The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
Play by Post Arena => Play by Post => : Tadanori Oyama January 25, 2010, 07:59:33 PM
Welcome to everyone.
WARNING: This thread will contain 'spoilers' regarding the Rogue Trader actual players hosted on the Nerd Bound podcast. You are warned.
Firstly, this thread is intended for the use of current and future players in the Rogue Trader game I am GMing via Skype. Anybody who wants to can post comments and advise to the players but only the players are going to be able to make any in game choices.
The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for players to do any and all of the boring work that occurrs between game sessions and relates to the running and construction of the new colony and/or the Valkyrie, the players' starship.
This is also the place for players to ask questions of me and for other people to ask questions about the system from people who have actually played it.
To set the stage, we are exactly where we left off at the end of the last game:
The Valkyrie is currently in orbit around the unnamed planet you conquered and you are in the process of landing your forces to begin colonization of the world. Illian is currently in the process of finishing off the bombardment of the chaos infused lands (which makes for a impressive lightshow on the horizon) and Gearus is in the formerly locked command chamber with three of his senior Engineseers studying the various documents you found there.
So, what does everyone want to do? Time can move as slowly or as quickly as you feel the need to state and I'm leaving things fairly vague so you can fill in details.
If possible, I would like to retry an identification check on any artifacts we found, but this time referencing the vast tomes of knowledge found in the ship's library (+10). Possible?
Lorayne's primary concern, at least for now, is colony security. She'll spend the majority of her time organizing and constructing barracks and perimeter defenses for our site.
When he has a few minutes, she'll have some questions for Captain Trask.
- How many troops are we leaving here in garrison?
- Have we informed other members of our dynasty, or are we keeping this planet to ourselves?
- What the hell is this planet called, anyway?
Another thing. Captain Trask did a fine job ensuring the loyalty of our newly-assigned missionary, and, so far as I know, scaring the bejeebers out of our newly-assigned Navigator. Someone should attempt, if possible, to befriend Gearus, in order to further bind him to our crew. (Not that he has much choice, given the circumstances of his assignment.)
If possible, I would like to retry an identification check on any artifacts we found, but this time referencing the vast tomes of knowledge found in the ship's library (+10). Possible?
Possible, not completely needed. Gearus is basically "Taking 20" on the test for you. He'll be working on it for days unless you assign him to another task (he's deligated some of his tech priest to the construction concerns). Your welcome to test using Occult or a fitting Scholastic Lore to discover details before Gearus' research turns them up.
Other than trying to identify the artifacts, I will order scouting parties and scans to catalog all useful resources on the planet and begin organizing facilities to harvest the materials. Housing and basic necessities will need to be constructed as well.
To Lorayne:
- What is your best judgement on the troops necessary to protect the colony from local threats? (Roll tactics I guess) My initial thought was 5-10K. It may make sense to do 5K and give some sub-par weaponry to the local militias.
- For now, we'll operate on our own. There is less chance for someone to subvert our plans while we are unprepared. I'll report in once we are stable and need to begin transport of goods. Sound good?
- Didn't think about the name, any thoughts are welcomed.
I will actually attempt to contact Gearus in his quarters once in while to see what he is learning and let him tell me the 'gory details' if he is excited by something. While at it, I will also attempt to gain any information regarding his past and what motivates him to be here other than be "recycled".
- Didn't think about the name, any thoughts are welcomed.
Our ship's the Valkyrie. How about calling our planet Valhalla?
Love it. Put it on the star charts.
I'll get you guys a map of the planet and the results of the resource survey in a few days.
So, Neil, go ahead and make a Charm Test at +20 to try and get Gearus to spill his life story to you. He's the talkative sort, the Charm Test is to get him to talk about the things you want him to.
Also for your consideration are the current servitor production levels. Servitors will follow the commands of anyone who can speak orders to them so normal crew can give them commands. However, servitors are literal creations and construction commands like "a little farther" or "left a bit" don't make for the best direction.
To see to it that servitors operator at their most efficent it is abvised to have a Tech-Priest command them in the Binary language because it removes assumptions.
Only one or two of the sub-seers is currently assigned to servitor duty with the senior staff of Engineseers maintaining the Valkyrie or assisting Gearus directly. Convincing Gearus to assign additional priest to construction would speed the process up and reduce accidents.
For the charm to learn more
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(12): Total = 12 </div>
I will try another charm test to get some additional tech priests for production.
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(91): Total = 91 </div>
My fel+20 is 68
That was not my preferred result. It was 12 then 91 by the way. Didn't know it would mess it up to modify after.
Yep, editting removes the cool graphic. But don't worry, the numbers are still displayed even if it reverts to code.
As for the second roll, it didn't have to be a Charm check, I was just advising you of a course of action, you can decide for yourself how to proceed. You are the Lord Captain after all, you could just order him to do it. He may then inform you of farther complications which you and the other senior staff would have to deal with.
Anyway, your first roll to get him to spill his guts succeeded with five degrees so you get his life story (which I'll post for you later, I'll type it up in Word so I can spell and grammar check it fully).
Since we're so tight now, I'd like to ask him the consequences of diverting some of his tech priests toward the construction efforts.
By the way, I am a very charming individual . . . ladies.
By the way, I am a very charming individual . . . ladies.
Those void born have to come from some place. Why not your ship.
Anyway, Gearus is willing to assign some of the Engineseers to servitor duty on the planet and informs you up front that this is likely to be of no real disruption of activity. It will only be a problem if something goes wrong on the ship while a number of Engineseers are delayed on planet side.
Gearus story:
"My story, captain? Well, if you are really interested…
I incubated on forge world Ura Delta, in the historic Castigation District. I don’t often bring this up but my parents where progressives, unfortunately. I’m afraid that they did not last me beyond my larva development. By the time my pseudopods had developed my Y-chrome donor was being juiced by the Magos for refinement into lubrication for the sublevel servitor transportation rotators. So he got to do something useful in the end.
My gestation pod was, apparently, found worthy of higher cause. I have not been fully informed what that cause was but I do know my first image recollections are of the smoke pillars from Bolt Steel Heights in the Temple Sector so I assume she was involved with the priesthood.
I did not see much of her once I was able to maneuver on my own limbs. Apparently the priesthood had me marked from primary cell division on, so I was primarily in the secondary Temple Facoturam where the acolytes received their training. Ah, those where good days. You know the overseer’s pair of servo skulls used to wait outside my cell, knowing I would interfere with something before long. Luckily for me I was quite adept at evading them before too long. My greatest achievement was managing to wield their proximity cabling together so that they intertwined a vent pillar. Their eye lens where half melted before the overseers got them loose. He was the first real staff member to threaten to recycle me. Hung me over the vat pits by my ankles even.
But I’ve gone round about too much. You wanted to know why High Tek Magos Malum handed down the ultimatum that he did. Well, in truth, it was no single event. I had been a trouble to Malum for a long time, since the very day that I got my vox speaker in fact. Malum was just a Magos back then, not the High Tek, and he was in charge of acolyte installation function. I got my vox installed under his watchful eye. He demanded my first test only a half hour after the surgery (did of an over sparked plug, old Malum was). Well my throat was still on fire from the stitching and my skin was oozing because my plating hadn’t under grown my flesh yet and on top of all that I wasn’t a shinning student of binary. So when he made he give the servitor’s an order to test my vox I just told them to ‘clean this place up’. Problem was I hadn’t learned to adjust my volume or connections yet and I broadcasted that order to the whole of the Flesh Towers. And the servitors proceeded to strip every lab bear until some of the Tech Priests managed to chase them all down.
It was one thing after another after that. I seemed to follow Malum around like a cold, even when he was reassigned by the High Tek. There was the time, while Malum was shipment manager, that I gave a whole vat load of servitors left eye enhancements in their right eyes. That doesn’t sound like a problem until you realize that eye enhancements have wiring emerge from that same side. When they came out of the vats their lenses looked fine, heads looked pristine, but they had hosing inside their brains.
So, about fifty years later, Malum became High Tek and ten billion nanoseconds later I get called into his office with a simple offer: “Gearus”, he said to me, “Either you climb into a salvation pod and blast yourself into the void or I break you down into component parts and let the novices experiment with typing to put you back together.”
So, after three months in the void I got picked up by a ship of the line in the Emperor’s trading fleet, dropped at Port Wanderer and was assigned to your crew. If you look closely at the orders High Tek Malum signed for me, after word was set to him that I was signing on with your ship, you’ll see a very fine collection of tiny black and red stains from where he tried to spit on the paper."
