to AI Code]
Rolling 1d100: (58): Total = 58
[OOC: I also have Academics: Computer Science if that is relevant]
"I've already had Jeeves scan everything into e-copy while I was reading it. So it has been stored and can be sent to everyone when they're ready for it."
Zeeb flips through the papers with the help of the translator. He manages to figure out that Riveira was writing down a firewall software, one that took an open-source yet very basic firewall and then programmed in extremely tough security measures. In specific it make quadruple checks on unknown programs that enter the user's Mesh inserts through biological means. It could be an active countermeasure for some sort of nanotoxin or drug, from what the programming info implies.
"I'll send the message right away" says Jeeves.
Jeeves, encrypt and send this message to Sarah:
It has been a long time, and I apologize for shooting your uncle in the leg. I didn't know at the time he was your uncle, and I even assisted him to safety.
I had hoped this wouldn't affect our business relationship as much as it has. However, I have some interesting documentation on TTO terra-forming that I think you may be interested in.
If you find these interesting enough, please let me know. I still need some information on an ego named Shango if you would be so kind.
I look forward to resuming our mutual business partnership.
Persuasion (60)
Rolling 1d100: (43): Total = 43
Networking Autonomists (40) [all penalties and bonuses added in]
Rolling 1d100: (73): Total = 73
Reaver receives a response from Sarah. "Alright, we can meet. But be warned, I will have friends over. If you try anything, I'll fry your cortical stack personally. My turf, my rules."
"Zeeb, my contact wants to meet about the info we have. She hopefully has information about the Shango ego we have. I will warn you, it won't be a very warm reception. In fact, it may be colder than the Martian nights. So, interested in going?"
Jeeves, let Sarah know that I will be coming with Zeeb. Plot a course so we can stop off at the apartment. I need to drop off my weapons.
"Heh, heh, sounds fun. Yeah I'll tag along, I've got nothing better to do and it sounds like an extra set of eyes might be helpful."
"Fun is the operative word here. Just don't sneeze too suddenly. I have to make a quick stop at my place to drop off my weapons."
"Sounds like I should probably stash mine too. Should we drop by my apartment too, or can I borrow a corner of yours?" Zeeb quickly scans the apartment to put back anything terribly out of place that he might of moved. "Richard, back up some pictures of this place in case we need to take a look at the place. A 3D rendering would be nice too."
"You can use my lock box, I'll show you the codes for everything in case my stack gets fried."
OOC - to keep Zeeb in the loop. I responded to the other post.
"I think we're done here at the apartment. We are getting ready to meet with a contact about the Shango ego. Wish us luck. The last time I met with this contact, things did not turn expected."
"Jeeves should have sent all of you an encrypted packet by now. Your muses will have the key to un-encrypt. They are e-copies of the documents we found. I believe some of you have already started looking into them."
" We will keep you informed as we can."
OOC - to keep Zeeb in the loop. I responded to the other post.
"I think we're done here at the apartment. We are getting ready to meet with a contact about the Shango ego. Wish us luck. The last time I met with this contact, things did not turn expected."
"Jeeves should have sent all of you an encrypted packet by now. Your muses will have the key to un-encrypt. They are e-copies of the documents we found. I believe some of you have already started looking into them."
" We will keep you informed as we can."
OOC - Yeah, I check both threads, so I saw it.
As the two agents leave the apartment, they notice a figure standing on the main stairway. The figure immediately runs down the stairs, rushed footsteps are heard as the person goes down the stairs.
Freerunning (55)
Rolling 1d100: (90): Total = 90
[OOC] Free-running rolls to catch up with the person.
freerunning (55)
Rolling 1d100: (73): Total = 73
"Oh come on, I hate this stuff..." Alex mutters under his breath before taking off after Reaver and the unknown figure.
Freerunning (15)
Rolling 1d100: (26): Total = 26
[OOC] Measuring this through margin of success/failure.
Reaver and Zeeb start rushing down the stairs. They get a glimpse of the figure, a man with a black duster, as he runs outside the apartment through the main entrance and takes a left.
