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Active Games => Eclipse Phase: Pulse => Other RPG's and Misc. => Games Games Games? => A Time of Eclipse => : Dom February 15, 2011, 01:33:51 PM
TTO Offices
Ace, Oriole and Friction enter the main lobby for the Tharsis Terraforming Office. A large fountain occupies the wall to the right of the lobby, synchronizing the jettisoning of the water in such a way that certain words are created as they pour down. Reading through them, they are mostly TTO slogans about their ongoing efforts to terraform the planet. A female receptionist sits at a counter to the far side of the entrance underneath a large TTO logo: the left side of the ‘O’ is red and the right side is green. The secretary is sleeved in an attractive sylph morph. To the left, a large corridor leads to the main office hallways.
As far as getting replies from your contacts, your muses inform you that they are taking extra precautions and so are making sure to establish encrypted connections and messaging them in the most effective manner based on previous messages.
[OOC] You three decided to take extra time, so the results of the Networking rolls won’t be apparent yet.
Khalil sits in front of the building in his cycle while determining the best way to get inside. He contacts the others while looking for any security. "If you guys have any ideas now would be a great idea to say something. I'm still waiting on info from my contacts on anyones identity I can borrow. I'm going to check out the front for a bit before I move in."
[Perception 30 + 20 + 10 + 10 = 70]
Rolling 1d100: (21): Total = 21
Oriole moves past the lobby and continues a few steps down the street, hoping to find a food vendor that he can speak with while they work. All the while, he continues speaking with Ace and Friction on the secured communication channel. "I am unfortunately not very good at speaking with people. It is easy to converse with scientists, but it could be said that I lack the skill at conversing with less technical minds. My point is that I am excellent at entering buildings unnoticed, but very poor at mimicking the subtle mannerisms of many other societies of people."
[...loading mesh AR interface]
[Mission Recorder on]
With multiple opaque windows opening in his frame of view, Oriole sips from his takeout cup of hot tea while he begins scanning.
"Right now I am waiting to hear on my contacts as well, but I am also scanning for news, job hiring, any information on large purchases, and perhaps changes to the interior and exterior of their lobby to see if they have changed their security within the last few days. We do have Jakuta's credentials. It would deem interesting if they are hiring for a position that he occupied. Also, I am looking for clues." He pauses. "While I do this, I'll be casing the outside. It would be better to enter quietly or be invited. What can you tell me of the security they have at the lobby? All I saw was a fountain and a receptionist, which means there's something hidden to give the illusion of security."
Research (53, Mental Speed activated for one action phase, reading at 10x)
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
(Two extra mental Complex actions per Mental Speed, let me know if these actions are voided)
Perception (40)
Rolling 1d100: (84): Total = 84
Profession: Security Ops (45)
Rolling 1d100: (3): Total = 3
Ace does the usual thing when casing a place out - he parks about a block away, arms the (admittedly excessive) security on his bike and walks the rest of the way over. Real casual like, he leans against the building, adopting a 'far away' look, as if he's deep in a mesh search, same way's you'd see any 'ol guy doin' it.
If this was a cheesy action movie, he'd put a hand to his finger to talk on the secure channel, but it isn't, so it's a silent, less interesting to look at kind of affair. "I tossed some questions the way of a few of my contacts, they should get back to me shortly. For now though, no need to do anything fancy. I'll play the part of a concerned friend. See if I can't find anything interesting out. Maybe ask if I can get a look at his work space. Might be something useful there, never know. . . and hey, if it works, "
That said, into the lobby proper he goes, looking around like. . .a tourist, really. Not apparently paying enough attention catch any really fine detail - he'll trust his eidetic memory to provide a mental 'picture' as it were to go over later - which would seem suspicious, more looking to see what's around.
Finally, he settles on the secretary, his face lighting up in a genuinely friendly smile. "Smile when greeting someone you don't know. First impressions matter the most. " or so his father always told him.
"S'cuse me, (sir or ma'am, whichever is applicable here, if no sex is obvious, if there's a name-tag, he'll just go with what's on the tag) I'm a friend of Rebby -er, Riviera's. He said he worked here. I don't really want to take up too much of your time, but. . . well," he pauses, sighing a bit, shoulders drooping.
"I haven't been able to get in touch with him lately, so I thought maybe the people he works with would know where he is, or if something had happened to him. So, uh. . .do you?"
Oriole and Friction look around for the security. No cameras are visible, but Oriole knows that it is likely that the building is chock-full of microbugs and smart dust. Stealthing a signal could work, but there is bound to be other security devices deeper inside the building, most likely Biometric keypads and Wireless codes. The task might be more difficult than needed, so perhaps recieving an invitation would be the way to go.
As Friction and Oriole stand outside they notice a group of people walking briskly towards the door of the building: four hypercorp execs from the looks of their dark suits, followed by two guards with dark sunglasses and sleeved in Olympian morphs. One of the execs looks of far more importance than the others, an is leading the group with a fast pace. They are engaged in a violent conversation as they walk. Oriole, standing closer to a Comfurt vendor, is not able to hear their conversation. However, as Friction is closer to the door he is able to hear a part of the conversation.
A nervous-looking exec speaks up above the chatter "The media black-out will probably end shortly, we need to make this public now or the repercussions will be..."
"I know this already!" The main exec cuts him off harshly, "But the black-out stands for now. This will bring a storm upon all of us. There hasn't been an incident like this since the Fall so we need all the time we can get to prepare for riots in the streets."
The group walks past Friction and inside the building.
Meanwhile, Ace receives a puzzled look from the receptionist. "I'm afraid Mr. Riviera is not in tonight and has not come to work for several days already. We also do not normally give personal information about our staff. Do you wish to leave him a message?"
Ace nods. He'd expected that response. "Yeah, he said you guys had that kind of policy, but I figured I'd ask anyway. S'what friends are for, y'know? Look, I, uh." There's a bit of a pause.
"I'm pretty worried about him. He's a pretty reliable guy. You know the type, eats dinner every night at 9, finishes by 9:15, that kind of thing? He hasn't checked in, so. Sorry, I'm rambling." He takes a breath, as if trying to calm down from his obvious worry. "I know I probably shouldn't ask, but. . .can I take a look at his desk or somethin'? There might be something like a note he forgot to pass me, or you know, anything I can really use to help get in contact with him. I'd really appreciate it."
