The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
Play by Post Arena => Play by Post => : Setherick December 28, 2009, 10:42:39 PM
The dungeon is devoid of adventurers and the monsters are lonely.
Alors Enters said dungeon, scraches his head as he scounts around the first room.
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Magico peers into the room from behind the door and whispers to Alors "Is it safe? Do you need a feather fall cast on you? I can do that with my MAGIC"
Alors spins around started by the man in the purple hat! *gasp* "I never seen such a mighty looking magic user. I too have magic, but can controll fire!"
Magico offers Alors the secret magicians high five. Lightning elemental mistrals scream in the background in a most excellent tune as a new friendship is formed.
Magico wants to impress his new friend with a fact about the dungeon. He tries to remeber something he heard about it.
Magico rolls knowledge
Rolling 1d20: (16): Total = 16
While Alors and Magico get acquainted, they realize they are in what appears to be a prison cell. There are two wooden cots, a small table, and a closed (and apparently locked) heavy wooden door with a metal slot and metal grated window.
Alors is glad to now know the secret mage high five, But now sad knowing he is incarserated. Alors checks the door to make sure it is locked.
(is the room candel lit or just all natural lighting?)
Alors finds the door to be firmly locked. Light streams into the room through the grated window on the door. In the hallway beyond, Alors can see a number of torches burning along the walls.
Alors turns to Magico, "well my friend looks like were stuck in here pretty good." "I could try and make the torch over there on the wall blaze up to three feet. maybe convince the guard that the place is ablaze and he needs to let us out." "if there even is a guard."
"Perhapses we should yell for the guard, and then you could use the fire and burn his face, enabling us to escape."
sadly I can only controll existing fires. Thats why I need the torch. If we get it blazing then he will let us out due to the risk of us dieing then between the two of us we bum rush him and kill him.
"Sounds like a plan! Lets ENGAGE THE ACTION"
Orc Mangler the human thief wakes up. The last thing he remembers is partying too hard and getting drunk on dwarven ale.
Magico and Alors start making all sorts of noise, banging on the door, screaming for the guard. No guard seems to appear.
The noise Magico and Alors makes echoes through the dungeon hallways and causes Orc Mangler's hangover headache to throb. Orc Mangler looks around and realizes he's in the intersection for four hallways. Water drips on his head from somewhere above.
Orc mangler immediately hides in shadows
Rolling 1d100: (62): Total = 62
He then moves silently
Rolling 1d100: (32): Total = 32
towards the source of the noise.
Orc Mangler thinks he's sneaking down a hallway towards the noise when all of a sudden a small furry mammal darts between his feet almost knocking him off balance.
Orc Mangler can go after the mammal if he so chooses.
Orc Mangler ignores the animal. Animals seldom have loot worth bothering. He continues on his way.
Orc Mangler makes his way to an intersection where he cannot tell which way the noise is coming from. He has to choose to go left or right.
Orc Mangler comes to the end of the hallway without finding the cause of the noise. As he proceeds down the hall, he notices that several of the torches that line the wall have been removed from their holders.
At the end of the hall, he comes to an arched stone door way that opens into a circular room. The floor of the room is littered with skeletons, a few with patches of black skin still attached to their bones. More than one of the skeletons was carrying a coin purse. The leather has dried and cracked, spilling coins onto the floor. A few weapons lie scattered, though on closer look they are rusting and probably mundane.
Orc Mangler shivers as he reaches the door from a cold draft.
Alors turns to Magico, "well friend it appears no one cares or can here us time for plan B." Alors flips over his bed and attempts to dismantle his bed. "Maybe if we can get some leverage under the door we can prop it off its hinges."
deconstruction of the bed.
Rolling 1d100: (73): Total = 73
construction of a teater totter system to put under the door.
Rolling 1d100: (67): Total = 67
Orc Mangler
The thief gets on his knees and searches for traps very carefully, inch by inch. ALWAYS moving silently and hiding in shadows. Then he loots the fuck out of the room.
Rolling 1d100: (52): Total = 52
While Alors dissassembles the bed, Magico searches for keys, tools, and secret doors in the room
Rolling 1d20: (19): Total = 19
After a valiant effort, Alors manages to disassemble one of the cots and wedges a slat of wood under the door. Magico manages to find some loose rocks along the wall, but no hidden niches.
