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Active Games => Pathfinder & 3.5ed D&D => Games Games Games? => Under the Red Mountain => : Dogfish May 18, 2010, 04:20:44 PM
Hey guys this is where we shall post the in-character stuff. I'll post fluff in another thread. I'll make my first post later in the week.
In the hollowed out, excavated and cleared out Dwarven ruin the clan made it's home. The stunted rooms are filled with detritus that the previous owners would of been appalled at but the new occupants revel in it. However today reveling doesn't come to mind. Picking out a meager existence is something goblins used to thrive on but now there is a purpose lost form this. All the women are barren now and many of those once loyal to the clan have taken to wandering. Infact now the numbers have dwindled so that only Rylass, the clans mystic and healer, is left and she seems to be growing weak in old age.
Taking residence in a communal hall those left have begun to lose all sense of privacy and it's in the centre that Rylass has rigged up some bedding. An hour ago her wheezing cough began to form words which were quickly relayed through the hall, "Water! She needs water!". There was a flurry of activity and several of your brothers rushed off with buckets...but that was an hour ago and they should of been back by now.
OOC: Ok folks just dropping you in here in the communal hall.
Kanock stamped around the chamber, trying to think of all of the ways he would chastise the others when they returned. There was no excuse for taking so long to fetch a simple bucket of water, even for a goblin. Even for ones as dumb as the ones that ran off with the good buckets!
He continued to finger his blade and his bow, starting to fantasize about which he would threaten them with. They were surely afraid of his bow, as he was one of the best shots in what was left of the clan, but his blade was vicious, even if he wasn't very good with it.
Every now and then he would stop and listen, trying to hear the faint patter of their clumsy feet, only to be disappointed and resume his quiet stomping.
Grub stepped into the room, having left earlier to more properly contemplate Drizella, mother of Goblinkind, in the traditional pit of mud and filth. How shocked was she to find Rylass lying there in apparent pain! "Beloved elder!" She shouted in shock, "What is ailing you? You need water? Why did no one send for me?" She sighs in frustration, "I fear for the future of our people if they cannot rely on the priestesses of the Denmother..."
She places her pickaxe, the weapon that all Drizellan priestesses were trained in, to her side, and raises her holy symbol towards whatever nearby container she can find. With a whispered prayer, the container fills with pure, fresh water. She helps Rylass drink some, while also doing her best to treat whatever that was wrong and not related to old age, then stands and turns to the others in the room, furious.
"Where are the idiots who didn't come and get me?"
OOC: Casting Create Water. SCREW YOU DM! MUHUHUWAHAHA. :p
Also, performing a Heal check on Rylass...
Griz sighed with disappointment at how dumb his kin are. They should not take this long to get water. But maybe it is more than mere dehydration that harms the elder.
ooc: I cast detect poison.
Griz “The fools they could have had my Phantasms fetch the water had they wakened me, Do they not know that my magic is far more effective than half witted morons stumbling around?”
OOC: Griz, you detect no poison but something is clearly ailing her. Grub, gimme a roll as the last one didn't go through (it would be helpful to find out what the problem is). Kanock give me a perception check next time you take a listen at the entrance of the cave/dwelling.
Filling up an old piece of pottery Grub slowly drips some water in the wilted looking old woman's mouth. The old goblin does not look well. Her face is drawn, eyes beginning to glaze over and her face taking on odd tints of colour beyond the normal muddy green. Old animal skins that had formed her bedding now look set to swallow up Rylass. Being the leader of this clan, by virtue of her divinity and age, her passing on will have you in even greater dire straights than before...especially with your kinsmen still having not returned yet.
Her face turns to the dissenting priestess and mage, a low wheezed sentence escaping cracked lips.
" not....the fight among....yourselves, something" she gives a dreadful cough, shaking her whole frame "stirs in the...mountain"
Griz’s temper boils over at the realization that his illusions are inferior to Grub’s Divine magic witch should be far inferior to his after all Griz has spent years of studying to achieve his power while Grub Seems to be given it.
“What? What do you mean by somthing now its not the time for riddles”
ooc: the command for dice rolling is : dice xdy : without the spaces incase you guys dont know it.
Rolling 1d20+7: (12)+7: Total = 19
IC: "Griz, hush!" Grub says indignantly, "She's not well, she can barely even speak..."