(Since Ace is lying through his teeth, I think Deception would be a better fit to *really* convince 'er that Ace is indeed just a well-meaning, worried friend and it would be totally ok to let him see Reb's stuff, if any)
Deception (65)
Rolling 1d100: (69): Total = 69
Khalil kept himself from drawing any attention as he heard the exec and his entourage talk about some impending emergency. When one of them mentioned that nothing like this had happened since the Fall Khalil immediately goes into action.
[Coza send that audio to everyone else, make sure they hear it.]
He then sends a message to Ace over their encrypted channel. “Ace there is a party entering the building, four executives and two body guards. I need you to intercept them and distract the guards. I think I may be able to get some info out of the big dog in the group. Oriole, see if you can get some info on these guys using facial recognition software and search the mesh for his image. You should be able to find some open source software if you don’t have any. Things are about to get interesting gentlemen.”
Khalil briskly and confidently walks up to the group while activating his emotional dampers. He needs to get close enough to the target to touch them so Khalil thinks of a quick lie that will let him shake the man’s hand. “Hello sir, my name is Christopher. I am working on a report for school and would love to interview you. Your career has been an interest of mine since your name came up in my searches and I would love to do a piece on you.”
[Coza I need a name, help Oriole and his Muse find info on this guy.]
Deception 50 + 30 from emotional dampers
Rolling 1d100: (29): Total = 29
If the exec takes his handshake Khalil will follow up with using his Deep Scan sleight. The subject will sense something in his mind but unless he knows of Asyncs he probably will just rack it up to stress or something along those lines. If the scan is successful Khalil first looks for what they were arguing about outside. If he gets any other successes he looks for info on other people working on this emergency and if Reb was related to it.
Sense (Deep Scan) 70(80)
Rolling 1d100: (43): Total = 43
Rolling 1d10+1: (2)+1: Total = 3
OOC: So with both our Muses helping you that means a +20 to your research test.
"Excellent suggestion, Friction." Oriole sends over their encrypted line. Blinking twice as the muffled effect of the city street moving in slow motion from his Mental Speed augmentation suddenly rushes back to real time. "I advise caution. There are likely microbugs and smart dust in the lobby, and the security is only going to become more efficient the deeper you go into the building. I have an understanding that presenting a calm lobby is an aesthetic that builds confidence in the company. We should try to gain an invitation, as unwelcome access is likely to expose us."
Accepting the datapacket with the voice signature of the speakers and including his own facial recognition program's data, he prepares a packet for another research attempt.
[Ripley, meet Coza. Coza is Friction's muse. It is a pleasure to work with you, Coza. Let's include the voice of the speakers and cross reference it with the facial scans...]
Research @73 (53+20 from both muses)
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
While searching, Oriole steps up to the Comfurt vendor with a pleased look on his face. "May I have the coconut flavored protein cup, please?"
[OOC] I'll let Friction keep the roll for Deep Scan and the mental strain to use if he manages to touch the main exec.
As Friction walks close to the group and stretches out his hand, one of the bodyguards moves forward and intercepts him. Without saying a word, he keeps a hand out in front of him making Friction stay a ways back. Friction suddenly feels an urge to grab the bodyguard and extract his memories. The sudden urge surprises Friction for a second, but his surprise is not apparent to anyone else due to his emotional dampers bioware.
"Get this undergrad away from me, I don't have time to deal with this now!" The main exec casts a furious glance at Friction and tries to keep walking past him, along with the rest of the execs.
Oriole, aided by Ripley and Coza, immediately gets the information he wants. The leader of the entourage is a man called Murrak Aghassi, the Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Tharsis League. He has apparent ties with the Planetary Consortium and assists the Secretary of Defense with managing the law enforcement agencies and security contractors. The nervous-looking man is a representative of the Secretary of Communication, and the other two are representatives of the Secretary of Internal Affairs and Public Safety, respectively.
The vendor hands Oriole his Comfurt cup, "That will be 75 credits, sir."
Meanwhile, the receptionist says "Well, I suppose it is strange for Mr. Riviera to be missing for so much time... He is normally always on time and we haven't been able to reach him either." An expression of concern crosses her face, followed by one of determination. "Please wait a moment, I will call up someone to escort you. He should be here in just a second."
The detective and would-be best buddy of one Reb Riviera breathes out a very noticable sigh his shoulders moving down with apparent relief. He smiles at the receptionist.
"Thanks, miss. Knew there were still good people in the world. This really means a lot to me. Here's hopin' we find something that can help, yeah?" Play the part to the hilt. That's how to do things.
"Sorry, Friction. Got my hands full at the moment, won't be much of a distraction. "
It’s ok, I shouldn’t have put you on the spot. I think I can get close to him myself.
[Khalil our new buddy came through. We got some good info on this guy]
[Beam it to me, I could use it.]
As the mans identity slowly takes shape Khalil gets an idea to make him listen. “Sir I think you should reconsider. Your opponent for reelection Jordan Kovass, a recently removed power player from the Planetary Consortium, has been using his PR team to develop a relationship with many college campuses and in doing say winning the younger vote. Some analysts are saying that while you may gain the support of the older demographics without branching out to incoming voters from younger age brackets you could lose your position. Students like me may be your best hope. You could ignore me and live in the bubble your yes men have created or you could listen to someone who is a bit closer to the street then you are.
Interest: Hypercorp politics 60
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(87): Total = 87 </div>
(New Politics Roll with Sociology bonus)
Hypercorps politics 60 + Sociology 20
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
EDIT: I think it would be a waste of a post to just make one roll and I can't really think of anything to say so I'm going to edit the roll in and hope it doesn't change the roll from before. If it does the original was 87.
Academics: Sociology 50
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(24): Total = 24 </div>
"Thank you very much. Here are an extra few credits for your troubles." Oriole replies, paying the street vendor a total of eighty credits for his purchase. Turning to face the street in the direction of the TTO offices, Oriole rips the pull tab on the Comfurt cup and prepares his first spoonful. Meanwhile, he continues to have his private conversation over the network.
[Thank you very much Ripley and Coza. You are both excellent at what you do.]
"Friction, Ace. Be advised these are high ranking individuals." Oriole says over the network. "The leader is Murrak Aghassi, Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Tharsis League. He has ties to the Planetary Consortium and assists the Secretary of Defense with managing law enforcement and security contractors. The apprehensive man is a representative of the Secretary of Communication. The other two are representatives of the Secretary of Internal Affairs and Public Safety."
As Oriole speaks, he sends the datafiles to their muses to match the faces with the professions in their entropic displays.
