The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
Play by Post Arena => Play by Post => : clockworkjoe March 16, 2009, 03:33:34 PM
Dice roller now works. The command is : dice xdy : without the spaces between the colons. so dice 1d20 would roll a single d20 for example.
Rolling 1d20: (17): Total = 17
Rolling 2d6: (3+4): Total = 7
Rolling 2d8: (3+2): Total = 5
Rolling 2d20: (17+4): Total = 21
Hmm... that was interesting. :)
Ooh, I wanna play. And see if you can just add modifiers directly.
Rolling 1d20+8: (4)+8: Total = 12
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Cool. I'm rollin' up.
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(3+5+4): Total = 12 </div>
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(5+2+3): Total = 10 </div>
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(5+4+1): Total = 10 </div>
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2+2+2): Total = 6 </div>
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(6+5+6): Total = 17 </div>
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(6+1+2): Total = 9 </div>
Look like I'm playin' a Cleric.
It also looks like modifying a pos with dice rolls in it undoes the imagry of the code...
what did you do to get that response?
I'll fix the 8 smiley thing tonight. I just need to add a space.
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
If hits it does:
Rolling 3d10: (4+7+2): Total = 13
motherfuckin' damage!
I'm sure Obama has at least a +9 attack modifier. He should have no problem clobbering that ghoul.
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d10+5: (7)+5: Total = 12
The only thing you can hit with a score so low is a paraplegic kobold. On the other hand, you dished out enough damage that his grand-grand-sons will feel the pain (and come out with grossly deformed head.) Good job. 8)
If at first we do not succeed, roll, roll again.
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Rolling 1d10+5: (2)+5: Total = 7
...OK I'm stoopid...I don't know how to get the dice working...
Could someone post a really easy and simple way, for someone as simple as me to get?
its not : roll 1d6 :
its : dice 1d6 :
Rolling 1d6: (5): Total = 5
Yep but, as I learned, you can't mod the post after you've rolled the dice of fate or you get code.
Yaa...Ive been deleting my last 3 messages because of that hahaha
But look! It works yay!
Rolling 1d20: (6): Total = 6
Rolling 1d6: (5): Total = 5
Anyone a good PHP coder? If so, I can point you to the thread on the SMF forums where I found the code for the dice roller. I don't have time to figure out how to implement quoting rolled dice but maybe someone else can.
I've done a little. I'd be happy to give it a shot. Can't promise anything of course and I might take SkyNet live by accident.
Yeah, I'll give it a look too.
This is the page of the thread I copied the code from look for Shank's post.
Rolling Damage for Cthulhu. Sorry, too many rolls!
And a Random DnD Character
Rolling 3d6: (1+2+4): Total = 7
Rolling 3d6: (6+6+3): Total = 15
Rolling 3d6: (5+2+3): Total = 10
Rolling 3d6: (3+6+2): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (6+2+1): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (6+2+3): Total = 11
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(3): Total = 3 </div>
WOW that roll SUCKED! No, wait . . . that ROCKED!! In Call of Cthulhu that would be an impale I believe. SWEET!
Rolling 3d6: (1+4+4): Total = 9
Rolling 3d6: (5+2+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (1+2+1): Total = 4
Rolling 3d6: (2+5+4): Total = 11
Rolling 3d6: (6+2+6): Total = 14
Rolling 3d6: (4+3+5): Total = 12
Rolling 3d10: (5+3+4): Total = 12
I finnaly got it to work :D :P
Rolling 2d6: (2+5): Total = 7
Now let's see if we can roll sneak attack damage for my rogue all at once?
Rolling 1d20+4: (9)+4: Total = 13
:dice 1d4+3+2d6:
Rolling 1d4+3: (4)+3: Total = 7
Rolling 2d6: (3+3): Total = 6
Edit: Guess not. Worth a shot.
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 2d8-3: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(4+7)-3: Total = 8 </div>
oh hey an edit for no reason
Rolling 1d12: (2): Total = 2
Rolling 3d6: (6+1+6): Total = 13
:dice (3d6)+(1d4)+2:
that didn't work either
:dice (3d6)+(1d4):
looks to me like we cant do 2 sets of dice at once. I also tryed
:dice 3d6+1d4:
:dice ((3d6)+(1d4)):
:dice (3d6+1d4):
:dice (3d6)+(1d4):
:dice (3d6)+1d4:
Rolling 1d4: (4): Total = 4
Rolling 1d8: (8): Total = 8
I give up...
Rolling 5d10: (4+1+4+2+10): Total = 21
Wow, that was a really shitty roll! Given a base diff of 7, I botched out my one success. Oh well.
Rolling 1d6: (6): Total = 6