You are free to ask for up to five additional things (one for each degree of success) about Gearus story such as more details about some events or follow up questions.
I have the first two questions.
Gearus, how exactly is it that you came to be assigned to my ship? And were you purposely staying close to Malum to screw with him?
Gearus, how exactly is it that you came to be assigned to my ship?:
"Well, after my salvation pod was retrieved and I arrived in Port Wanderer I was forced to report to the local High Tek, protocal you know. Once he had obtained the proper information to contact my origin world I was assigned to engineseer duties among the ship yards. It took three months for Malum to send his reply from the forge world electing me to the position of Explorator, it normally takes several years of back and forth, and ordering me to be assigned to 'the first ship heading into the wasteport sector of the Emperor's luminated space'. I had already managed to... well, I will call it 'impress' the local priesthood with my methods, and they where quick to assign me to your vessel, since you registered without a Magos aboard. Of course that meant they had to promote me to Magos Explorator to get me all official. And that's how I came to be where I am today."
Were you purposely staying close to Malum to screw with him?
"That is a rather bold question, Lord Captain. To imply that I may have purposefully attempted to make life difficult for the man who was responsible for my integration into the priesthood? Magos Malum personally oversaw my integration surgeries. He personally saw to it that I had multiple errors built into my system hardware, so that I would be able to discover and correct them myself down the line. Malum was something of a hardliner.
I count is as simple coincidence that my duties tended to follow his. After all, it was quite unlikely that I would request a transfer into servitor manufacturing just as he became shipment hierarch. A curious matter of timing. A curious matter that happened to often repeated itself whenever Malum changed positions."
I'm a bold person Gearus and not so naive to believe that all of your assignments were a coincidence. Tell me more about your parents. What do you mean they were progressives?
"You are free to believe as you like, Lord Captain. This is your ship, after all, and your air that I am breathing.
As for my parents I am no privalidged with the entire history of their affairs. I was a celluar lifefrom when the events which caused my father's eventual processing and my mothers relocation.
What I have come to gather from the stories which where recorded and elected to contain non-heretical thoughts my father was involved with the improper application of holy technology. He was not of the priesthood yet he somehow gained knowledge of ordained rites and intended to use them for the benefit of the Castigation citizenry. That alone made him a heretek. I believe there was no but I have no method to discover it, nor the desire.
My mother did nothing to stop my father and was herself somehow involved. Apparently it was very slight involvement because she was not condemned as my father, nor was she decried as a heretek. I was told that she spent the rest of her days in the Steel Heights, attoning. I have no reason to question that information."
I didn't mean to bring up a sensitive topic. Let's move on to something more pleasant. What is your ambition Gearus? What do you want out of this life?
"Well, not being recycled was my largest drive until very recently. As long as we don't run into an Explorator Fleet with authority and order from Malum or another High Tek to detain me, I am 'safe' in both rank and location.
What I want most now is to explore for lost technology and have the joy of destorying xeno heretek."
Test Scrutiny, +10.
Rolling 1d100: (77): Total = 77
Against perception at one half + 10 = 28
I assume that is correct. I don't have it trained.
Unfortunitally your ability to read people is not able to pierce the veil of the Tech Priest's altered face and synthetic voice. He sounds like he's being sarcastic... but then he always does.
That doesn't seem right, does it? I mean, your captain of a ship, you'd think your survival would depend on your ability to read people but almost nobody has Scrutiny as a skill.
Maybe I'm using the wrong go to skill here if nobody even has it...
Awareness is a popular choice. Maybe I'll use Awareness from now on.
Neil, make an Awareness Test at +10.
I take it my paranoia will not substitute for Awareness. Regardless, I decided to respec a bit based on gameplay (if that's ok). I've taken a TON of weapon talents and I'm not sure Quick Draw is critical at the moment. If that's ok, then . . .
Rolling 1d100: (42): Total = 42
against Awareness 47 with the bonus
I won't have the option for scrutiny until rank 3.
Well we're advancing to Rank 3 for the next game so maybe I'll finally have some people passing Scrutiny Tests.
Anyway, you detect that when Gearus mentions Malum he as a bit of twing to his voice. While he is speaking the truth about everything he seems to be holding back on Malum. He really seems to dislike the man.
You'll certainly have your chance to discover ancient and interesting treasures, however, I ask you to hold back on destroying any xenos until I can determine their value.
I respect your commitment to the Adeptus Mechanicus, but let's speak freely for a bit. You're not like many Explorators that I've met and my guess is equally as likely to want more than the rest of the brainwashed masses. Perhaps that's why Malum sent you away. You do well to hide your disdain for him. But I can tell you don't like him much. We are far from heart of the Imperium and his reach. And I assure you that out here the Valkyrie is a sovereign entity, every member of my crew is under my protection. It will be a cold day in hell before I let anyone claim dominion over my ship even the God-Emperor himself. You're one of us now, at least I hope you consider yourself so.
So what's the story Gearus? What's this grudge between you and Malus?
Charm +10 test
Rolling 1d100: (86): Total = 86
Against a 58 Fel (unless I get another circumstance bonus)
You do get a bonus for the good dialog. Not enough to make that 86 a success.
Gearus' visual lenses alter their alignment slightly. He appears to be considering something. After a few second he turns slightly away, beginning to busy himself with a few pieces of arcane machinary.
"Whatever my... experiences, with Magos Malum, he was still my High Tek. I apologise, Lord Captain, but I should return to my functions. I must select the engineseers to dispatch to the planet surface, and there are the artifacts to analyze. The powered hammer especially is unusual. Perhaps we could talk farther another time?"
Do you play Mass Effect, Neil? If you do, your basically getting that message where you ask them if they have a moment to talk and they respond with some menial task they say needs to be completed.
Yeah I get the drift. I haven't gotten the new one, but I'm hopeful.
Well since the rest of the crew is somewhat quiet, I would like to order a fly-over of the warp corrupted lands post-glassification. Basically are there any anomalies or possible lingering threats. If there is something odd, I'll have some troops investigate and report back. I want to have constant scans, communication, and fly-flyovers to make sure nothing bad happens.
Illian was pretty through with his work. Almost none of the landmass remains above water as the weapon blasts lowered the main body of the land below sea level. It resembles a collection of several dozen massive pools. The water is discolored due to the warp (and las) blasted land under it. No surviving corrupted xenos have been detected yet.
Well since the rest of the crew is somewhat quiet
I'm here and listening, I've had ideas but I didn't want to interject them into the awesome conversation with Gearus. (I love that guy.)
So, more ideas:
- When we do leave, what say we leave an astropath or two here to enable communication? To that end, should we have Carin select a couple of good ones from her choir, that she can train as a sort of listening post or emergency broadcast station?
- Can we set up some kind of satellite system, sort of an orbital AWACS? We need notification (or warning) if ships other than the Valkyrie are headed in-system. Note that Lorayne's approach is, "How do we tell if there's an inbound ship coming?" Piloting or Tech-Use? Not her thing.
Sorry about that! It was a really fun conversation. Now I need to know more.
Ok, now in character.
I think having an astropath on planet is prudent when we leave. If we can spare it and can find a suitably stable member of the choir, I think that would be a good idea. I don't intend to lose control of this planet. The same could be said for the inbound ship relay. Once anyone other than us knows this is here, we'll have visitors and we'll want to be ready. Excellent work Lorayne. If you need assistance, ask Nathan. He's surely investigating the local lore, but he's handy with machines and electronics. He may be able to rig something together if the enginseers are occupied planetside.
Back out of character, are we doing any acquisitions before the next session or just ranking up our character stats?
Do I have any sense that I might have offended the Navigator seriously? If not, I'll deal with that moving forward.
If I think he is a problem and there is any chance to do some damage control, I'll go speak with him.
Just thought I'd throw that out there. As a player, I definitely didn't think I'd get blackballed with an entire third of the Navigators in the universe. Though the common houses are more my style over the nobles. Also, would my Dynasty have problem with me offending them? I don't know how that would be looked upon.
Back out of character, are we doing any acquisitions before the next session or just ranking up our character stats?
You'll get new acquisitions (hurray!). You'll also have to actually roll for these ones but, luckily, that means few limitations on the number you can make.
I'm going to place a limit on your personal acquisitions (so you can't stock pile artifacts) but your larger scale ones, regarding equipment, goods, and materials needed for your planetary construction will only be limited by reasonable availablity and time.