"I would not test the bodyguards. If there is indeed a crisis about to happen, which judging by their temperaments is quite likely, they are likely armed and ready for violence. I will try to get information involving the media blackout and maintain this position for now. Have either of you secured welcome access to the facility?" Oriole adds, trying to look at best like a bored employee on a Comfurt break while enjoying the coconut flavored yogurt-paste.
[Ripley? The representative from the Secretary of Communication is speaking of a media blackout, which means that the media programming has either been halted against their will or is being kept quiet by law. Doesn't this remind you a little of Radio Argosy? Let's scan the n-blogs, feeds, Argosy, and conspiracy channels to see if anything strange was reported and then inexplicably forgotten about and set the time-line to start with Jakuta's request for backup. Focus on anomalies not related to regular crimes.]
Research (73) [53+10(taking time)+10(muse assisted)]
Rolling 1d100: (40): Total = 40
Ripley and Oriole start scanning the n-blogs, looking for anything strange happening in Mars in the last few hours. They come up with some information: it seems like the law enforcement agencies have been put in high alert. Maglev trains have been temporarily requisitioned by the Tharsis League for reasons unknown. Funds have been transferred to both Direct Action and Gorgon Defense Systems for an unspecified military defense contract. More information can be gathered from the blogs, but it will take more time.
Murrak Aghassi stops, his face no longer showing anger but instead that of piqued interest. He turns to the group and says, "Gentlemen, go ahead to the meeting room, I will follow in just a second. Otis, stay with me." The men look at one another but then keep walking towards the corridor, followed by one of the bodyguards. The other stays with Aghassi, his face that of professional indifference.
"I'm sorry friend, I did not intend to seem so aggravated, there is simply an event happening- nothing too important of course, you shouldn't worry about it." He gives a confident smile and stretches out his hand, "My name is Murrak Aghassi, though you probably know this already. Tell me Christopher, which college do you represent?"
"This does not appear to be good news." Oriole emits quietly over the secured band. "Law enforcement has been placed on high alert, maglev trains have been temporarily requisitioned by the Tharsis League, and funds have been transferred to Direct Action and Gorgon Defense for an unspecified military defense contract. I am going to continue digging into this information but per definition it would appear that preparations are being made for martial law."
Oriole takes another few spoonfuls of the Comfurt while keeping an eye on Friction.
"Ace, please give me status updates. The rest of the entourage is heading your way."
Research (73) [53+10(taking time)+10(muse assisted)]
Rolling 1d100: (51): Total = 51
Ace stands with his hands clasped behind his back as he waits, looking dignified to most observers. Patient or observant people would, however, notice him shifting from side to side every so often, as if worried but trying this very best not to show it too much. Don't tell, show.
Over the secure band, however, it's pure business. "Sit-Rep's all normal. Will have access to Reb's workspace in a few moments, just had to convince the receptionist I was a good friend. Will work from there. Not even gonna give the bodyguards cause to look me over twice. Still. I'll pass along anything I overhear."
At first Khalil is surprised at Aghassi’s change of tone but he quickly begins running with it now that he smells a chance at getting the information they need.
[Coza, tell Oriole I need info on a college. Something good, but not too good. He will be less likely to question it if the school is a nice one without being too prestigious. Be sure to help him find it and do it fast!]
Khalil shakes the executives hand and as they touch their bioelectric fields mingle allowing him to plant a hypnotic suggestion.
Control(Subliminal) 65(75)
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
Rolling 1d10+2: (5)+2: Total = 7
Khalil plans to implant the suggestion “leave data on the emergency on your terminal when you go.” It’s not overly intrusive like telling him to give Khalil the information plus it will be easy for Aghassi to justify it as just saving time when he accesses it next. His grip firm Khalil answers with a smile. “Well sir, the school I represent is…”
[Come on Oriole, I need an answer.]
OOC: +10 from my muse, just to make sure you don’t miss it.
Coza appears in Friction's entoptics: the bear is carrying an armload of books and he has a monocle on his left eye. "Well, if you just need a name how about the Trinity College Cambridge?"
Aghassi's smile fades and instead a perturbed look crosses his face.
Resisting Psi (20 x 2 = 40) [WIL x 2]<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(18): Total = 18 </div>
"I'm sorry, I seem to be having a mild headache." Aghassi releases his grip on the handshake. "Must be the stress. Now, are you part of a up and coming faction in your college? I don't seem to find your reputation profile on the academic networks."
Friction feels like the suggestion has been firmly planted and though Aghassi noticed the intrusion he didn't become aware of what it meant.
As the entourage enters the corridor to the right of the lobby, they pass someone entering the lobby in the opposite direction. It is an octomorph, standing on two tentacles as if they were legs, striding comically towards the front desk. He wears a full tentacle blue suit and his skin is a rubbery pale brown. His gait finally brings him to the front desk. "Reb's friend I presume?" The octomorph looks at Ace. "I am Dr. Yamaguchi, I am a biologist and geneticist. I've worked alongside Riveira for several years. I heard you wish to inspect his desk, so I am here to escort you there."
Oriole moves in the direction to cross in front of the lobby while eating the Comfurt, waiting on the result of his scans of the news media to get more information on the incoming crisis. Shaking his head from left to right softly, he manages to force some hair to sway away from his field of vision as he eats.
[Imagine our variable luck, Ripley. It would appear that this mission has a very high probability of turning into a very serious event. Let us hope that we are not too late, and that we can help shut this down before this event happens...]
Khalil feels the strain of his sleight wash over him and quickly regains his composure as he answers. "Well sir I am from Trinity College Cambridge and you probably haven't heard of me to much because I have been using a series of proxy IDs to form a slow moving but growing memetic movement against your competitor. I have come to believe that while a strong public face is important a more subtle approach at times can give much better results." Khalil clears his throat and continues speaking with renewed confidence. "Now I would greatly appreciate some sort of contact information so we can schedule an appointment in the future and have a more formal meeting. As you can see by my rather blunt attempt at contacting you I am far from sheepish about doing what it takes to get the job done and I think you need people like that. I would be an asset sir."
While all this talking is going on Khalil sets the second part of his plan into motion and begins taking a psychic imprint of his target so he can move into his office later.
Sense 70
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
Rolling 1d10: (10): Total = 10
"Ah, great!" Ace doesn't so much as blink at the octomorph's funky stride, as he imagines that's exactly how he'd try walking for a while in such a morph himself. He'd offer a hand to shake, but something about tentacles gives him the willies, so no such offer is made.