Orc Mangler does not see any traps, but when he drops to the floor, he notices the floor is ice cold. So cold, in fact, that it stings his hands. The floor seems to get colder the further he gets into the room.
Orc Mangler loots all coins then withdraws from the room. He backtracks and takes the other passage.
Alors, "any luck with the wall there magico?" Alors climbs onto the other bed. pauses, then jumps onto his platform hoping it will pop up the door!
Rolling 1d100: (66): Total = 66
Just as Orc Mangler reaches for the first coin purse, he notices an ominous golden colored mold under the skeletons that he hadn't noticed before. He's not sure, but the mold seems to quiver as he moves toward the coins.
In the dungeon cell, the board shatters as Alors jumps on it, but the door seems to creak a bit.
Alors yells, "FUCK SALT!" as the board shatters under his wight. Alors checks the doors once again. "well Magico, any luck with the wall?"
Magico attempts to break the lock with one of the rocks he pried loose!
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
Magico slams the rock into the lock as hard as he can. SPLANG! Between the force of the blow and Alors jimmying of the door, the lock breaks open and the door swings free.
Alors, "Great shot there magico!" Alors quicly opens the door, and enters the hall way.
Orc Mangler makes a tactical withdrawal! fucking molds
The mold looks as disappointed as molds can look as Orc Mangler flees the room.
Alors and Magico are now in a hallway that has torches lining the walls.
"It doesn't appear to be any guards. Shall we head this way then? " Magico points down the hall, and if Alors agrees heads down the hallway.
One quick update: Alors and Magico both receive 50 xp for breaking free of the dungeon cell. Though both are still not sure who put them in it.
Alors, "Yes, to riches and freedom. lets roll." Alors feerless of traps walks his normal speed.
Alors, Magico, and Orc Mangler all meet up in the intersection where Orc Mangler made the wrong turn.
Alors, "Hail there human! Are you trying to escape this damp basterd of a hole, or do me and magico need to kill you!"
Orc Mangler
The human points back towards the direction he came from.
"Alas, perhaps you could help me brave adventurers. I just fled from a ghost guarding some treasure. I was too slow and it nearly killed me. I bet if you ran into there fast enough you could get the treasure before the ghost woke up again. Be careful, it's very cold!"
"Hmmm a ghost you say? Are they known for sleeping? Perhapse the ghost is seeking some kind of resolution to an tramatic event? Maybe the ghost is the reason we were locked in that cell!"
Alors, "Ghost are scary! Im not one to willingly walk up to a ghost and say hey there what ya doin'." "And on top of that we dont even know this human, he might be lieing and trying to trick us for the ambush he set up." Alors stairs at the other human, "give us one good reason to belive your here telling the truth, and not one of our jailers!"
"Go down the corridor quietly and you'll see! Treasure just waiting to be grabbed in a really cold chamber. You'll hear the ghost before you see it so as long as you don't hear a moan, you'll be fine."
Alors, "Well why dont you lead the way big brave man?" Turns to Magico and whispers, "Be ready for this guy, he seems fishy, lets keep him at point so if he does anything we can kill him."
Alors, "Well why dont you lead the way big brave man?" Turns to Magico and whispers, "Be ready for this guy, he seems fishy, lets keep him at point so if he does anything we can kill him."
"Fine, whatever."
Orc Mangler leads the way back and shows them the cold chamber. "Okay, see all those coin pouches? Try to get em before the ghost wakes up. It's wise to me so its better if you try."
Alors looks in the room and scouts it out from the door way.
Rolling 1d100: (45): Total = 45
Magico takes his quarterstaff and sees if he can reach out with it and touch the bag.
Alors and Magico see the room littered with burnt out torches, adventurer corpses, and, of course, coin purses.
From where Alors is standing, he doesn't see anything unusual. Or, rather, he doesn't see the ghost that Orc Mangler has mentioned.
Even with his valiant stretching, Magico's staff is several feet from the nearest coin purse.
Orc Mangler whispers "Quick get the coins. I'll distract the ghost!"
Orc Mangler shoves the two towards the coins and yells out "Hey Ghost, come and get me! You stupid incorporeal undead! Your deity sucks eggs!"
