The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
Play by Post Arena => Play by Post => : Tadanori Oyama December 21, 2009, 02:52:02 PM
Pick up game using Risus rules.
I will be using Risus, which is freely available here
The above stolen from a post by Ross without his permission.
Bullet point:
- This is not Lost.
- You get 10 Cliche points.
- No more than 4 in any one cliche.
- Only one cliche may be a 4.
- I swear this is not Lost.
- This is fantasy genre.
- Everybody starts alone.
- You have no equipment. You can have clothes or be naked, at your own choice.
- If you ask me if this is Lost, I'll kill you.
- You are human, unless one of your cliches would make you otherwise.
- Lost can be used as a cliche. It helps you discover weird shit that doesn't answer any of your questions.
- Post your character here, than start.
is this lost?
He is a smoke monster.
Smoke Monster 4
Plot Device 3
Cthulhu Mythos 2
Make sense 1
Exploring Unexplored Places 4
Survival Skills 3
Machiavellian Political Discourse 2
Antique Matchlock Firearms 1
Erik Viking, the Viking
Headbutting: 3
Pillaging: 3
Feasting: 3
Flower Arrangment: 1
Erik the Viking is a Viking. He like head butting people, pillaging their stuff, and then feasting afterward. Also he makes very beautiful flower arrangments.
RPPR Fanboy (Fanboy for short)
4 Announcer Voice
3 Ninja-ing
2 Trolling
1 Rules Lawyering
Jungle Jim
Climbing 4
Zebra Wrestling 3
Bone Carving 2
Sausage Making 1