"Pleasure to meet you, Doctor. Name's Ace, I'm a friend of Reb. Said he worked here, hasn't checked and you work with the guy, you gotta know how he is. Like clockwork, y'know? So I got worried, thought I'd come in and check, see if he didn't leave, I dunno, clues or somethin'. I really appreciate you takin' the time to help me out."
He gestures for the good octo-doc to lead the way, and will follow behind him at a personal space respecting distance without looking around too much, like some kind of terrible nosy tourist.
Dr. Yamaguchi nods, "Yes, I'm quite concerned with Riveira. Follow me, I will lead you to his desk." He turns around to face the corridor awkwardly, and then starts his silly walk back towards the corridor.
Oriole receives a ping from a scientist named Wong, a specialist in research regarding the brain and thought processes. Ripley quickly surveys the message and sighs. "Looks like this contact is a no-go, he's recently heard about our Mercurial links and hates us for it. He's probably one of those researchers who uses AGIs as mental research material. Now that he knows what our plans were he might start blocking some contacts in the scientific community from us."
[OOC] You can try Networking: Scientists again at a -10 penalty.
[Well, Ripley, I'll guess we'll have to try to focus our search to people who aren't so prejudiced. It's a shame that more intelligent minds on such short notice tend to carry the same prejudices that the unwashed masses do...]
"Ace, Friction..." Oriole emits over the private band. "I'm going to try to find my own way in while keeping an eye on the street level. I may walk around the block and continue to try to get information on the media freeze."
[Networking: Scientists 30 (40 base - 10. *will spend a point of moxie if it will result in a success*)]
Rolling 1d100: (13): Total = 13
An icon of an 18th century Butler appears in your mesh with a message waiting tag. Upon opening the message:
Gentlemen, My employer, Reaver, has asked me to advise you that they have found documents that contain TTO Terra-forming procedures and additional documents containing what looks like software code in the subjects apartment.. This may be of assistance to your current investigation.
An update Gentlemen. The software seems to be coding for a type of firewall. It may be used as protection for either a drug or nanotech.
Ace follows behind the Oc-Doc his hands firmly sequestered in his pockets. Rather than talk the poor cephalopod's ears(?) off, he keeps his yap shut.
"Alright. On my way to Reb's workstation now. Y'ever see an octomorph walk along on two legs? Funniest damn thing I've ever seen. "
Friction makes an imprint of Aghassi's behaviour and involuntary social movements.
"That might be useful for impersonating him in a social environment. However, there are also Biometric locks and security protocols."
Coza appears in friction's entoptics, reading glasses on top of his snout and reading from a clipboard.
"But I think you hit it right in the nail when you decided to pass for a political helper. Aghassi has been losing his political base amidst scandals of being a Planetary Consortium informant, of course this all comes from mere speculation and because he used to be a CEO in a security contractor company in pre-Fall Earth. Whatever was left of the company after the Fall was absorbed by hypercorps, and he seems to have gone looking for a more political agenda."
Aghassi gives a diplomatic and obviously practiced smile. "Well Christopher, I would like to continue this conversation later. I'm afraid I have a meeting to attend, but I would like to discuss with you my plans for the coming year regarding a few security protocol changes. Send me a message and we can schedule something."
With that, Aghassi turns away, followed by the stony-faced bodyguard. He then walks towards the corridor.
Ace follows Dr. Yamaguchi in the corridors, the doctor moves wobbly yet at a fixed pace through the corridor. After a while, he reaches a door, places a tentacle against a Biometric lock and the door slides open. The room is pretty large and completely clean; Lumi-tiles are placed in the walls and ceilings and their constant light at all angles make it appear as if there were no shadows in the room. Though the room itself is big, there is a large piece of machinery in the center which occupies most of the room itself. The machinery is so large, in fact, it obscures the other side of the room. Close to the entrance there is a single desk, its surface topped with Lumi-tiles too. On the desk there is a computer terminal, as well as what looks to be a red box.
Yamaguchi motions towards the desk with a tentacle. "That's Reb's working area. I'm usually around the machinery; my body allows me to fit in the small areas that the machine doesn't occupy. I was assigned here several months ago to aid with the technical aspect of the machine as I can move around it and make repairs to areas otherwise unreachable. Also, I am not at liberty to say what the machine does, and I will also ask that you refrain from touching it."
Oriole receives a reply from an Argonaut member by the name of Elli Nakamura. "I know about this media freeze, but I would prefer to keep it out of the Mesh for now. How about we meet at a ramen stand in about thirty minutes? I'll send you the address."
"Gentlemen." Oriole emits over the private band. "I've got a contact who has information that is not mesh secure wanting to meet at a ramen stand in 30 minutes. I'm going to follow this lead since I cannot access the TTO facilities legitimately. As well, Ace, I have seen many octomorph walk on two legs. Typical human psychology in an octomorph would lead them to walk on two legs, as they may not be familiar with the concept of eight legged swimming. You are likely dealing with a human in an octomorphic shell, rather than an uplift."
[First Comfurt and next ramen, Ripley, I do believe I am going to experience becoming fat.]
Oriole watches the 18th century butler in the corner of his entropics, and listens quietly. "Please send me any data that you have so that I can review. If any of it is in a software form please encrypt it and forward it to my assistant, Ripley, so that she can check it for virii. Thank you, sir. Please extend my complements to Reaver."
Turning in the direction of the ramen stand, Oriole checks the time as he starts to stroll away from TTO.
"I will be there, Elli. Synchronizing location with you now."
As Khalil leaves the office the strain racking his mind feels worth as when he contacts the others. "Guys, I can confirm the information we need is on Aghassi's terminal. I can easily disguise myself as him and could probably get Oriole in with me as I don't think anyone has seen his face yet. Of course we would have to wait till the real Aghassi leaves but since I need Orioles help and he's a little busy at the moment it all works out. What do you think? Any plans of your own?"
"I think we're done here at the apartment. We are getting ready to meet with a contact about the Shango ego. Wish us luck. The last time I met with this contact, things did not turn expected."
"Jeeves should have sent all of you an encrypted packet by now. Your muses will have the key to un-encrypt. They are e-copies of the documents we found. I believe some of you have already started looking into them."
" We will keep you informed as we can."
"Ace is inside." Oriole adds to the banded conversation. "Friction is right, we cannot access until the real Aghassi leaves and we should not stray too far while one of our men is in a delicate area. In the meantime I have first person information coming to me at a ramen stand in just under thirty minutes that should explain more about why there is a media lockout. I find this information to be strategically vital if we are to anticipate our next move. Luck be with you, Reaver, keep in touch and we'll update you when we have more information as well. Anticipate a new revision of our mission status within the half-hour."