He then runs back to the corner, turns it so he is out of sight and then hides in shadows and listens
Rolling 1d100: (9): Total = 9
Alors, "FUCK WE BEEN HAD!" Alors runs in and starts to grab as meny coin purses he can. Alors, "ill kill that damn human if we see him again!"
Magico and Alors need to make dex checks (roll 1d20 against your dex) so they don't stumble into the room. Magico's dex is halved because he's already off balance trying to reach the coins.
Alors sees the golden mold right as he reaches the first coin purse. Suddenly the room feels very cold.
Alors takes
Rolling 4d8: (6+3+7+5): Total = 21
cold damage from the mold.
From the door way, Magico sees Alors run into the center of the room and suddenly stop. Alors skin begins to shrivel with the extreme cold. Alors body collapses into the heap of other adventure corpses.
Fifnal enters from somewhere and looks around at wherever he is. For some reason he cant remember anything from the past 3 years of his life.
Looking around
Rolling 1d100: (55): Total = 55
Use a d20
I use percentiles for my sweet thief skills
but everything else is a d20
My bad. Thank you Ross
Looking Around
Rolling 1d20: (18): Total = 18
Deelaa 0/1550
Deelaa Stands from her kneelin position, last she rembers she was praying at the alter. She looks around in hopes of finding why she is no longer in the safty of her church.
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
(lawl thought this was based on % too, not D20s haha!)
From the door way, Magico sees Alors run into the center of the room and suddenly stop. Alors skin begins to shrivel with the extreme cold. Alors body collapses into the heap of other adventure corpses.
Alors, was a sure headed brave fire mage. His ever flowing mane of red hair was how he lived his life, allways moving never afraid. Now he knows that even the strongest of the fire mages can be killed by brain freeze.
From the door way, Magico sees Alors run into the center of the room and suddenly stop. Alors skin begins to shrivel with the extreme cold. Alors body collapses into the heap of other adventure corpses.
Alors, was a sure headed brave fire mage. His ever flowing mane of red hair was how he lived his life, allways moving never afraid. Now he knows that even the strongest of the fire mages can be killed by brain freeze.
100 XP for epitaph. This goes for all epitaphs from this point forward.
Magico attempts to not fall face first on the mold
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
I believe I fall face first onto the mold :-\
I'll update this today. Sorry, I'm back to prepping for classes, summer job hunting, and churning out words for a New World supplement I'm working on with Ross.
In his process of looking around, Fifnal finds an interesting spot on the wall and stares at it for about ten minutes. While he's staring at the spot, Deelaa wanders into the room and finds him. The room has two exits.
Magico falls face first onto the floor and bloodies his nose, but fortunately he does get close enough to the mold to incur its wrath. The human rogue has seemingly disappeared.
When Alors raced into the room, he got close enough to the mold that it could attack. Magico was still in the doorway when he was pushed over.
Magico gentle pushes himself off the floor. "Alors? You ok bud?"
Magico gently touches his nose "Owww!"
Magico looks up and see Alors desiccated and frozen corpse.
Magico picks up his staff and waves it wildly
Magico runs forward swinging his staff wildly in a display of uncoordinated fury!
Deelaa 100/1550
Deelaa clearly finds nothing in her room and looks to see which way she can go.
Deelaa hears what sounds like a screaming magician echoing through the dungeon walls. She can go either left or right.
I'll say Magico's wild swinging counts as an attack. He hits on an 11 or better.
Rolling 1d20: (9): Total = 9
Magico's staff swings just over top of the golden mold, which quivers in anticipation. Suddenly the room starts to get very cold as Magico takes
Rolling 4d8: (2+2+3+6): Total = 13
cold damage.
And Ross is directly responsible for the first two deaths, so blame Ross.
Magico's eyes suddenly become clear, probably because they are now frozen. He exhales a a single time "I'm coming for you ghost.... I'll fight you in a second..... why am I so cold?"
Magico collapses on the floor and shatters.
Jack of Skulls
Jack picks his hat off the ground and dusts it off. He looks around. He suddenly doesn't remember where he is, or why he's here. He adjusts his masks and tries to remember.
Fifnal attempts to discern anything of note from the spot on the wall.