Freerunning (55)
Rolling 1d100: (11): Total = 11
Reaver keeps after the guy in the black duster.
freerunning (55)
Rolling 1d100: (18): Total = 18
Reaver goes through the door after the man in the black duster, followed by Zeeb, out onto the crowded sidewalk. Surveying the area, it's obvious that the man is not among the crowd. However, Reaver does see an alleyway at the side of the apartment complex. The sun has set and the alley is dark. The lights from the street do not reach the shadows between the buildings. It is possible that the man is hiding in the alley, but going after him could be dangerous.
Reaver runs towards the alley entrance, then slows down. He peers into the alley as his hand slowly starts inching towards his hidden pistol.
"Zeeb, slow down. I'm at an alley and going in to look for our friend."
perception (50)
Rolling 1d100: (73): Total = 73
Reaver walks forward, closing his hand on the pistol grip, ready for an attack at any second. At the same time, he constantly changes his vision mode with his implanted eye mods. The dark alley is still, the sounds from the street is muffled and an oppressive sense of danger fills the area.
[spoiler]Opposed Infiltration Check (60)
Rolling 1d100: (4): Total = 4
There's no way that he can roll higher than Reaver and get a success, so Reaver will not be surprised by the man.
While cycling through his X-ray vision, Reaver sees movement behind a large dumpster. However, as soon as he notices it, he hears the recognizable sound of a baton being unfolded, as well as the sharp tick sound of electric current being deployed. The man jumps out, the shock baton at a practiced position ready to make contact. In the few miliseconds before his combat instincts take over, Reaver realizes that the black duster was actually a chameleon cloak, and that only because of Reaver's enhanced vision did the cloak not give the man an advantage in this confrontation.
Initiative (80)
Rolling 1d100+80: (40)+80: Total = 120
Realizing the man isn't attempting to kill him, reaver releases his grip on his pistol and stands easy, preferring to let his densiplast gloves do the work.
Initiative (70) <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100+70: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(28)+70: Total = 98 </div>
Spend a point of Moxie to change roll from 28 to 82. Total initiative is 152 now.
Once the man is within range, Reaver takes a swing at him.
Unarmed (55)
Rolling 1d100: (51): Total = 51
Man's Fray (40)
Rolling 1d100: (74): Total = 74
Zeeb crosses the street into the alley. Seeing Reaver engaging with his fists, Zeeb quickly sizes up the situation and keeps his hand near his pistol to cover him in case things go south.
Rolling 1d100+54: (52)+54: Total = 106
7+ (SOM/10) = 7+ (25/10) = 9 damage - 4 kinetic armor = 5 damage total
Reaver, through sheer luck, manages to connect with his densiplast gloves before the attacker can take a swing. The jab is square in the chest, and the man flinches at concrete-hard punch.
The man steps back for a second before charging towards Reaver's left, the stun baton ticking with electrical current.
Club (60)
Rolling 1d100: (84): Total = 84
Reaver's Fray (50)
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
The swing is poorly aimed and misses Reaver completely. A quiet "Shit" escapes from under his breath.
OOC: My second action for the round
Reaver, thanks the universe for poor swings and throws another punch.
Unarmed (55)
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
Man's fray (45)
Rolling 1d100: (17): Total = 17
Reaver's punch, directed straight at the nose of the man, misses entirely as the man ducks downwards.
Cursing under his breath, Reaver continues with the dance.
1st Action
Unarmed (55)
Rolling 1d100: (52): Total = 52
Man's Fray (45)
Rolling 1d100: (79): Total = 79
2nd action
Unarmed (55)
Rolling 1d100: (99): Total = 99
Mans Fray (45)
Rolling 1d100: (51): Total = 51
Reaver's first hit connects solidly, but he could tell that he overbalanced himself to get it.
Damage 1D10+4 (-3 armor)
Rolling 1d10+1: (1)+1: Total = 2
He attempts to redirect his force and misses wildly, just before slamming his fist into a dumpster. Damage 1D10+4
Rolling 1d10+4: (4)+4: Total = 8
(no armor)
Twisting back into the fight, he knows he's lost his immediate speed advantage.