[Ripley, can you decrypt and load the documents to my entropics? I may be the only scientist amongst this group, so I'd like us to maintain an optimal state.]
"Friction, how do you intend to impersonate Aghassi? Do you have the ability to modify your body to match his configuration?" Oriole asks, pauses, and then speaks up again. "Ace, please be careful. I may not be able to pass the biometric scans to rescue you if you become endangered. I would assume you're being watched very closely."
Khalil answers Oriole while walking back to his cycle. "I have the proper implants that will allow me to copy his appearance. My biggest issue would most likely be the biometric reader and actually hacking into his computer. But that's why we have you right Oriole? We will need a layout of the building to find his office so I'll make some calls and see if someone has a map they can send us. I'll also check around for someone with access codes we don't have to tamper with the locks."
Networking: Hypercorps 55 +10 from ten extra minutes 65 (This is looking for the building layout)
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(74): Total = 74 </div>
Networking: Criminal 50 +10 from ten extra minutes 60 (This is for the access codes, I don't want to look in proper channels for them)
Rolling 1d100: (68): Total = 68
Upon arrival at lab/workspace. Ace stops dead in his tracks, looking at his surroundings with (manufactured) wonder, before shaking his head and turning to the cephalopodian scientist and shrugging, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "What machine?" He goes so far as to offer a conspiratorial wink.
"More seriously though, thanks again, Doctor. I hope he left some clues about where he went, probably on the computer there, knowing him." If he can, he'll access the computer and see if he can't find anything interesting pertaining to Reb. Contacts, notes to self, journal documentation, that kind of thing. Nothing proprietary or 'classified' if he can help it, what with Yamaguchi in the place and watching over him.
The mysterious red box gets a good look-at, too.
"Heh. Anyone ever tell you that you use way too many words to say something simple, Oriole? Anyway, I'll be fine. Don't plan on doing anything that'll get me in trouble anyway. Should have access to Reb's computer in a few, will keep you updated."
((Anything I need to roll to get any information outta this stuff, lemme know, and I'll be more'n happy to throw some dice down.))
Ace picks up what looks like a small red case. It is sealed, and there is no apparent way of opening it. Stamped on the box is a silver symbol of a key. (⚷)
[OOC] Research to find out what it is, or Networking: Criminals or Media to ask someone who might know what it is. Complementary skill can include Profession: Police Procedures for the Research test. You can also take a picture of it and send it to the others.
Riveira's terminal sits with an idle animation on the screen. As Ace goes to interact with it, Yamaguchi moves forward. "If you need to check the terminal, I'll use it. No offense, corporate policy mind you. I don't have Reb's access codes but I can check public information such as his last activities and any resources he may have requested, if that's what you want."
Khalil finds a former TTO security guard whom got fired for revealing minor classified information. "I've got the layouts, but it ain't gonna be free. A thousand credits, non-negotiable."
[OOC] Giving it to you because of the Networking: Hypercorps roll you had already made after the briefing. You can buy it for 1,000 credits or burn 5 rep. It will give you +20 to infiltration checks in the building.
"Would you? I'd appreciate it." Ace nods amiably, stepping back and away from the terminal. He's no slouch with tech (no-one was, these days, 'cept for those crazy survivalists), but he isn't exactly a specialist either. While Doc-Oc gets his terminal usage on, he'll busy himself mulling over what exactly this mysterious red box could be. Hopefully, somewhere in the years of public service, he's come across something similar. . .
Profession: Police Procedure (55)
Rolling 1d100: (1): Total = 1
Research: (20)
Rolling 1d100: (74): Total = 74
"Found somethin' interesting at Reb's workspace. Little red case, has the image of a key on it in silver, case itself is red, no obvious means of opening it. I should have access to Reb's basic terminal history shortly. "
Ace remembers from his police days that certain smugglers and dark-market couriers would be assigned packages like these. They are made of a resistant smart metal, which would read the fingerprints off the person holding it and "unfold" upon recognizing certain fingerprints. If broken, the contents within would immediately be damaged or disassembled by nanites. However, a skilled hacker could make the case "think" that it had been unlocked, effectively breaking the opening mechanism without triggering the disassembling nanites.
Yamaguchi moves to the terminal and places a tentacle over the terminal screen. "Ah, it looks like Reb's information is encrypted. No problem, I know a list of cyphers that he uses, should be no problem to check." Yamaguchi is silent for a few moments, obviously processing the information. "Reb's last activity on the network was on the day that he was last here, August 21st. He entered at 0807, at 8031 he seems to have used a deconstructor to break down some sort of biological material for study, looks like a type of plant or similar. At 8040 he deconstructed a nanorobot, apparently trying to see what it was programmed to do. Logs out at 9007. No further activity." Yamaguchi removes his tentacle from the screen. "Not much else other than that."
[OOC] Oriole and Friction can give me Idea checks to see if they can think of another plan for obtaining the information on Aghassi's terminal.
Oriole stops at the side of the street, throwing his Comfurt cup into a trash can. "Yes, I have been told that before, Ace. I will try to minimize my replies if you would prefer."
:IDEA (Intx3=45)
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
"I have thirty minutes until my contact is ready to be met, so we may have some time. The biometric scanners are going to be an issue without tampering with them. Ace, are you recording your path towards his desk? Try and see if you can get a look at the door to the lab he works at." Oriole adds, scrunching up his brow in what he's experienced to be a display of deep thought. "The best overall option, if we can find it, is to get access to any sort of system that authenticates IDs. I'm sure the two of you could do the lying for all three of us, right? It's not my strong suit. Let me think here..."
(oh, I guess I'll add COGx3 just in case that was the roll you're looking for. If not, I'll moxie that idea check to pass it)
:idea (Cog25x3=75)
Rolling 1d100: (26): Total = 26
Having figured out the mystery of what exactly the box is, Ace quickly makes use of his well developed skills in sticking things into his pockets, honed over many years of handling and storing such hazardous devices as keys and slips of paper to, while Yamaguchi is still busy on the terminal, secret the case on his person.
"It's fine, Oriole. Say what you need to say to get what you want to get across, everyone has their quirks. Found a case usually used by smugglers and people carrying things they don't want accessed in here, gonna try and get it out. I'm sure one of you guys should be able to crack it. If not, I can probably pull a few strings, get someone around who can. 'Til then, I'll do what I can. "
Now, all the detective has to do is get out of here with the case safely stored. Time 'fer the 'ol 'baffle them with bullshit' routine.