Of course, the exact nature of what you acquire and where you have to do to acquire it will be elements of the story. Do you want to make your buildings out of metal, cements, or plastics? Whichever one you choose, what kind and what quality? Are you willing to fly around space to get the best stuff? And how long are you willing to spend building? It can take weeks to get out of the Expanse, back to Port Wanderer where acquisition is reliable. Making your own stuff from local materials (on the planet) or harvesting local world is much faster (and doesn't waste so much fuel) but quality is never completely assured. On the other hand, you can see the product from start to finish so you know the quality with certainty.
So many little choices.
I'm going to ask my senior staff for their thoughts. I'm not opposed to traveling back to Port Wanderer for something major or strategic. However we'll likely need a new Navigator when we return. If it's rather routine materials it may be best to acquire them locally.
I'd like to ask Lorayne; Dominik, and Nathan first. (not sure if Murph will be back in after hearing the episode)
Do I have any sense that I might have offended the Navigator seriously? If not, I'll deal with that moving forward.
If I think he is a problem and there is any chance to do some damage control, I'll go speak with him.
Just thought I'd throw that out there. As a player, I definitely didn't think I'd get blackballed with an entire third of the Navigators in the universe. Though the common houses are more my style over the nobles. Also, would my Dynasty have problem with me offending them? I don't know how that would be looked upon.
Yes, you have the sense that you greatly offended him personally. However, you ask your Seneschal for some news and info about his Navigator House and are informed that he is something of a disliked individual. It's entirely possible that they will like you taking him down a few pegs. But he will leave your ship as soon as given the chance, there's little you can do to change that.
So it's unlikely you've alienated any major players here.
Good. General question, would an astropath let anyone send communications or does she only allow them under my orders?
The astropath transendent, Caren, is going to be self aware. She'll evalute things and make choices as any other thinking person might (well not ANY other, she is a psyker after all). So she'll operate on your orders.
Most astropaths are either brain nerfed or mentally placated so they'll just do what they are "made" to do and send messages. Each one is gonna have a handler or a control person of some kind though and that person is going to be follow captain's orders so people who need to send messages as part of their job (like Nathan) can use an astropath without informing Caren directly. Most of the crew doesn't go near the astropaths because, as stated, they are psykers and psykers are dangerous.
Ok I basically wanted to give the order that the Navigator doesn't get any messages out without direct word from me. (that's called spin control in my book)
I'll let my compatriots do what they will for a bit. Then I'll get down to some more business.
Shouldn't be a problem. The Navigator has been sequestered in his Tower since the 'incident' but he'll come if called to help aim the ship.
Captain, if one of our immediate aims is stealth, I'd recommend we use locally-acquired materials in the construction of our facilities. In theory, it should make our operations slightly easier to mask. When the course of our normal travels takes us back to Imperial facilities, we might consider bringing in some better stuff then. But to make a bunch of freight runs to-and-from Port Wanderer, for example? Someone might notice our regular pattern of departure and arrival, and thereby either approximate the position of Valhalla, or just follow the Valkyrie in. Less trips, less chances to notice us before we're, ahem, fully prepared, shall we say, to receive visitors.
<Lorayne makes air quotes around "fully prepared" for emphasis. It is clear she means fortification and military readiness.>
So far as our illustrious (the sarcasm in her voice is clear) Navigator goes, sir, shall I assign a rotating schedule of guards to him? They can be posted at the Tower door when he's in there, and escort him around if he goes anywhere but the bridge. They can restrict his access to the rest of the ship, if need be.
I agree with your assessment. It may attract unwanted attention by returning to Port Wanderer too often. It is best to only acquire key strategic materials there. We should wait until we have cargo to justify a return trip. Otherwise, as you noted anyone doing due diligence on our operations will question our acquisitions and lack of liquidation. Unless Dominik or other senior advisers oppose the plan, we should start collecting the materials needed to build our facilities. The defense and profit generating structures should be as secure as possible and constructed of the highest quality materials possible. Living quarters and other vital operations buildings should be the next priority. Finally, the lowest quality materials can be used for non-essential structures and xenos housing. Lorayne, feel free to let me know if you have another priority rank.
As far as our other problem, I don't want to risk offending his House more or making him unstable. Have some of your men observe him discretely. Report any suspicious behavior to me.
Do we have intelligence on nearby planets with resources useful for constructing our base of operations? We should probably not stray too far as of yet. But if only standard or sub-standard materials are available on Valhalla, we need to get something better soon.
You have your own scans and the reports of the survey team. Your lander craft don't have interplanetary flight ability but they carry enough goods to supply their load in crew for a month or two. You could fly to another world in system, drop a lander, and come back later to pick up whatever goods they managed to harvest, resupply them, repeat.
Valhalla is the primary mineral supply world in the system, which is why it was listed as the prime concern. There are other planets in system but you haven't gotten a complete report back on all of them or even a really accurate count (planets are very far apart after all). Until you send out dedicated probe devices or do a full system swap with the Valkyrie your information on the system is limited to your own sensory equipment (which has a range of a few million kilometers).
What you currently know is that between 3 and 8 other planets or planet scaled object exist in the system. The star is a massive example of the yellow category and has a major asteroid belt between itself and the local planets which helps to deflect much of the radioation from the star, allowing worlds to exist nearby that normally would be unlikely to sustain human life. It also makes for an unusually high number of eclipse events as major fixtures cast their shadows on world sections.
Valhalla has two moons which seems to posses extremely dense mineral deposites, making them impossible to scan from orbit.
Well it seems like there is a lot to do. How many landers and probes do we have available? My thought is to begin any scanning with landers on the moons to determine which minerals are available. While doing that my inclination is to then use the Valkyrie to scan the rest of the system. It is particularly interesting to scan the asteroid belt for any threats or potentially wreckage. To be safe, any landing parties should have security escorts in case of hostile threats.
Lorayne, agree?
You've got five landers, which has space for one thousand men. Equipment takes up space. For example, 1 void suit is 1 space so five hundred people can use a lander if each of them needs a void suit. Larger equipment takes up more space.
You have hundreds of small probes you can fire out to do scanning. They send back information until they leave transmission range or their battery burns out, whichever comes first. The closer you fire the probe to what you want to scan the better the results so somebody with experience operating the sensor equipment (and with good aim) would be best to 'position' the probes.
I agree, scanning the asteroid belt would be a good start. When your ready you can position the Valkyrie. Make sure to note which senior staff you are leaving on the planet and which you are bringing with you.
Lorayne realizes that organizing the new colony's security force is an important task, and she is working at it with zeal, but truth be told, it's probably boring as all hell. She volunteers to join the scanning voyage, for sure. She has great aim, but I'm not so sure about her skill at operating sensors.
Dominik definitely goes. Gearus can stay on the planet to oversee construction if our enginseers do not require him. If Caren can leave an astropath to send any distress signals, that is preferable. Nathan will oversee the planetary ops while we're away. Illian comes with us to prevent "accidents" with the locals.
If that's all, i'd like to scan the moons on the way out toward the asteroid belt.
Good plan. Caren will leave one of her choir members as an anchor and Gearus is willing to work planet side so you quickly assemble what you need and get to scanning.
Let's do some scanning!
We've got two moons with dense surfaces so we're gonna need quite a few scans. Everybody please make four Search Tests with a +30 from the ship's detection systems (Half Perception is you don't have the skill; add the 30 after cutting the score in half).
If Sean doesn't wander by soon I'll roll for him.
Let's find some resources crew!
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
Rolling 1d100: (44): Total = 44
Rolling 1d100: (14): Total = 14
Rolling 1d100: (57): Total = 57
Ok if I'm still rank 2 I'm searching against a 49.
If I'm using my rank 3 upgrades (1st level I can obtain seach skill), I'm going against a 72.
Let me know how I do Tad.
I'm ranking you up slowly over time as we do the between session thing here. You don't have the XP to break into Rank 3 yet so unless Search is a Rank 2 skill your still against the 49.
Well 2 out of 4 ain't bad.
For the rest of the players, could you please take the secret tongue (rogue trader) skill? Everyone can take it for 100xp and it will allow for communication between only our group. This is a huge strategic value. Like with Indiana Jones and Shortround. Tad, can the main NPCs also take that? As Captain I'd like to make it a priority that they all learn the language.
Not a problem at all. You can order senior staff to learn a special language for communications. Illian, Gearus, Nathan, and Caren will begin committing it to memory. The Navigator won't because he's taking off as soon as he can.
The new Navigator will take that skill if that is alright. I've let him know that it would be beneficial (perhaps the dynasty was grooming a replacement or Navigator for an additional ship). That would just mean we need more later if I can expand the fleet. And I would love to.
Nothing quite like having your own space ship armada to back up the old diplomacy skill. Your own personal fortified colony world helps too.