OOC: I figure no armor for smacking the dumpster, lose the initiative and an action for this turn to get back into the fight.
The man gives a wolfish grin as he sees an opening for two quick attacks.
Club (60)
Rolling 1d100: (40): Total = 40
Reaver's Fray (50)
Rolling 1d100: (53): Total = 53
DUR + Energy armor = 43 + 5 = 48
Reaver's Resist Shock (48)
Rolling 1d100: (84): Total = 84
The first attack is a swipe, which catches Reaver on his left shoulder. The power of the attack is diminished by Reaver's armored clothing and his Bioweave implant, but an electric jolt goes through his body.
7 + (SOM/10) = 7 + (20/10) = 9 damage - 7 kinetic armor = 2 damage total
The jolt incapacitates Reaver as the electric shock makes him lose his neuromuscular control.
The blow pushes Reaver against the alley's wall, where he slides down to the floor.
Rather than continue fighting, the man sees this as an opportunity to run.
[OOC] Reaver is stunned for 3 Action Rounds. Zeeb could take the shot with his pistol, charge in to physically attack the man, or get the upper hand in the chase by rolling Freerunning first.
OOC: I'm assuming it is not unreasonable to say I was aiming for an aimed shot since I said I would be waiting to see how Reaver handled it, if this isn't okay, go ahead and remove the bonus and I'll not take an aimed shot.
Zeeb sees Reaver drop and the man prepare to run. He calls for the man to stand down and fires a Flux round set for plastic into the man's leg in an attempt to stop his ability to run.
Zeeb's Kinetic Weapons (50 base +30 aimed shot -10 called shot = 70 modified; 30 MoS for legs = 40 to hit legs; 41-70 regular hit)
Rolling 1d100: (64): Total = 64
Half Man's Fray (Ranged: 23)
Rolling 1d100: (32): Total = 32
Zeeb's plastic round hits the man in the center of the back.
[spoiler]Medium Pistol Attack
15 damage - (Kinetic armor - Armor Penetration) = 15 - (4 - 5) = 15 damage total (Armor nullified)
Wound Threshold = 7 = 2 wounds received
Resist Knockdown (40) [ ( SOM x 3)-Wounds = 60 - 20 = 40]
Rolling 1d100: (25): Total = 25
Resist Unconsciousness (40) [ ( SOM x 3) - Wounds = 60 - 20 = 40]
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
The man falls over because the high-powered plastic round and hits his head against the alley's pavement. Richard looks impressed. "Nice shot Alex, looks like the guy is out cold. If you wanted to prevent him from running, you did just that."
"Huh. Not what I was going for, but eh, whatever works right?" He looks over to Reaver to see how he's doing, not quite sure whether to help him or try and secure the man first.
Once he has control of his arms back, Reaver will hand a cuffband to Zeeb. "Here, secure him." Reaver will then get to his feet, a little shaky at first, but starts to rub the electric jolt from his frame. "Do you think we can get back into the apartment? I want to ask a few questions. Oh, and we should move quickly, that gunshot won't be completely ignored."
Zeeb snaps the cuffband around the unconcious man's wrists while talking to Reaver, "I don't think I would have too much of an issue getting through the lock again. Not sure how we'd move this guy though," he says standing up and giving the man a light kick in the side. "Dragging him around might draw as much attention as a gunshot would, and I'm not exactly stealthy. I could head off and give the lock a try though." Zeeb quickly searches through the man's pockets seeing if there is anything interesting or of note.
Moving the man back to Riveira's apartment is relatively simple: most of the onlookers are either too busy as they walk or don't ask questions while Reaver and Zeeb hold the man by the shoulders and take him inside. This area of Pembroke Gardens is not the most reputable anyways.
Opening the lock in Riveira's apartment proves easy enough for Zeeb, while Reaver deposits the man in the crummy bed. The blue-tinged light and the coldness in the room have not changed since they last entered.
Now in better light, the agents take a better look at the man. He is bald, with no eyebrows. He is sleeved in a Ruster morph, an athletic build with a light orange skin tone. Reaver recognizes the man's black duster as that of a Martian Ranger, though it is worn and dusty with the insignias peeled off.
