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General Category => Role Playing Public Radio Podcast => : DustinKoski February 24, 2012, 07:53:00 AM

: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: DustinKoski February 24, 2012, 07:53:00 AM
I imagine this varies significantly depending the time the story is set in and such, but if it was a visual experience, what does it tend to look like to you? For example, I just listened to the Bryson Springs one, and I envisioned it having a sort of widescreen, somewhat desaturated look kind of like No Country for Old Men where I'm sort of seeing the characters mostly in wide shots. Like if it was a movie, I imagine the producers would shoot it like that because it requires a distinct ambiance and the producers would want to take advantage of that. But with Candle Cove, it's more like a handheld video production because the setting is so much more mundane. But sometimes it kind of feels like it would be some sort of fps game

I guess this probably doesn't really happen for a lot of people because they break character so often or riff on their game that silly things happen. When that happens, it's just like The Princess Bride or The Fall with me where we cut back to these guys sitting around a table chatting and then we just cut back to the story already in progress when they get back into character. When there's a dice roll things just kind of freeze.     
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Tadanori Oyama February 24, 2012, 11:03:38 AM
Mine is more like The Gamers. Most of the time I'm imagining the players themselves because it's hard not to after you've actually met a fair number of them. When their characters do something really cool I usually get a mental image of the event but quickly return to the player.

Generally it's simply pleasing noise, I seldom sit still and listen to RPPR, I'm usually traveling from one place to another or doing another activity (like playing Minecraft or Skyrim).
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Flawless P February 24, 2012, 05:49:59 PM
I usually listen as backround noise to dome other activity, but in my head its much more like the holodeck on star trek, but with some gamers moments mixed in.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: DustinKoski February 26, 2012, 09:57:56 PM
it's hard not to after you've actually met a fair number of them.

Note to self: don't meet any of the RPPR players in person.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: FuzzyDan February 27, 2012, 12:29:07 AM
it's hard not to after you've actually met a fair number of them.

Note to self: don't meet any of the RPPR players in person.

Sounds like a road trip!
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Review Cultist February 27, 2012, 03:35:54 PM
I've envisioned, the eclipse phase: Know Evil in two ways while listening, usually like mass effect, and then when Prescott is doing his thing (eg. the talk down to the bimbo actress on that show) like a scifi anime. It is very entertaining.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Setherick February 27, 2012, 04:58:18 PM
Even while at the gaming table, I picture Ross as the Inquisitor from Venture Brothers: "IGNORE ME!"
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: clockworkjoe February 27, 2012, 05:15:27 PM
I've envisioned, the eclipse phase: Know Evil in two ways while listening, usually like mass effect, and then when Prescott is doing his thing (eg. the talk down to the bimbo actress on that show) like a scifi anime. It is very entertaining.

I would pay big money to see an Eclipse Phase anime
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: unitomega February 28, 2012, 12:44:23 AM

I would pay big money to see an Eclipse Phase anime

As would we all, Ross. As would we all.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: crawlkill March 01, 2012, 10:15:50 PM
I think I've seen pictures or video of errbody but Thad and RJ at this point, and it's a weird blending of how I used to think of them before I'd seen photos, how I know they look now and a primitive filmreel of the action. not a very visual person, tend to think more in abstractions of RPPR settings than in mental setpieces. Thad and RJ are both totally glamorous in my head, Thad because he fills me with happy and RJ 'cause he's a sassy gay and I feel better about myself assuming random internet queers are pretty.

on the topic of the value of knowing real faces, I think it's totally worthwhile. I find that I like Aaron a lot more having seen his "Send Aaron to GenCon!" Kickstarter video. when all you've got is a stuttering goodytwoshoes planruining voice on the internet, it's easy to dislike somebody, but once you've actually gotten a look at them, some of those ape empathy instincts kick in. which is a good thing. it's always better not to be annoyed at internet voices.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Setherick March 01, 2012, 10:26:58 PM
I find that I like Aaron a lot more having seen his "Send Aaron to GenCon!" Kickstarter video. when all you've got is a stuttering goodytwoshoes planruining voice on the internet, it's easy to dislike somebody, but once you've actually gotten a look at them, some of those ape empathy instincts kick in. which is a good thing. it's always better not to be annoyed at internet voices.

I find I like Aaron more when I'm not trapped in an apartment with him for a week because of a once-in-one-hundred-years ice storm (that Springfield got nailed with again the year after we left).
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Salkovich March 01, 2012, 10:45:02 PM
I think I've seen pictures or video of errbody but Thad and RJ at this point, and it's a weird blending of how I used to think of them before I'd seen photos, how I know they look now and a primitive filmreel of the action. not a very visual person, tend to think more in abstractions of RPPR settings than in mental setpieces. Thad and RJ are both totally glamorous in my head, Thad because he fills me with happy and RJ 'cause he's a sassy gay and I feel better about myself assuming random internet queers are pretty.

You'll be happy to know that RJ is indeed a beautiful man. Now excuse me while I go slink into my hole and feel creepy.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: BeyondSandrock March 02, 2012, 01:46:50 PM
I find I like Aaron more when I'm not trapped in an apartment with him for a week because of a once-in-one-hundred-years ice storm (that Springfield got nailed with again the year after we left).
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Setherick March 02, 2012, 02:12:40 PM
In response, just consider me the janitor on Scrubs.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: BeyondSandrock March 02, 2012, 09:38:54 PM
In response, just consider me the janitor on Scrubs.

Sorry, Tom already has claimed that title. You can be The Todd.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Setherick March 02, 2012, 10:39:52 PM
In response, just consider me the janitor on Scrubs.

Sorry, Tom already has claimed that title. You can be The Todd.

I'm good with that. I've injured my fair share of people giving high fives.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Tadanori Oyama March 02, 2012, 11:01:37 PM
Alot of fragile wrists in the halls of academia, eh?
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: clockworkjoe March 03, 2012, 01:41:19 AM
Alot of fragile wrists in the halls of academia, eh?

carpal tunnel is a hell of a thing
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: FuzzyDan March 03, 2012, 12:28:26 PM
Time for me to claim one! 

Who has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap?

Bob Kelso.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Flawless P March 03, 2012, 02:29:57 PM
Assign one to Cody and I will relisten to the whole of New World with the cast of Scrubs as the characters.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: Setherick March 03, 2012, 06:13:55 PM
Assign one to Cody and I will relisten to the whole of New World with the cast of Scrubs as the characters.

Remember when Michael J. Fox cameoed as the Doctor with OCD. That's Cody.
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: BeyondSandrock March 03, 2012, 07:49:19 PM
Good grief, what have I started....... :P
: Re: How do you envision RPPR stories while listening to them?
: FuzzyDan March 03, 2012, 07:53:24 PM
More traffic for the New World podcasts?