I keep making the mistake of thinking it's only a resource world and not my base of operations in the depth of the Expanse. That's why dawnsteel keeps me in check with Lorayne's defense strategy. The most successful leaders are only successful because they surround themselves with great people.
Currently Valhalla is what would be considered a "foothold" world. It's is classificed friendly, has been effectivally pacified, and has an environment capable of supporting human life.
It won't be an effective base of operations until you have a functional space port with planetary travel ability in addition to planetary defensive positions and a seated rulership. Everyone currently planet side is either a sailor or a soldier (with the exception of any specialists who operate under senior staff like Gearus' engineseers or Illian's acolites).
If you want this place to become a stable coloney than you'll have to perminantly commit crew population to life planetside and begin "training" them on the various activities they will need to do. Since you have Crack Crew they will likely be very good at what they need to do, once they learn to do it.
Illian was directing the reconstruction of the command bunker but since you've call him back onboard for the survey Gearus as moved into that position and is personally leading the engineseers in assuring Servitor efficency. They are opening up the sealed pathways and replacing any damaged sections with whatever materials they have on hand (which is alot, they've probably brought some spare ship plating down to the surface to patch any damage).
Nathan is looking over everyone's shoulder and has directed some of Illian's men to keep aware for any sign of the ruinous powers among either the crew or the xenos, just in case, and has farther more sealed the Rosette which you acquired in a void box (unless Trask has ordered otherwise). Nathan has also developed the best communications methods with the xenos natives (because, after all, that is his job) and has been directing their efforts as required by Gearus and other staff.
On board ship your Navigator has been making peroidic trips to the bridge to use the Hood, watching for any warp activity which might be dangerous to Real Space. So far he's seen nothing of interest apart from the distant warp storms that ring the Expanse.
But onto current affairs:
Your scans show that the first moon (currently designated Orbital Mass One until it is otherwise titled) is indeed an extremely dense ball of stone and ore. Strong iron presence along with copper, cobolt, titanium, silver, and trace metal. Also a strong cloride salt response on much of the surface and sub-surface layers of material.
I suppose the senior staff will have to discuss the deployment of crew to populate the planet. In the meantime, I would like to drop off a lander with a mining detachment. I don't know the space required for equipment, but I want to maximize the mining with as many folks as will fit. Focus on the metals necessary for construction first (my guess is iron, titanium, and maybe copper and silver). Do I have a sense of what the salt is and if it is dangerous or indicative of anything other than the potential that this rock once had salt water on it. If it isn't of particular interest I'll move to scan the next orbital body.
Rolling 1d100: (93): Total = 93
Rolling 1d100: (49): Total = 49
Rolling 1d100: (59): Total = 59
Rolling 1d100: (86): Total = 86
Against a 49
One hit on that second one.
Let's have Sean's rolls. He gets a reroll on each one because he's a Void Master.
Moon 1:
Rolling 1d100: (30): Total = 30
Rolling 1d100: (23): Total = 23
Rolling 1d100: (65): Total = 65
Rolling 1d100: (70): Total = 70
Rolling 1d100: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d100: (35): Total = 35
Rolling 1d100: (55): Total = 55
Rolling 1d100: (25): Total = 25
Moon 2
Rolling 1d100: (63): Total = 63
Rolling 1d100: (30): Total = 30
Rolling 1d100: (17): Total = 17
Rolling 1d100: (77): Total = 77
Rolling 1d100: (85): Total = 85
Rolling 1d100: (43): Total = 43
Rolling 1d100: (27): Total = 27
Rolling 1d100: (61): Total = 61
Near perfect, he missed one on the first moon.
With your trusty Void Master at the meter you discover that not only are there metals and salts on this moon but also outer core level carbon based crystal formations. The extreme density of the moon has allowed it (and likely it's twin) the internal pressure nessisary to force carbon into orderly formations. Basically: diamonds.
The second moon, which Sean got 4 successes at scanning, is similarly compressed. It possesses similiar veins of ore, crystal deposites, and salts. In addition, there appears to be an extremely weak salvation beacon emitting from a crevasse in an old, sizable impact crater.
Trask grins with devilish delight. "Prepare a lander for this rock as well. Dominik, ready a shuttle. Lorayne, gather your best 50 men to accompany us. Make sure some have heavy armaments and cutting tools just in case we need to crack a hull. Let's find out what's down there." I put on my power armor helmet and make preparations to land.
What happened to my crew? You'll have to let me know if I'm hogging the posts. I just can't help myself.
I was actually waiting for one of them to post too but I don't think anyone is going to at the moment.
Dawnsteel has been around but no Sean. Well, we'll just have to do what we can.
I really hope they haven't been corrupted by the warp. If so, I'll order people to kill them and find new shipmates. Of course I'll eat them as well to gain their strength. I hope my tiny black mustache doesn't get dirty.
Tad, are you on Google Wave? Jason from NB wanted you to look over his character. He will invite you to the Wave if so. You can email the address to let us know.
I think I'm on but haven't signed up yet. I forget. I'll send you the e-mail.
dawnsteel? Sean-o-tron? Echo . . . echo . . . echo . . . echo . . . echo
I'm here, I'm following along, but I haven't had time to respond. Sorry :(
No problem. Just checking to see if you were still checking in. I tend to respond quickly because it's one of my few chances to be a player rather than GM. I'm also trying work toward bringing the new navigator on board as well.
Ah, good, he's here. Alright, so now that I know people are around I'll keep moving ahead.
Trask grins with devilish delight. "Prepare a lander for this rock as well. Dominik, ready a shuttle. Lorayne, gather your best 50 men to accompany us. Make sure some have heavy armaments and cutting tools just in case we need to crack a hull. Let's find out what's down there." I put on my power armor helmet and make preparations to land.
The Archmilitant's personal troopers are assembled and prepared to man the small landing craft.
This would be a good time to provide a little information about those special individuals intrusted with the safety of the senior crew. What weapons do they carry? Is their armor ornate or functional? Where did they come from? With the whole of the galaxy to skim for soldiers, what did the Archmilitant select? Perhaps the deepest, most gnarled Hive Scum from Solomon's toxic pits who survived day to day by savaging others. Or wildmen from the feral worlds of Calixis who once chased grox across deserts and through jungles before killing them with their bare hands to feed their tribe. Or survivors of the Imperial Guard, true soldiers trained never to break ranks or flee their post (or else). Do they spot the Trask Dynasty colors? Or are they marked by Lorayne's personal icons? Or maybe they aren't marked at all...
Whatever the case, the men are assembled at the lander along with Dominik, who is running through the safety check before the craft drops.
Should I go ahead and move things along? I am sure dawnsteel is checking in but he said he was probably not able to respond. If so, I'd recommend at least two snipers to cover us from the lander (long las if they wouldn't have anything better). A few heavy las guys to pack a punch and the rest with standard las guns or bolt guns, whatever is appropriate. I think one guy with a thermal lance? or cutting tool in case we need to punch through some armor. I want Scottie to have the teleportarium ready to go if we run into trouble. Unless anyone thinks otherwise, I say Caren stays back. I don't want to risk her if our communicators are sufficient. No telling what could be sending that signal. Can a member of her choir send a distress message?is so, I'll take the most promising one and have Caren wait by Scottie to give he evacuation order.
This close to the main ship a vox will do you well enough. The astropaths are primarily for interstellar communication, as long as the two parties are in the same star system vox normally works (and it's easier). Scottarius will have his finger on the button in the event you need a fast return.
As the craft decends towards the fissure in the moon's crust the landing craft's weaker sensors begin to hit interfernece from the ore deposites in the rock on either side, making the signal shaky and forcing Dominic to fly by radio with the bridge team giving signal information via vox.
As the craft descends to target depth the sensors cut out completely and the vox grows heavy with static. A transport craft, similar to your own but much larger, is visible through the front viewscreen. It is wedged between the fissure walls and is heavily damaged. A casual glance reveals the craft is quite old.
For specifics, throw some skill tests down. Use whatever skills you think will help and I will provide information.
I'm not sure what my compatriots have, but here are my rolls.
Common lore (imperium) <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(43): Total = 43 </div>
Against 33 int
Awareness <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(66): Total = 66 </div>
Against 37 per
Rolling 1d100: (6): Total = 6
Against 33 int
The craft appears Imperial but what catches much of your attention is the way it is positioned. This is clearly a crash site and a very old one at that. Long studied space faring ways have made you familiar with the ways in which a vessel can become compromised and this ship was clearly shot down.
Some tears are the result of the crash but others are the work of las fire. Others may hedge their bets but you can be sure, based on what you see, that this ship was shot down by another Imperial vessel.