A wound is on his forehead where he hit the pavement and the man is still out cold. Checking his pockets, they find several empty vials of recreational drugs for Mono no Aware and Buzz. They also find an empty red capsule with a silver key symbol stamped on it.
In the man's back-pocket, Zeeb finds an electronic money card with 2000 credits left in it.
Taking the card, pocketing it, and the capsule, Zeeb attempts to find information related to the capsule and where it may have come from.
Research (60)
Rolling 1d100: (32): Total = 32
OOC: Would Reaver have shared his opinions on "accepting payment" from attacking individuals?
OOC: Reaver would have shared that he has no problem taking items from people who attack him.
Reaver notices Zeeb rifle through the pockets. "Anything interesting? This guys a former Ranger."
In that case, Zeeb splits the credits he finds with Reaver.
"Thanks. I'll file those away for a rainy day. Are those drug bottles?"
Richard searches on the mesh and finds a few hits. He then compiles a summary of what he finds.
Apparently, there is a new petal nanodrug on the market. It is called Key, as in the key to unlock the doors of perception. From what Richard manages to find, it is a relatively new petal which gives the feeling of removing all the mental barriers that the brain has to provide an unfiltered look at the physical and mental world. Users have said that it is one of the best trips, one that leads to transcendence of the spirit and complete understanding of all things.
The drug is shaped like a red flower, with users taking a petal and ingesting it to experience the trip. Smaller petals are also plucked and stored in small vials, for a single trip experience.
Little information is found as to how to acquire this drug, or who manufactures it. However, criminal contacts might have a better understanding on the situation.
Jeeves, a couple of things, how much time until the meet, and ask around about this drug with our criminal friends. I would like to know more about it. Take your time and be discreet.
Of course, discretion is my middle name after all.
Networking Criminals (90) with taking my time.
Rolling 1d100: (70): Total = 70
Jeeves starts checking the guanxi networks for information on Key.
Sir, I apologize but this might take more time than I previously thought. I am still in contact with the other sentinels' muses, and Ace's muse just posted an update that he is currently meeting a member of the Night Cartel. We could send all the pertinent information over to Ace while we question this hoodlum and later meet with Miss Sarah.
Good Idea, send the info over, along with our contacts and known drug dens to help out. Thanks for the update. Oh, and make sure to watch the time. I don't want to miss my meeting. Anything interesting from the others at the office?
[OOC] So you guys want to wake up the man, or are you going to do something else?
Reaver walks around the apartment, looking for something. He eventually goes into the bathroom and returns with a towel. He uses the towel to gag the man and then starts slapping him awake.
An incoming message from Oriole appears:
[Jeeves: We're leaving TTO now. We have the contents of Jakuta's workstation. Also, be advised, we intercepted the following from Murrak Aghassi.
To whom it may concern,
At 1837 hours, military sensors set up in the outer perimeters of the cordoned area known as the TITAN Quarantine Zone reported a strong spike in electromagnetism. This was followed by increased activity of nanoswarms and TITAN-created machines in the Zone. This electromagnetic pulse temporarily disabled several civilian and military satellites which happened to be orbiting the area close to the TQZ. Thankfully, no habitats were affected by this burst of electromagnetic radiation.
The reasons for this event are as of yet unknown. There is also no clear location pinpointing the origin of the burst, except that it was somewhere close to the center of the TQZ, from the area known as the White Zone.
As a response to this event, the Tharsis League’s security branches went on full alert and begun to take defensive measures directed at the TQZ. This includes mobilizing the military to the TQZ, more contracts with Direct Action and Gorgon Defense Systems, and temporarily requisitioning the Maglev systems to assist in the mobilization.
News of this event are still out of the media channels though we expect this to end in the next hour. We are expecting panic and rioting in the streets. I hope that it does not come to that, as we have spread our security forces too thin by moving many of these groups to the TQZ.
There has not been this level of activity coming from the TQZ. I worry that this might be a portent of another TITAN attack, I will pray that this is not the case.