"Alright, well, that's not a whole lot to go on, but it's better than nothing. Thanks, Doctor Yamaguchi. I guess that's all I can do or need here. Should I leave myself, or are you going to accompany me out?" While he talks, Ace angles his body just right to obscure any view of where the case used to be, if at all possible.
"So, I've been wondering, if it's not too personal. . ." Ace pauses, as if figuring out just how to phrase things.
"How's the octomorph? I hear the lack of bones 'n all makes it real easy to get comfortable in odd places. Like, y'ever been stuck in an economy car for an hour, with your knees at your chin, almost? Bet it'd be much less terrble, y'know, without knees."
For a brief moment, Ace considers bringing up how he's heard women of the Asian variety evidence a fondness for such sleeves, but he rapidly disregards that, as Yamaguchi would probably be horribly offended.
(OOC: I'll burn the 5 rep. It's easier to make up with a rez point)
Khalil can't believe his luck with finding an up to date layout of the whole building and quickly accepts the exchange. He then contacts his teammates with the info to see if it is of any help.
I have a layout of the building and I'm sending it to both of you now. If we look over the plans together we should be able to figure out a way of getting into and out of the building quickly and quietly. Preferably with the information in Aghassi's office. Oriole can you get the biometrics open if given enough time? We should be able to buy that for you.
Oriole thinks of a better idea than to infiltrate the whole way towards Aghassi's terminal, which might be behind several high security scanners and sensors, which would be to get inside the network of the offices and hack their way digitally to the information. With Friction's newly acquired building layouts and with help from Oriole, Ripley and Coza, he could get to a terminal in the building and hack it to gain access to the office's network.
Khalil quickly finds several ventilation shafts, accessible from the public restrooms. Using a few security countermeasures and following the shaft, Khalil could easily get to the ventilation system controls, and from there to the internal network.
"Well, you could say that I've had a few cases where my limberness has proven quite useful. My ex-wife for instance..." He chuckles softly, his eyes smiling. "I'm sorry, shouldn't bring that up. Anyways, yes, I would be the one to escort you out." Yamaguchi starts hobbling his way to the door to the corridor with a previously unseen happy bounce to his gait.
As you travel down the corridor, Yamaguchi says "You know, I am interested in knowing what you manage to find during this investigation. Reb and I have been friends for some time now, and since he's not around the research has been stalled. I also see myself having more free time in my hands... errr... tentacles. I guess I just prefer to have something to work on rather than free time. If I find anything else out, I'll be sure to let you know." As he says this, Ace recieves a friend request from Yamaguchi, as well as a Like from his reputation network.
[OOC:] Ace gains +2 c-rep, and now he can communicate with Yamaguchi at any time. Also, I wanted to know if you spent that Moxie point in the Research check. I didn't know, so I didn't give you the information on what was inside the case.
"On second thought..." Oriole says, moving to lean against the garbage can. "I could use those floorplans to find his terminal on their network and access it, or better one of us could with the help of myself, Ripley, and perhaps Coza. Friction, I'd need you to find a way to a terminal in a quiet location, accessible through your floorplans. Can you do this?"
He pauses, turning his head to look up the street in the direction of the ramen stand.
"I'm looking at the floorplans now. The only way I can get past the biometrics would be to input your information as an acceptable pass configuration for the biometric scanners. New user information is likely to be scrutinized by their network AI or network teams. Friction? I'm seeing a series of ventilation shafts accessible from the public restrooms in the lobby, which are likely to not have cameras. Let's move to the restrooms and sweep for sensory dust and then try to get to a terminal from there."
With that, Oriole puts his hand to his stomach as if he has a stomach ache, and turns towards the lobby's doors.
"Hah!" Ace snorts, clapping the octomorph on the back. "You, I like. I'll keep you updated on anything I find, if I can manage to find anything. " The detective nods, walkin' along with his newfound tentacled pal.
"Thanks again, Doctor. Between the two of us, I'm sure we'll be able to track Reb down." He happily accepts the friend request, mentally moving Yamaguchi from the 'target to be pumped for information' category and to the 'buds' listing.
[OOC:] I'll pass on spending the moxie point this time. Sorry for any confusion.
Khalil rubs his chin as he thinks about the plan. Ok, so let me break this down. First we check the bathrooms for sensors, then we go through the vents from there and use them to find our way to Aghassi's office? Or are we taking the vents to another terminal to so I can be recognized by the system and just walk there?
"I am suggesting we go to the public restroom, scan for bugs. I will sit in a stall while you get into the ventilation system and follow the vents down to the environmental control room. You access the environmental control terminal, patch the connection to me. Ripley, Coza, and myself will hack into the system via the environmental controls and gain access to Jakuta's information." Oriole replies as he enters the lobby.
"Ace, great job working on the octomorph. I've never seen a box like that, but I'm pretty sure that it will be a very important part of our investigation. Make sure you don't talk to us in the lobby." Oriole pauses. "I'm in the lobby now. How long until you are out of the offices and in the lobby?"
((ooc: What do I roll for scanning for sensor dust and/or listening devices in the restroom? I also will want to check the area around and just inside the vent shaft))
With Oriole's electrical sense, he detects a small sensor in the vent access. It has an electronic lock which checks for the vent being opened, as well as sniffing out foreign materials introduced to the vent. Oriole vaguely remembers an incident in a Lunar-Lagrange Alliance government office was infected by a nanoplague by an extremist synthmorph faction. The nanoplague was distributed through the ventilation system, and when it went active it consumed all the biological material in the office, including biomorphs, in a matter of minutes. Since then, stricter security measures have been taken by government groups to prevent such attacks.
[OOC] Give me a roll for Hardware: Electronics. You can use Profession: Security Ops as a complementary skill. Or you can use a Covert Ops Tool, which might either trigger a silent alarm or log it as an event. To see which of the two happen, roll Hardware: Electronics with a +30 bonus; success means the event is just logged, failure means that it triggers the silent alarm.
Ace receives a reply from a criminal contact, part of the nano-fabricator gangs. His name is Diederick Meier, a member of the Night Cartel. "So, Matthew, I heard you are looking for a man named Riveira. Just so happens I may have some information on him. How about we meet up- right now I'm at a bar in Noctis City. I'll be here for about an hour, so drop in before then, eh?"