Can Lorrayne provide any insights with Lore (War) or another military skill to gain more information as to the age of the ship or how it might have been shot down? I'm not sure what Dom has either, but a check to see how stably the ship is wedged in the fissure would be good. I wasn't sure if it is stuck basically in a crevasse and how likely it is that us entering it causes us all to fall into the depths.
In the meantime, I order the men to suit up and secure the perimeter. "I want eyes around us 360. Report any threats immediately, but wait for my order to engage. Snipers, I want a full report on that vessel and any activity near it."
When everyone is fully encase in armored void suits you vent the air and drops the sides on your craft. One of your snipers steps out onto the decending stairway created by the open door on the starboard side and looks at the wreck through his scope while Dominic edges the ship in closer so you can board the vessel.
He is happy to report that the ship is about as stuck as possible and it's not going to move without some supreme effort on someone's part. However, the hull looks badly damaged so anyone moving through it should be carefully.
Lorrayne's knowledge of wars is vast and she is eventually able to guess that the ship was shot by a planetary weapon while leaving the world you have dubbed Valhalla at which point it crashed into this moon. The vessel is a transport of some kind, similar to your landers but much better armed and armored (not that that saved it, apparently).
The sniper steps back inside as your ship turns so the port doors will open into one of the tears in the middle of the wreck. The sniper reports gravity is lessened but still fairly powerful, likely due to the extremely dense composition of the moon.
Dominic reports that he has locked the lander in place and it is stationary. The port doors can be opened at any time to allow the boarding to enter.
The snipers will be positioned in the back with the heavy guns at the door. Soldiers will make up the next wave with me, Dom, and Lorr behind them.
"open the doors."
The door crashes outwards, slamming down to create a small set of stairs. There is no sound since the air was flushed, only vibration. Metal dust drifts into the air, settling slower in the low gravity. The interior is dark and lights are quickly turned inward to push back the blackness.
A hallway extends to the left and the right, signs of structural damage from heavy las weaponry strikes all around. The floor feels firm under foot and the weapon team takes position while two heavy infantry move inside and sweep the hallways. A few seconds later both return, lasguns resting against the shoulders.
"No threats, Lord Captain," one replies, the helment to helment vox transmission touched with hints of static.
There is a louder burst of pure static and then Dominic comes out of the cockpick. His void suit had to be specially crafted to accomidate his twin mechanical arms. The tech priests had managed to craft it such that it sealed with the machinary at his shoulders. It was effective but it give the unsettling impression that he was walking about bare armed in the void.
Dominic reports that vox communication with the Valkryie has been completely compromised by the interference of the moon. However, the wreck seems to have stronger equipment since it's salvation becon was picked up from orbit. He wants to take a few men and go access this vessel's communications systems so he can restablish vox communications.
"I don't want to split up too much. We don't know how far our vox will work. We'll take a team of 20 men with us to find the communications equipment. The rest will stay here to hold down the lander."
Rolling 1d100: (54): Total = 54
against 38 int (i may have used the wrong number in the last post) to see if I can guess the most likely direction to the comm equip.
Rolling 1d100: (92): Total = 92
against 37 per to notice any danger and get a better feel what is down each hall
Moving forward will have the two heavy infantry at point, followed by a 5 regular infantry, the PCs are in the middle, and the remaining 15 men take up the rear. Those left behind will take up defensive positions.
Wow, way to botch that one Sarvus.
If I don't have any idea which direction is the likely way to the comm. equipment. I have the men lead the way to the hallways and look down each one to see what is there.
If I don't have any idea which direction is the likely way to the comm. equipment. I have the men lead the way to the hallways and look down each one to see what is there.
I'll move the story ahead soon, I'm just drawing a bit of a blank for details at the moment.
Dominic assumes that it's left to get to the comm and right to get to the bridge but mentions this is an older ship for it's size and function than he's ever been on before so who really knows.
Sorry, I'll try not to jump the gun. I understand writer's block on these things for sure. The Candlewick game on our forum has me hooked too, so it's no big deal. It's already so different than Ross' scenario that I have no idea what will happen. I can't wait to find out.
Thought I would try to jump start this thread since our next Skype session seems to be gaining momentum. If you want to abstract it more like Ross does in the New World games that's fine too. We could describe our overall goals and strategy based on your questions and build from there. Macro over micromanagement and such. What do you think Tad?
Good idea Neil. We'll do quicker cuts. And our new buddy can jump into this thread to get a feel for things before the Skype game if he'd like to as well.
Okay, so you sweep the ship and discover the power is off but the comm equipment is passable so it becomes a simple matter of hooking the transport's power into the system to get enough vox strength to punch through to the main ship.
You also discover the bridge, which is devoid of anything biological. So far you haven't seen any bodies but given the holes in the ship they may have been thrown out during the crash.
We'll head back to the lander. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, I order the men there to sweep the ship and stay in constant contact. The crew with us currently will stay with us to protect the lander and their retreat if necessary.
Do you want to search for anything specifically? You can order your men to basically tear the ship apart looking for physical objects. The ship's systems are currently useless due to lack of power and the lander doesn't have power to run both the comm and the bridge's computers at the same time.
(OOC: The Gearus dialogue was nice. I loved Illian and Gearus so much I couldn't imagine Tad not doing the voices. I'll try to jump in here.... Let me know if this is a bit too detailed for the macro approach.
I like the idea of her using various voices depending on the situation-- almost as if there are other people inside of her. Nothing I could abuse in-play-- Just for flavor. Let me know what you think about that.
Edit: forgot to mention. I wasn't sure where the char. stats were posted. I sent Tad a PM so I should have my stuff together shortly.)
IC: Carin approaches meekly, taking care not to interrupt Trask's words. As a senior officer, her obeisance seems like almost a bit too much. Her voice is that of an older woman.
Lord-Captain... as you are well aware, travel through the warp can sometimes end poorly... With your permission, I might be able to sense if such was the plight of the ship... and if any disruptions in the immaterium linger here. It might help to have this knowledge before sending men to scour the ship. Only a suggestion, my Lord.
Basically trying to do a psyscience test to detect anything particularly warp-related here.
OOC: I typed the following before Shotgun's post, so to not have to retype
IC: Do what you can. The lack of corpses is unnatural and I'd like to know what I'm up against. I'm not about to lose good men for a ghost ship.
If it seems clear:
Start with the men looking for physical objects, but I order them not to destroy any vital components. If they can't find anything, then I'll have Dom take a group of men (20) to investigate the ship's computer to scour the records for what happened. Lorrayne and I will stay with a small contingent of men near the lander (assuming we can get Dom's vox signals). In the event of an emergency, Lorrayne and I will take all but 10 men with us to help out and extract the remaining crew to the lander.
If it is warp-tainted:
Recommendations from Lorrayne, Dom, and Carin will be considered before acting.
Shotgun, you gotta roll your psynescience or whatever it is.
Apologies- didn't intend to hold things up.
Rolling 1d100: (1): Total = 1
+10 bonus against 40 perception
Uh you rolled a critical success on your first roll, no apologies necessary. This is the type of crew I've been looking for. That's so fucking awesome.
Alright, the ship does have some wrap traces but they are exceedingly faint. With an 01 you recognise that the taint matchs the one from what was formerly Arcpellgo #10 on Valhalla, which the ship recently "sank" with an orbital bombardment. This ship must have left the planet after being tainted but before it could spread significantly.
There is also the trace of a single former lifesign, suggesting only one human was onboard the ship when it crashed.
A search of objects turns up little besides ship junk. The craft is fairly stripped down.
If you want to power up the computers than somebody needs to make a Tech Use Test.
Trask does not have that skill. So . . .
If Dom or Carin have it, they can roll. If not, I'll order Scottarius to teleport an enginseer down to try it. They are crack crew, so he should be ok. I'll use exceptional leader to boost him/her to a 50.
Let's give it a one for the money then before waiting for anybody else.
Rolling 1d100: (69): Total = 69
Alright, so the NPCs aren't gonna get this one cranking over fully. We'll have a PC give it a shot and if that doesn't work the backup would be trying to salvage the crashed ship itself and to the work in a hangar onboard the Valkyrie.
"Damn, the one time I left Nathan AND Gearus behind. I hope one of the rest of you can get this thing going. If not, we leave it for another time. I don't intend to being something on board the Valkyrie that might endanger the ship. Objections?"
I can wait for my crew's response. If no one does, I'll make a decision and go with it.