Murrak Aghassi
...we are following Ace right now to a bar called Hemel in the nightclub district. It seems he's following some sort of lead. Do you need any assistance from one of us at your location? If so, please advise.]
"Thanks, but unless any of you are experts in extracting information, you'll want to steer clear of the apartment."
Jeeves, what was the payload you received?
I'm decrypting and scanning now, sir. I will advise when you have a moment.
The man wakes up with a start at the slapping. He looks around confused and frightened for a second. Then he steels his gaze. Reaver knows that it's the Ranger conditioning kicking in, reminding him that he needs to be aware. The man was most likely a patrol ranger, the type that trek through the martian expanses for days at a time. Those guys never sleep at ease, or at least the good ones don't.
He starts surveilling the room, looking at everything. Then he gazes directly at Reaver, hate filling his eyes. He doesn't make a sound, almost as if he hadn't noticed the gag on his mouth anyways.
Reaver looks at the ex-Ranger. "Don't look at me like that. I didn't shoot you. So, are you going to cause a fuss if I take the towel out? I'm willing to play nice if you are. I just want some answers."
Sir, I think you need to step aside and look at this message.
I'm a little busy here Jeeves.
I believe it may be important. But I suggest you step away.
Reaver sighs and walks into the small bathroom. Ok Jeeves, what is it?
As Jeeves plays the message, Reaver starts to sweat, then pieces of memories start flooding into his head. Memories of battle armor, other soldiers firing and dying, and something....... at the back of his memory that he can't quite see. Something horrid and baleful.
Reaver suddenly buckles and starts vomiting into the toilet.
Zeeb walks over to the door of the bathroom, with an eye back towards the prisoner. "Hey, you alright in there? Because if you aren't, I'm not quite sure what to do with this guy. Shooting him was about the extent of my abilities in dealing with situations like this." He says quietly through the door.
He pulls away from the door, muttering under his breath, "Why couldn't he be a robot, things are so much simpler with robots..."
Reaver waves Zeeb off. "I'm fine" he manages to croak. After taking a moment to calm himself, Reaver stands up, flushes the toilet then cleans his face off.
Jeeves, what the Hell was that!
It appears to be edited memories coming back. The TITAN message seems to have triggered them.
[Incoming transmission from Oriole...]
"Change of plans. I am going to move from my current location to the location of this apartment. I would only interfere with Ace's meeting with his contact. I should not be long."
Oriole is going to hail a cab or tail a rail, whichever will work faster, to get the the housing block.
Once finished, Reaver enters the room with the prisoner. "Now, where were we? Oh yes, are you going to play fair and I'll take the gag out, or do you want to do things the hard way?"
Oriole and Friction arrive to the apartment complex, sharing the same cab. Friction stays outside to survey the area while Oriole goes inside to Riveira's apartment.
The man gives a slow nod of agreement, staring intensely at Reaver. Reaver removes the gag from the man's mouth, he stays silent for a while before speaking.
"I know you, you're that Direct Action mercenary. I was posted outside the Zone, patrolling the perimeter. A merc team was leaving the White Zone; I stayed back and watched you shoot your own teammates while they were distracted, then burn their cortical stacks one by one.
His voice progressively goes from calm and collected to maddening whispering. His eyes are open, with a death stare aimed at Reaver.
"I still remember your face, murderer. I told command about you and they threatened me with expulsion. You're the reason I'm out on the streets, no rep nor credits, with my memories edited to shit."
Spittle flies from his mouth as he progressively raises his voice.
"But I managed to remember, I remember now everything that happened."
He glances at the Key vial that Zeeb is holding, then shouts.
"You ruined my life you son of a bitch. I don't have anything left now. I don't even have a back-up insurance. Kill me like you did with your teammates. I'll never rest until you're dead."
Reaver just stares at the man in shock.
Jeeves, check everything you can! See if those memories might be hidden like the others.
Reaver starts to shake his head, "I wouldn't do that. I knew those guys. We fought the TITANs together. They were my friends."
Standing near the closed doorway, Oriole can't help but take a peek outside to see if the man's yelling is generating attention outside. His motions precise and practiced, the rock-red clad Firewall agent moves to stand in view of the conversation.