"Hey look, it looks like the virgin Mary. This must be a miracle!"
Rolling 1d20: (8): Total = 8
After looking, he moves on to the exit which is left of him.
Orc Mangler
Orc Mangler sneaks back towards the cold chamber. He tries to drag the corpses back without getting near the mold. Then he loots their corpses and moves silently away.
Orc Mangler
Orc Mangler sneaks back towards the cold chamber. He tries to drag the corpses back without getting near the mold. Then he loots their corpses and moves silently away.
As Orc Mangler moves toward the corpses, he realizes that he'll get within striking distance of the mold so he'll have to devise some plan on how to remove them.
Fifnal attempts to discern anything of note from the spot on the wall.
"Hey look, it looks like the virgin Mary. This must be a miracle!
The gods, at least some god, hears Fifnal's prayers and above the spot in the wall the words THE VIRGIN MARY appear in glowing, blinking, neon. The room becomes almost unbearably bright. And any monsters near by attract to light will soon begin congregating in the room.
To the left, Fifnal finds a hallway with lit torches lining the walls. The glare from the neon Virgin Mary extends almost the entire length of the hall.
Jack of Skulls
Jack picks his hat off the ground and dusts it off. He looks around. He suddenly doesn't remember where he is, or why he's here. He adjusts his masks and tries to remember.
Not only does Jack of Skulls not remember where he is or why he's here, but the reason behind his nickname also escapes him. Jack feels the sudden urge to find something, anything, and cut out its skull.
Jack of Skulls
Jack glides down the corridor, towards the nearest exit.
"hello? hello? hello?" he says quietly.
Deelaa 100/1550
Deelaa looks to her left after hearing the screems. "Sounds of pain and tourcher, this must be a place of evil." She readys her mace and heads left taking her time to move silently.
move silently
Rolling 1d20: (3): Total = 3
Orc Mangler takes a rope from his backpack, makes a lasso and throws on the nearest foot or other convenient part of the body, then drags it back.
Orc Mangler takes a rope from his backpack, makes a lasso and throws on the nearest foot or other convenient part of the body, then drags it back.
Rope Use for Lasso.
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
Rope Use for Dragging
Rolling 1d20: (14): Total = 14
Deelaa moves stealthily into the next room and sees the human - Jack of Skulls - muttering to himself. She has an action before Jack's because of her ability to sneak around.
Orc Mangler makes the best lasso he possibly can and throws it onto the foot of a corpse. As he pulls backward, the lasso comes undone and Orc Mangler falls flat on his butt. His empty flask from the night before go clacking down the hallway.
Let me know if I miss any posts.
"Seems as if some gods somewhere are smiling upon me. Why else would the path light up for me?"
Fifnal makes his way down the hallway uncautiously, bathed in the light of whatever god has favored him. But he takes a torch from the wall, just in case.
Orc Mangler
The thief curses his lack of proper tools - he needs a ten foot pole! He moves silently away to look for one.
Rolling 1d100: (1): Total = 1
Deelaa 100/1550
Deelaa sees the man and readys her self for combat, she raises her mace high with her right hand and walks forward. "You thier, don't turn around or ill kill you!" (as long as he don't turn around I wont attack him, but when he does ill swing) "I have some questions that need to be answered. what do you know of this place, and why have I been summoned to this hellish tourcher chamber?"
Jack of Skulls
Jack is startled slightly but doesn't turn around. He says in a quiet voice
i'm jack, and i don't know where this is. please don't hurt me
Deelaa 100/1550
Deelaa, "Fair enough. I am Deelaa the cleric. sorry for such hostility, I was praying at my alter and next thing I new I was here." Deelaa thinks for a minute. "Perhaps this is a test from my god. If you wish to help me on this quest from the gods, come with me. If not sorry for startleing you so." Deelaa starts to head out and explore more.
Jack of Skulls
Jack starts to walk down the corridor next to Deelaa. He sort of glides under his robes, and looks around, perhapse for traps.
Rolling 1d20: (20): Total = 20
Sorry, I should have explained that the DC game got put on hold because I spent the last week and a half sketching my dissertation project because I'm supposed to meet with my advisor tomorrow about it.
Np brother. PbP can go slow some times haha!