Old woman voice: "Unfortunately, I choose to study in more esoteric subjects. However, our pilot might be able to wake the machine spirits of this forsaken craft. I have no objections to hauling the craft aboard. It might be ... interesting ... to study what happened here."
Won't be much help here. Of the crew present, Dom might be our best shot. I say let Dom work on it with those sexy metallic limbs of his. Up to you, cap'n.
Dom does have Best Quality roboarms so he gets a bonus to "fine manipulation". Of course he isn't trained in Tech-Use as far as I know so it's more of a shot in the dark, but one that he does get a bonus to. And if Trask gives him his bonus and he opts to take extra time, than he's looking at half of his score but with a +30 bonus.
So, let's give him that shot in the dark roll:
Rolling 1d100: (38): Total = 38
Even without the +10 for taking time, I think Dom's lowest scores are still higher than 36 so even at half that roll is good enough to scrap by.
The computer systems come online in fits and starts but eventually the ship's bridge becomes active and soldiers begin poking around. They quickly discover that nearly everything is recorded in old style High Gothic, which almost nobody speaks anymore and fewer people can read.
Fully understanding the data, which appears to be a record of the ship's activities lead up to the crash, will require someone with knowledge of High Gothic and a fairly difficult for of Literacy.
With the Trask's leave, I'll take a look at the records. I've got Literacy and Speak Language (High Gothic). I'll just roll both and you can take the appropriate one.
|dice 1d100|
Speak Language
|dice 1d100|
both against 62 intelligence.
Well.. I fucked up that command. Let's see if this is better.
Rolling 1d100: (59): Total = 59
Speak (High Gothic)
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
I'll glance over Carin's shoulder and try to make out what I can. I'll take my time for the +10 if necessary.
Rolling 1d100: (74): Total = 74
Rolling 1d100: (38): Total = 38
speak high gothic
against a 38 +10
Carin manages to stumble through the information though much of the detail is beyond her at the moment. The records are a personal log of events which transpired on the world now known as Valhalla. This ship apparently left the planet after the corruption of the planet began.
The only person on the ship was an Imperial Navy Admiral, a real one from before the days when the Navy and Army where merged into the Imperial Guard. The man was apparently leaving the planet in an effort to catch up to a larger detachment of Crusade vessels when he was shot down by planetary fire. Exact details of why he was fleeing and from what, apart from the generally referred to and much hated, "corruption" is unclear. He does mention the failure of an Inquisitor but does not name the individual.
The good Admiral apparently srurvived the crash because the record mentions the ship being shot down. The man was apparently attempting to repair the vessel and his last few entries are fairly obsessive that he must do so and catch the Crusader fleet that they might "correct a great and ruinious sin".
Additional detail could be gathered through longer study of the information.
If it isn't feasible to download the logs, I'll have the vessel hauled onto the ship for further investigation. The moon will be mined as normal. A contingent of guards will watch the vessel at all times in case anything happens. The next stop will be the asteroid belt.
Rolling 1d100: (49): Total = 49
awareness +30 for sensors
Against a 37 I believe, so 67.
Downloading the logs will take (surprise) a Tech-Use attempt. This one isn't really as mechanically focused so Dom isn't gonna be able to BS his way through it like he did the wiring. Let's give the NPC techpriest a shot:
Rolling 1d100: (31): Total = 31
That's enough to get by. The engineseer zips everything onto a bunch of data slates. You can still bring along the ship if you like, since you made the test already. The scans show nothing new but they put some additional detail on the damage suffered by the vessel. It looks like it's plasma drive was crippled by a lascannon strike and it lost all significant power in seconds. It's also rather deformed by the crash and the scraping it gets on the way back out of the fissure and onto the ship.
Would you like to spend sometime investigating the dataslates while heading out into the surrounding system? Since you have more time these tests will be at +10 (compared the the -10 they where on the ship) and will be for extra information beyond what you already know.
I'll take another stab at the dataslates.
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
Speak (High Gothic)
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
I'll also look for any cryptology hidden in the message.
Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)
Rolling 1d100: (60): Total = 60
Against 62 +10 for time = 72 for all three.
I'll specifically look for locations related to the corruption, weapon fire, or other potentially salvageable gear on Valhalla.
I'll use exceptional leadership to boost Carin by 10. Should be enough to make it. Otherwise,
Rolling 1d100: (46): Total = 46
Rolling 1d100: (59): Total = 59
high gothic
Against a 38 plus 10 for the library on the ship. Carin would get that as well I guess.
Wow, somebody actually gets to use the "Cryptology" skill for once, eh? Between the two of you you've got this thing beaten.
You identify the man leaving the journal entries as Naval Admiral Yig Farragut. He begins the first entry formally but quickly trails off into a near mad scrambling.
What you piece together is that someone on Valhalla was corrupted by Chaos but Farragut never mentions the name of the individual. He seems to imply that it was an Inquisitor but his wording is vague, especially towards the end. What is clear is that a single individual was responcible for the corruption of the now destroyed island of Valhalla. It is also fairly clear that, until now, no one in the universe knew the truth because Farragut went down with his ship.
The admiral apparently took the ship in order to try and catch the main body of the fleet he was attachted to, but was struck by planetary fire from Valhalla and crashed. He survived, awakening to find himself in a "massive valley of sheer stone" with an "immeasurable depth" below him.
The bulk of the records are entries in an increasingly erratic journal, to the point that the man stopped making date entries because he had no concept of time. Without power for the ship systems Farragut spent days or possibly weeks sealed in some sort of protective device which he continually refers to as "his shell". It sounds like a heavily armored void suit.
The final entry is especially disturbing as Yig writes of "the voice of my distant foe" taunting him from the depths below him. He states he has completed his repairs and is preparing to "fly free of an unworthy tomb".
Reading the last words of a madman isn't very pleasant. Make a Willpower Test.
Ah snap!
Rolling 1d100: (90): Total = 90
against 61 - 15 (Insanity)= 46
Well, congradulation on picking up a few more points, Carin.
Rolling 1d4: (3): Total = 3
Rolling 1d100: (44): Total = 44
against a 43
My sentiments exactly.
Don't worry, Lord Captain. I spent some free time engraving your name on this bolt shell. It's the one I'll use to end your misery when you finally snap.
You can count on me, for sure.
Your loyalty is both inspiring and disturbing Lorrayne. Rest assured, I will not let the warp take you for long should you turn as well.
This is such a great crew.
Rolling 1d4: (1): Total = 1
You got lucky on this one, Trask.
Okay, so both of you are mildly disturbed to learn some of the additional history of your new world AND to now know that there is a great deal you still do not know.
With that weighting on your minds you head out of orbit and to begin your scans. Do you want to bring in system (closer to the star) or out system (farther from the star)?
Whichever direction the asteroid belt is. I don't remember which direction it is.
That is my first target. We will also scan any planets along the way.
I can't remember myself at the moment. No, wait, the belt is In system because it's what causes so many partial eclipses on Valhalla (big asteroid chucks blocking sunlight).
To begin the sweep of the belt we'll have some rolls.
Since Dom is going to be manning the main sensory array using his awesome Void Mastery, we'll focus less on the scans being done and more on your ability to figure out what you find.
So, I'm opening this up a little. What skills do you have to can help in surveying the asteroid belt?
By the way, if I'm replying too quickly, you can draw stuff out however you like. I just respond while it's fresh in my mind.
I don't have a whole lot, but here goes:
Rolling 1d100: (26): Total = 26
Against 37 Per
Rolling 1d100: (26): Total = 26
Against 33 Int
Rolling 1d100: (78): Total = 78
Against 33 Int
Sarvus is more of a people person. If we hit level 3, let me now. I may have some more skills to contribute at that point.
If you want to go ahead and spend another 1,000 XP to represent what you gained from the game and from anything picked up since then, go ahead and do so now. We'll spend the rest of it along the way before we get to the next Skype event.
Dom's gonna throw down some scans here.
Scan and reroll:
Rolling 1d100: (33): Total = 33
Rolling 1d100: (79): Total = 79
Rolling 1d100: (7): Total = 7
Rolling 1d100: (37): Total = 37
Rolling 1d100: (35): Total = 35
Rolling 1d100: (1): Total = 1
Rolling 1d100: (11): Total = 11
Rolling 1d100: (58): Total = 58
He hit all his scans so that's plenty of collected data, which the engineseers are gonna go to work on breaking down into useable parts.
Rolling 1d100: (50): Total = 50
Rolling 1d100: (91): Total = 91
Rolling 1d100: (64): Total = 64
Rolling 1d100: (87): Total = 87
Trask, paying close attention to the scans as they come in, begins to see some odd things. There are more jagged edges than he would expect on alot of these asteroids, and their sizes vary greatly. There's a great deal of dust and tiny elements but also alot of large ones. He can't out his finger on it but something is unusual.