"Possible mnemonic tampering." Oriole says, glancing towards Reaver. "Do I understand correctly that this man's memories are not what he claims them to be? I would not judge you if what he is saying is true."
"Hunh, wow... Not really sure about the context, but those are some pretty serious accusations..."
Reaver looks visibly shaken. "I don't know if he's lying or not. When you guys sent the file about the zone, it triggered memories of me fighting........................something, I don't know what. A group of people were fighting beside me. I can't see their faces, we're all in heavy armor. When I try to's like I'm chasing the shadows of ghosts. Nothing comes back. There's a 10 year memory blank in my life. I have no idea what I have done, or to whom at this point."
[Ripley? We need to be -very- careful when looking through these files of Jakuta's. I don't know if you're seeing this at the moment but it appears that memories are starting to be affected. Unfortunately, we need to get through those files and see if anything triggers for both memories and former military action against the TITANs.]
"So you may have been tampered with as well." Oriole says flatly from his position by the wall. Folding his arms, he gets a far-away look on his face while he's working on something. "I would advise everyone to make sure that their firewalls are at maximum security and if any intrusions are detected to alert the rest of us."
[Research Roll (53+10 aid from Ripley)]
Rolling 1d100: (36): Total = 36
Ripley searches the files that Jakuta has, yet finds no trace of a virus. "The virus scans shows nothing, and if there had been a virus it would have activated by now, for better or for worse. It's safe to say that the files are clean."
Jeeves finds nothing in his memory banks. "I'm sorry sir, but my data files have been severly edited and I cannot confirm or deny his assertions."
The man stays silent while the Firewall agents discuss this change of events. He looks like the angry outburst drained him, the tiredness barely contained by the Ranger conditioning.
"My memories have nothing to do with an attack. They are part of my past. When I came to Mars from Earth during the Fall, I was arrested and placed in a holding cell. The next thing I know, it's 10 years later. Since then, I've found work as an ego hunter. I had skills that I never remember having. I've never fired a seeker weapon, but I can disassemble one, put it back together and tell you what range is best for an airburst. I've found that things will trigger memories, most of them useless until today. Most of the memories are vague, like shadows moving in the corner of your eye. Today, when the message was sent, it must have caused their surgery to fail. Those memories were vivid and clear, like they just happened yesterday. Something about this has happened before, or is related to it. Unfortunately, I don't know what or how."
Staring at Reaver across the span of the living room, Oriole slowly lowers his head and raises his eyes to the man. It's a serious gesture, bearing a bit of professional weight to it. "Please alert us to what we need to know about your condition if the need arises. I would rather you take caution on this matter."
Turning his eyes back to the hostage in the room, Oriole frowns. "My scan of the terminal shows no evidence of a virus, so the data is secure, and it appears that this gentleperson has suffered tampering as well."
"Sir?" Oriole says, trying to get the hostage's attention. "It appears that both you and this gentleman are the subjects of some form of mnemonic tampering. I would consider your memories about this man, at least for the time being, as being implanted for some sort of directive. You said your memories were shot to shit, then this means that your memories about this man could also be implanted. In your luck we are not murderers, so let's try to figure this out. Can you think to why or who told you to come to this apartment?"
:Persuasion 15
Rolling 1d100: (80): Total = 80
Reaver looks at the ex-Ranger, "You may as well tell us, it may help you out as well."
Persuasion (60)
Rolling 1d100: (61): Total = 61
"I don't have anything else to say to you." he growls, "If it were me with the handgun and you in the cuffs, I would have blown your stack already."
Jeeves flashes at the edge of Reaver's vision, so as to not intrude between Reaver's view of the man. Sir, checking on public channels I cannot get any information on this man. We would need to check with the Hypercorp networks to find out if this man is who he claims to be. If his memories are edited, we may not be able to trust his real identity. We could also ask him what his name is as well."
"You could at least tell me your name. Nice to know who exactly wants me dead."
Jeeves, go ahead and check with our contacts. With our rating, you may want to send this to everyone else as well.