Khalil moves to the bathroom after Oriole and waits for him to get past the electronic sensors. You know Jakuta's terminal may not be connected to the rest of the network. What do we do then? Do you need any help with that? You could try using my covert ops tool to make it a bit easier.
"If Jakuta's terminal is not connected to the network I'd be surprised, but if not we might be able to take a look at Aghassi's terminal as well. Either way we'll see if the terminals are accessible first before we mettle with access privileges. I have the required programs to spoof I.D.s and other access protocols." Oriole emits over the band with a nod. Shaking his head at the request for assistance, he cranes his head to the right to take a look at the electronic locks. His wrist opens, and a covert ops tool makes itself available. With his other hand, he sets his white noise generator on top of one of the toilets in the stalls.
"If this sets off an alarm, I believe the term is "haul ass", gentlemen." Oriole adds. "...but I've disabled one of these before."
HardwareElectronics (30+20)[Profession:Security-Ops 45-complimentary]
Rolling 1d100: (3): Total = 3
(notes: I am going for the silent deactivation, rather than the disabling via Covert Ops tool. I will also moxie if it means changing it from failure to success. I am also NOT taking time, due to the possibility of someone suddenly needing the restroom.)
Oriole disables the electronic lock momentarily which gives Friction enough time to enter the vent before the lock becomes functional again. Ripley sighs with relief “If the alarm had gone off, we’d have been in serious trouble. Nice job.”
Khalil sends an emotive to Oriole of a thumbs up. Good job, i'll move forward and set up a link. Give me a moment to move through the vents and you should see the connection pop up. Khalil opens up the plans of the building in the corner of his vision and follows the map to his destination.
(I'm guessing I have to roll Infiltration right?)
Infiltration 40 + 20 chameleon skin and smart clothes so it doesn't clash
Rolling 1d100: (100): Total = 100
Oriole nods to Friction and moves into the stall. Checking the cleanliness of the stall first, he sits down and keeps an ear tuned for the sound of someone entering from the bathroom door. Folding his arms, he lets out a sigh of relief.
[Thank you, Ripley. While the good news is that we're close to the lobby doors, the bad news is that there's really only two ways out of this restroom and one of them is the ventilation shaft...which has relocked itself. I assure you that your self is in very capable hands. How's everything going on your end?]
"Ace, how's everything going on your end? We're in the restrooms." Oriole emits.
"On my way out now. "
Escorted outta the lab by his new eight-limbed friend, Ace pauses just long enough to nod and smile at the very helpful receptionist before heading on out the door, and strolling his way back to his 'cycle.
"Joe, inform Mr. Meier that I'm on my way to meet him, but unless there's only one bar in the whole place, I'll need more information, if you'd be so kind. "
"Very good, sir. I've recorded the latest episode of Galactic Geographic for you."
"You're a pal, Joe."
What can he say? Even though the Earth was practically falling to pieces, and science had all but plundered the natural world for all it was worth, leaving very little mystery to anything, growing up he had always had a fascination for nature shows. With different planets and various bioengineered fauna in the picture. . . it'd be criminal not to keep track of some, right?
"I don't doubt the case'll be useful. I've picked up a lead over in Noctis, contact of mine says he has some information. I'm on my way there no- did you say you were in the bathrooms? As in more than one of y- no, I don't want to know. Whatever it is you two are doing, be careful."
Ace shakes his head, wondering what in the sam hill two agents would be doing in a bathroom in a lab building. Before his over-active imagination can make anything of it though, the good detective carefully diverts his train of thought towards something less potentially painful.
(Sorry for the delay. Dragon Age II went and ate my attention up somethin' fierce.)
[OOC] Is Ace heading to the bar right now? If so I'll open a fourth IC thread.
Khalil enters the ventilation system at a fast crawl, his fingers become gecko-like with microscopic hairs which help grip the otherwise sleek metal surface of the vents. He moves quickly yet with surprising quietness. Having memorized the route he needed to take, he makes it to a maintenance access easily. He finds himself in a small janitorial area, a terminal being the only object that provides light to the area. Standing over it, he touches the terminal, and his Skinlink implant immediately connects him to the network. A cursory glance over the network data reveals that the system is in a state of disorientation, still processing what it should do regarding an electronic lock in the vents going momentarily offline. In this state of disarray, the network security will be less likely to spot Khalil as he hacks into its systems.
[OOC] Go ahead and give me an Infosec roll with an immediate +20 modifier. You can also get Coza, Oriole and Ripley to help for an extra +30 to the check.
((Yup, on his way right now.))
Khalil catches his breath as he taps into the network and begins working his way through its defenses. Guys I'm going to need some help to make this connection secure. Gimme a hand
Infosec 70 (with all modifiers factored in)
Rolling 1d100: (21): Total = 21
With the help of Coza, Oriole and Ripley, Khalil bypasses security protocols and downloads the information which Murrak Aghassi had just sent to his personal account in the network. He also opens a secure wireless connection for Oriole.
Looking at the information from Aghassi, it is a simple text file but its contents chill to the bone.
To whom it may concern,
At 1837 hours, military sensors set up in the outer perimeters of the cordoned area known as the TITAN Quarantine Zone reported a strong spike in electromagnetism. This was followed by increased activity of nanoswarms and TITAN-created machines in the Zone. This electromagnetic pulse temporarily disabled several civilian and military satellites which happened to be orbiting the area close to the TQZ. Thankfully, no habitats were affected by this burst of electromagnetic radiation.
The reasons for this event are as of yet unknown. There is also no clear location pinpointing the origin of the burst, except that it was somewhere close to the center of the TQZ, from the area known as the White Zone.
As a response to this event, the Tharsis League’s security branches went on full alert and begun to take defensive measures directed at the TQZ. This includes mobilizing the military to the TQZ, more contracts with Direct Action and Gorgon Defense Systems, and temporarily requisitioning the Maglev systems to assist in the mobilization.
News of this event are still out of the media channels though we expect this to end in the next hour. We are expecting panic and rioting in the streets. I hope that it does not come to that, as we have spread our security forces too thin by moving many of these groups to the TQZ.
There has not been this level of activity coming from the TQZ. I worry that this might be a portent of another TITAN attack, I will pray that this is not the case.
Murrak Aghassi
"Friction, Ace, that is some very unsettling news. EM Spikes may mean communication, and in our culture communication could mean many, many things. We cannot allow this to happen." Oriole replies with his typical, calm demeanor. "Thank you for the connection, Friction, I'm patched in and am now routing through the network towards Jakuta's terminal."