Then something sparks in the back of his mind. As one of the scans comes by he brings up one of the earlier ones and puts them side by side on the view screen. After a moment of adjustment, he finds two sections of the rocky space debris that match nearly perfectly, clearly indicating they used to be one single piece of stone.
But his inital excitement fades when he realizes that it's perfectly likely for asteroids in a belt to collide and break apart on occation.
Anyone who wants to look for something specific in the belt (or follow up on any new information just gathered) can do so as well.
Feel free to disregard any of these if not applicable.
I'll see if I can sense any disturbances in the warp.
Rolling 1d100: (26): Total = 26
Against 40 perception +10 (advance bonus)=50
I'll also take a closer look at the busted rock to see if I can determine how the break occurred or whether this might have been a small moon, etc.
Rolling 1d100: (11): Total = 11
Against 40 perception
And just in case I notice anything particularly dangerous...
Rolling 1d100: (44): Total = 44
Against 40 perception +10 (advance bonus)=50
Trask will utilize his recently learned knowledge of Xenos to see if any of these asteroids look like they may be of Xenos origin.
Rolling 1d100: (85): Total = 85
against 38 Int + 10 for library?
Aparently Trask took stupid pills this morning. This roller is rigged!
Carin feels nothing new of the warp here but with 2 degrees of success she feels very old, very faint traces of daemon presence and warp scarring, similar to that experienced in a warp storm.
Two degrees on Scrutiny, and working with what Trask already has up on the screen and the reports coming back from the engineseers scans, allows Carin to peer through several of the scans and determin that this belt is comprised primarily of mineral compounded material but there is a fairly high level of former organic material, light mineral composition, and oxygenated gases.
However, none of it appears to be activally dangerous unless the ship happened to fly right into the belt (which it is currently not, your well off to one side).
Cool... sounds like another ship got shredded.
Middle-aged male voice with a tone of professionalism. Lord Trask. Based on these scans, it appears that the remnants of a ship float within this asteroid belt... hmmm.... not a fortunate omen. It seems that Daemons might have been involved... but that is not definite.
I'll let the Cap'n decide where to go from here.
This bodes poorly for our choice of base of operations in the expanse. We can investigate the wreckage when we have more time. "Dom, take us in to the next planet."
Your chief astra-monastic charter, Urbain Le Verrier, askes if you would like to name the asteroid belt, since he's detailing the system maps as you go. Three of his apprenteces are currently at work with brush and pain on a massive stretched graxhide canvis, detailing the system as it is currently known. A label which reads "Trask Dynasty System Acquisition Number FYO-0004" has been pinned to the top.
Dom chooses to navigate wide of the belt, going "over" it and entering the inter system. The star's light is much brighter here inside of the belt making navigation slightly more difficult.
Primary scans estimated two planets within the inner system. Only one is currently visible to normal scans. The other (or others) must be in orbit on the other side of the system's star at the moment. Dom moves into scanner range and begins work.
Rolling 1d100: (9): Total = 9
Rolling 1d100: (65): Total = 65
Rolling 1d100: (12): Total = 12
Rolling 1d100: (80): Total = 80
Suggestions for naming can be ongoing.
Trask looks over the data on the new planet.
Rolling 1d100: (66): Total = 66
Against 37 per
Evaluate <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(100): Total = 100 </div>
Against 38 int
Astromancy <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d100: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(14): Total = 14 </div>
Against 38 int
Apparently Trask has an aneurysm trying to evaluate the data. Seriously?
I thought about responding to your Astromancy check with "What planet?" but that would be cruel.
While Trask is unable to gather my real world information from the raw data the engineseers pull from the scans but does find the positioning of the planet interesting. After a few adjustments on his dataslate, Trask estimates that the planet is part of a trio of smiliarly sized worlds which are orbiting the star and exchanging their orbital paths with one another as they pass closely together.
The cycle is fairly quick, roughly one standard year for each planet to make all three orbits, and has layered the planet strangely due to the comparativally fast heating and cooling it receives.
It makes sense that Trask is confused as I certainly am. Continue scanning if there are no valuable assets. Or someone competent can look over the data.
You can blame Carin for trying to tap into your mind during that evaluation. It won't happen again, sir.
I'm fine with moving on with scans, but I'll give some rolls just to see if I come up with anything. As usual, just disregard an inapplicable rolls.
Rolling 1d100: (56): Total = 56
against 50 (40 perception +10 advance bonus)
Evaluate (Untrained)
Rolling 1d100: (4): Total = 4
against 31 intelligence (half)
Rolling 1d100: (1): Total = 1
against 40 perception
FUCK YEAH!!!! I'm liking this dice roller... except for those san checks.
Shotgun, you're stealing all the good rolls. Save some for the rest of us.
"Dom, move us on to the next point of interest."
Moving to the outer system if necessary.
Alright, rather than have me try to come up with individual oddities of planets right at this moment we'll fast forward a little and finish off the scanning.
Dom'll just survey the outer system worlds:
Rolling 1d100: (62): Total = 62
Rolling 1d100: (19): Total = 19
Rolling 1d100: (54): Total = 54
Rolling 1d100: (46): Total = 46
Rolling 1d100: (27): Total = 27
Rolling 1d100: (8): Total = 8
Rolling 1d100: (50): Total = 50
Rolling 1d100: (72): Total = 72
Rolling 1d100: (95): Total = 95
Rolling 1d100: (16): Total = 16
Alright, so the complete system survey will take about a month since you won't be traveling with warp engines.
We'll pick up again with the Valkryie returning to Valhalla at the end of the survey tour.
On the way back, I'd like to stop to refuel and restock the lander crews while picking up their product. I think we'd agreed to use in-system materials until we have a solid footing on the planet. My suggestion is to build a solid defensive position first that troops and citizens could retreat to if necessary. Then fortify any resource gathering facilities. Finally, construct and fortify to the best of our ability the housing and ancillary facilities. My inclination is to harvest 2/3 building materials and 1/3 precious commodities until the base of operations is complete or we have enough materials to complete them.
Let me know if the new crew have any thoughts. I also would like recommendations regarding the "colonization" of the planet versus using it as a mining hub. If we decide to colonize it, we'll have to begin training some of our crew to handle that. I would recommend doing that right before we return to civilization. Say a bunch of our crew was killed (so no one knows what we are up to). Replace the crew and get our new navigator, then head back to do some exploring. We can obtain additional higher quality materials while there and bring them to the colony to create as true a hub as possible.
With respect, Lord Captain, we need not state what happened to the crew we're "replacing." No one will ask; no one will particularly care. This is the frontier, not the heart of the Imperium.
True enough Lorrayne. However, I intend to be very "discreet" with the dynasty as well. They may find it odd that I lost so many. I'm not known for being careless. I'll generate a plausible cover story, some sort of Xenos attack that laid waste to a number of the crew. We repelled them and them raided their colony destroying everything afterward. That should suffice.
You could russel up some kind of xenos monster on the way back to rip a few bits off of as evidence, in case someone asks. That'll be your personal choice, of course. Your senior staff isn't gonna have a problem with that either. Illian is primarily loyal to Trask and has no connection with the dyntasy at large. Gearus is in a similar position. Your dumping the Navigator so he doesn't have to be told anything at all.
The short term mining has turned out alot of raw ore which can be processed on the ship until such time as land based facilities are prepared. Valhalla is suitable for any number of functions. It could be setted as an Imperial styled coloney (a "real world" style settlement) or recrafted into a hive world.
Construction has been moving ahead quickly with Gearus and his fellows directing servitor operation. Illian has seen to it that the structures properly revere the God Emperor (which they do by being as tough and defendable as possible).
Gearus reports some progress in the study of the artifacts from the security room. He has recovered a listing of major staff at this outpost and a summary record of the establishment. This planet was passed over during the crusades and marked as empty and suitable for eventual population with no evidence of any past human population. An Inquisitor traveling with the fleet ordered an outpost placed here. His name is not in the summary.
Illian reports progress in clearing the other tunnels. The central bunk is quite secure.
Nathan is likewise pleased to report everything appears to be nicely secured and there is not hint of influnce among the population.
Trask gathers the senior crew. "we've mapped the system and have raw materials to begin constructing our hub. What are your thoughts on the role of this planet? I will not turn it over to the Imperium until it is secured and profitable (read between the lines). So what do you say? A hive world? Imperial style colony? Manufacturing and mining outpost? I think it makes sense to start with a true colony to eventually create a full base of operations. However, this system has been tainted by the warp significantly. Perhaps another world is better suited for a colony. But I work with what I am given. And for now, this is the dynasty's best foothold in this space."