[Ripley? Please save that message of Aghassi's so that we can perform a data dead-drop to the organization. They need to know this.]]
((Getting into Jakuta's terminal))
Infosec 61+20 (Coza/Ripley assist) Total:80
Rolling 1d100: (28): Total = 28
((Securing Friction's way out, by setting a scheduled test on the lock that will remove itself after completed))
Infosec 61+20 (Coza/Ripley assist) Total:80
Rolling 1d100: (46): Total = 46
Khalil quickly moves back through the vents to meet back up with Oriole while cursing under his breath. Can you guys believe this? There is a TITAN outbreak about to happen and they still haven't nuked that place. With all the money they have would it really break the bank to turn that whole area into a plasma scorched crater? So what's our next move? We still need to find our man and it doesn't look like we found much here.
Rolling 1d100: (75): Total = 75
Infiltration 40+20
Oriole gains access to Riveira's terminal easily enough. He also sets up an escape route for Friction in the vents.
As Khalil tries to exfiltrate, he takes a wrong turn in the vents and realizes that it might give the monitoring systems a chance to detect him.
Infosec (75)
Rolling 1d100: (72): Total = 72
The defender becomes aware that there is an unidentified object or person inside the ventilation system. It goes in a passive alert status, and tries to close all the vent access points. However, Oriole realizes that since he performed a scheduled test overriding the lockdown, he might also be spotted by the defender.
Infosec (75)
Rolling 1d100: (78): Total = 78
Thankfully this is not the case so Khalil finds the vent access open and jumps down to the bathroom. Both Oriole and Friction know that security personnel will likely be sent to the vent access points to check for anomalies, and that they should try and leave inconspicuously as soon as possible.
"I have access to Jakuta's files. I'm going through them now. Please be patient." Oriole emits over the secured band. "We don't have much time until my contact wishes to meet at the ramen stand."
((Invoking mental speed, reading at 10x speed, recording pertinent data and saving it))
((here's a Research test (53) if needed.))
Rolling 1d100: (3): Total = 3
Come on, let's get out of here Khalil urgently says over the radio. We've done well so far but I don't think we should expect our luck to keep up. He stands at the door waiting for Oriole hoping his mistake didn't alert too many guards.
Ace's voice comes over the secure channel with stony, obviously manufactured calm. "TITANs. Christ almighty. Right, right, well. You all know riot procedure, don't you? When this gets on the air, the proverbial solid organic waste will strike the air circulation device, if you catch my drift. The higher the class of the neighborhood - as long as it isn't media-heavy or government related - the safer you should be, as rich folk tend to run instead of riot. Move together, avoid main streets and the like. "
Oriole copies all the information stored on Riveira's terminal, including the exact chemical composition of the biological material that was disassembled and the programming information on the nanobots found in the biological material.
Not much time left now before the security guards enter the bathroom.
The time dilation from Oriole's advanced mental speed rushes back to his senses. The sounds of the air conditioning and Friction's words speed up from a long, slow moan to the regular speed of voice as if someone was dragging their fingertips across a vinyl record album and suddenly let go. Blinking, Oriole disconnects from Jakuta's terminal and rises from the toilet seat in the stall. Pushing the door open, he turns and heads for the bathroom door to leave.
"We've got Jakuta's information. I agree, Friction. Let's exit the building. When we exit, you head to the left and I'll head to the right to separate. We'll meet at the rendez-vous point." He pauses, communicating solely over the secured band. "Ace, you're at the bar right now? I have that contact that wished to meet with me regarding the media blackout. Since we know who ordered it and why there's the lockout, are we in consensus that I should cancel the meeting and let my contact know that we have the information as well and to get to somewhere safe? Also...I'm having Ripley prepare a data dead-drop to the organization. I believe they should know about this as soon as possible to update any other cells."
((ooc: unless anything stops him, consider Oriole leaving the bathroom, going to the door, heading up the street, and to the bar))
"You got it. Bar Hemel, Gastown. Gorgeous place, think I'll make a habit of comin' more often. More on topic, I think you're right. Cancel the meeting - with the appropriate 'thanks-anyways'- and find somewhere safe to wait and see just what kind of storm breaks. Great job on getting that info, by the way.
If you're headed my way, try and avoid me and my contact. Don't want 'em spooked. You guys heard from the others at the apartment yet? "
A message from Jeeves enters the queue: "Everyone, Reaver is requesting an update. He and Mr. Zeeb have been occupied by a transient. More information will follow as soon as the transient awakens."
With nothing left to do at the office Khalil quickly leaves the premises to meet up with the rest of his team.
[Jeeves: We're leaving TTO now. We have the contents of Jakuta's workstation. Also, be advised, we intercepted the following from Murrak Aghassi.
To whom it may concern,
At 1837 hours, military sensors set up in the outer perimeters of the cordoned area known as the TITAN Quarantine Zone reported a strong spike in electromagnetism. This was followed by increased activity of nanoswarms and TITAN-created machines in the Zone. This electromagnetic pulse temporarily disabled several civilian and military satellites which happened to be orbiting the area close to the TQZ. Thankfully, no habitats were affected by this burst of electromagnetic radiation.
The reasons for this event are as of yet unknown. There is also no clear location pinpointing the origin of the burst, except that it was somewhere close to the center of the TQZ, from the area known as the White Zone.
As a response to this event, the Tharsis League’s security branches went on full alert and begun to take defensive measures directed at the TQZ. This includes mobilizing the military to the TQZ, more contracts with Direct Action and Gorgon Defense Systems, and temporarily requisitioning the Maglev systems to assist in the mobilization.
News of this event are still out of the media channels though we expect this to end in the next hour. We are expecting panic and rioting in the streets. I hope that it does not come to that, as we have spread our security forces too thin by moving many of these groups to the TQZ.
There has not been this level of activity coming from the TQZ. I worry that this might be a portent of another TITAN attack, I will pray that this is not the case.
Murrak Aghassi
...we are following Ace right now to a bar called Hemel in the nightclub district. It seems he's following some sort of lead. Do you need any assistance from one of us at your location? If so, please advise.]
With that, Oriole exits the TTO offices and heads towards the bar. On his way, he sends a message to his contact that states: "I've intercepted the information. No need to meet. Get to safety and gods be with you."
As he goes, he's start to work on sorting through Jakuta's terminal for anything interesting. He will not open any suspicious files, instead he will quarantine them.
"Khalil, if you would like to stop by the apartment, I have something for you to do."