It is as you say, my Lord Captain. We should not let ourselves be troubled with what evidence we have found of the warp here. Chaos infects more of the Imperium than our missionaries and inquisitors may dare to mention. If it is your will, let us continue to construct a colony worth of your dynasty and name. With time, we might rival some of the jewels of the Imperium.
As for the crew, they are your bond-servants, Lord Captain. As are we all. If they are not suitable to your needs, let us be rid of them. As Lorrayne said, there are not many here who will care.
You could russel up some kind of xenos monster on the way back
Oh, yeah, nothing could go wrong with that plan. ;)
Yeah, no shit. I think I'll rely on my charm at 53+20 to just convince people that there was a monster. It doesn't have to be THAT convincing.
You sure? Nobody want to just nip into a space hulk and get a few Gene Stealer claws to show off? There's only a slight chance it'll infect the crew and spread tyranid space viruses through everybody, eventually summoning down the swarm. Wouldn't take any time at all.
Well okay...
Trask is more than capable of explaining the chunk of crew that needs replacement upon the return to Port Wanderer and the Imperium proper. After kicking the Navigator out of the Tower the search for a new individual is begun (Carin sent word ahead for a replacement to be considered so things should be well underway).
You'll probably need a few weeks to service the ship, recrew, resupply, and acquire construction materials.
OOC it looks like our PC Navigator won't be joining us, so you can have a search for one if you like.
To all crew, "you've earned your leave. Drink it in because soon enough it will be once more into the fray."
Trask dismisses the crew in normal leave shifts to repair and restock with some rest for everyone. He then sets his sights on acquisitions. The ship will need some upgrades and so will I.
OOC let me know how you want to handle acquisitions.
You can make any acquisitions you want to normally here on the boards. Your current profit factor is 65, I believe, unless it went up to 70. Actually, selling off some of the relics you recovered that Gearus cleared as old and cool but not directly useful will net you another 5 profit so we'll call it 70.
For the Navigator I think we'll give you a temporary NPC because it'll be important to have some real number to work with in the upcoming game.
I also get a +1 bonus for my background. It may help. I'll look over the book tonight to figure out the modifiers. I have an idea of what I want though.
Alright, so you'll be rolling against a base of 71, which is not too shabby.
Hi. Say I've been interested in playing the Rogue Trader game since I heard the pod cast. I could make up a Nav.
I've been exchanging some PMs with Ryo here and he's interested in giving the game a shot. He asked just recently, after I'd sured up six players so I didn't have space for him. But, since Jason can't make the date I'm giving him a chance to "apply".
OOC Tad, you'll have to help me out here, since the difficulty of acquiring things depends on the size of the colony you are trying to acquire from. I also need to know if I can make Charm, Barter, or Commerce tests to help acquire items.
Trask has one obvious component to acquire: a squad of murder servitors
Rolling 1d100: (22): Total = 22
If time and resources allow (in order):
Sub-skin armor (very rare)
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
Preysense goggles:
Rolling 1d100: (97): Total = 97
Cranial armor (scarce)
Rolling 1d100: (21): Total = 21
I don't actually know how the acquisitions work, so this could be insane to try and find this in one trip.
The crew as a whole needs to acquire materials to fortify the colony and any additional equipment for it to operate as a temporary base of operations. I'll throw down three buys for that as well just in case.
Rolling 1d100: (11): Total = 11
Rolling 1d100: (55): Total = 55
Rolling 1d100: (12): Total = 12
I guess I won't be getting any implants. Stupid acquisitions.
Well you can always try again later. I'll review the acquisitions rules and get back to you on everything.
What does everybody else want to do? Remember you are senior staff aboard the ship, masters of your own respective divisions. Gearus, Illian, Nathan, and Dom will be out shopping as well.
Oh, I may get the cranial armor though. YES!
I would like Lorrayne or Jak to acquire planetary defense systems as well. For example, satellite defenses, fighter squadrons, orbital cannons, tanks, whatever they feel is prudent as a countermeasure.
Also remember that for things which aren't nearly unique you can apply the "just one" reduction, which is pretty beefy. And there's also quality to consider.
Ok, so here's my decision. I'll go with Good quality on everything. For the materials, I think it is a fairly large amount (major or significant?). The armor and googles are single items. And I want to make one more "prestige" acquisition of a Best quality, shifting fabric cloak (Very Rare) - that should be a -20 total
Rolling 1d100: (58): Total = 58
against 51
Oh, so very close. Well you'll have another chance right before the next session when more in game time has passed.
Various suppliers are loading the carefully acquired raw materials for colonial expansion into the vessel and your senior staff is buzzing with excitement as they run up the expense accounts.
Rolling 1d100: (13): Total = 13
Rolling 1d100: (86): Total = 86
Rolling 1d100: (48): Total = 48
Rolling 1d100: (62): Total = 62
Rolling 1d100: (30): Total = 30
Rolling 1d100: (28): Total = 28
Rolling 1d100: (86): Total = 86
Rolling 1d100: (28): Total = 28
Rolling 1d100: (82): Total = 82
Rolling 1d100: (39): Total = 39
Rolling 1d100: (93): Total = 93
Rolling 1d100: (84): Total = 84
Okay lets see if I can use the dice command.
I don't know the group's Profit Factor.
I am making a couple of acquisition rolls for my character.
Storm Trooper Carapace best (very rare) -20
Rolling 1d100: (14): Total = 14
Recoil Glove (Rare) +20
Rolling 1d100: (31): Total = 31
Synskin (Extremely Rare) +0
Rolling 1d100: (76): Total = 76
Clip Harness (common) +50
Rolling 1d100: (78): Total = 78
Autopistol best (common) +20
Rolling 1d100: (16): Total = 16
Ammo Amputator Shells (Extremely Rare) +0
Rolling 1d100: (81): Total = 81
Were my rolls so small because I put the dice command inside code/code?
The group's profit factor is 71, so you made some great rolls there. You'll be pretty decked out.
The dice command is ":dice XdY:"
You don't have to put it into the code command.
He's not that useful in a fight, but he can chart a path through the warp with a little skill.
A man is brought before command. Judging solely by his walk, there is something distinctly odd about him. The joints of his body bend in move in ways that shouldn't be possible. Upon closer inspection, his status and occupation becomes clear with the recognition of a third eye in the middle of his forehead. It should be noted there is a slight metallic glint from the ship's lighting within what would be considered the man's "normal" eyes.
Giving whatever is considered a salute in warhammer, he says, "Lord Captain Trask, Solar Aestaban. Navigator in service to his Holy emperor and proud member to the glorious house Vor’cle, presents himself before you for temporary reassignment as per these orders which I entrust to you now."
And so saying, Solar offers the documents to the captain.
Trask reviews the papers to ensure everything is in the proper order. "It looks as if everything checks out. Welcome aboard the Valkyrie. I hope your skills exceed those of the previous Navigator . . . or at least your skin thicker. The Expanse is no place for arrogant pups who believe they are above their Captain or shipmates. If you still believe it suits you, then you'd best prepare to face the unknown and make a name for yourself in the process."
Solar's offers a heartfelt reply, "You are most generous Lord Captain."
He goes on to add while absentmindedly rubbing the charm that hangs from a light silver chain looped around his wrist, "The fool before me must have lacked the simple understanding of the one absolute fact here in the Expanse. No matter how much greater your intelligence and potential for growth, no matter that your genetic makeup has been the accumulation of numerous lifetimes, or that you made be regarded as the next step in human evolution, an autogun to the face will end you as fast as any lesser being you may find yourself allied with. I am here to bring honor to my House and... *he mumbles the following after quietly clearing his throat* because of a slight, very slight, hardly worth mentioning disagreement over some passages in the Imperial Creed with a few high ranking, but not really that high, members of the Ecclesiarchy. Who knew they would take criticism to long held beliefs so seriously."
"I think we'll get along just fine Solar. Myopic zealots may have their say here in the Imperium, but where we're going, the only laws are those of survival. I'm more of a pragmatist when it comes to my ship and my dynasty. We do what we must for the glory of our names. I hope you see this as an opportunity that few are ever afforded rather than a mark against you. Trust me, the freedom of the Expanse is the greatest pleasure you'll find in this universe. Beyond any leisure planet or drug you could ever discover. Please familiarize yourself with the Senior Staff. We have important business to attend to." Trask takes Solar to meet each of the senior members of the crew and facilitate introductions.