She is afflicted with some dreadful weakening disease, Her face and wrists you notice are coming up in large blistered welts of a deep wine like purple. Her last cough, un-noticed by the others, brought up a bit of a viscous blood-like substance of the same colour.
Rolling 1d20+5: (9)+5: Total = 14
Mystics... Kanock thought to himself. The one word summed up his feelings about them. He had never developed an appreciation for their workings, and didn't see himself developing one in the near future. Rylass was one thing, as an elder, but these other two seemed to quarrel a lot.
Deciding that his bow would be the best choice, and would also serve to take his mind away from the others in the room, he moved over to the opening again and stepped just outside the entrance, the better to listen. He peered out and listened more intently, trying to drown out their insipid bickering.
There is something, a hint of light backed with the most muffled echo of an echo of light. The most curious thing isn't the two most obvious senses. It's a smell that hits you hard despite the apparent distance of the people(?) lower down in the old hewn rock tunnels. A smell of the most rank, stagnant, puddle mixed with the coppery smell a storm filled day....and blood. Perhaps Kanock's bow may come into use.
Kanock pads over to the two mystics, bow in hand, and now with arrow nocked.
"Shhhhh..." he hisses to them. "Something is not right, out there, down in the tunnels."
He turns his head and sniffs exaggeratedly.
"Something does not smell right." He moves cautiously back to the opening, bow at the ready while he works up his nerve to proceed out into the deeper darkness.
Grub finishes attending to Rylass as best she can. "I'm afraid I can't do much for her, it seems." she says, turning to the others. "It's some kind of... wasting disease. I can only give her comfort now."
She once again picks up her pickaxe. "But, we should do what we can for now. Even if those others are fools, they are our kin. Let us go see what is delaying them."
Griz picks up his dogslicer and his robe. “ Very well but If we are going to go find them the scout is leading the way”
The three of you huddle up by the cave mouth. A few of your kinsmen also walk over with more trepidation. The light is certainly moving towards you, hanging low and dark in the tunnel...clearly whatever it is shares your capability for seeing in the dank un-lit ruins. You know that from this entrance way there is a tunnel leading to the left that winds higher in the mountain and eventually joins into a couple of intertwined natural caves that themselves lead back into the main body of the Dwarven city. These caves serve as a means of gathering food as many fauna and flora have spread throughout. To the right is this prevailing dim light but you know what beyond it. A route that leads to the edge of one of several underground lakes and springs. These places are inherently dangerous as other clans and monstrous cave dwelling creatures tend to venture to them too, many an unwary goblin has been lost to a choker in the dark.
From what you remember of the tunnel it can fit about 4 goblins abreast and it takes a fairly direct route to the springs lasting a comfortable 20 minute walk. It principally slopes down from where you are now, with old carved stone steps where it gets to it's most steep.
Kanock looks back and glares briefly at the others before turning to look back down the tunnel.
"Light is coming this way... perhaps we hide and wait for it?" He says while concealing the nervousness he felt. Anything that brought light in the darkness they were used to was usually a very capable hunter. He would rather strike from afar and remain hidden if he could.
In case the others wanted to go into the tunnel instead of waiting, Kanock tried to think of good places to hide one he got out there, depending on what direction they took.
The few of your kin that followed the three of you to the cave mouth begin to flee down the left handside, they snatch a few glances back before disapearing into the gloom.
Behind you is a jostling sound as the remaining few gather up any weapons, improvised or not, in the large hall.
They are going to make a stand.
Griz scans the room looking for anything that weighs 20 pounds or less that he can use to make a barricade so that he can make a choke point/cover for the other goblins and him if he needs to escape
Grub stands in the center of the hall, mentally preparing a spell to prevent violence about her. If whoever or whatever it is happens to be intelligent, it may give her time to negotiate. Otherwise, it would at least give her a chance to formulate a proper strategy...
OOC: Preparing a cast of Sanctuary. If anything hostile looking pops around the corner, I plan to cast it immediately.
OOC:For Griz, there are plenty of bits of dwarven furniture, stuff made to be as hardy as it is functional. Perfect for a barricade.
As grub prepares the spell it feels as though her feet are laying on the top of a deep pool of the finest sludge. She sees Griz give her fellow kinsmen a few barked orders as they gather together piles of hardy looking benches and chairs. Piece by piece furniture is moved towards the entrance.
"Does anyone have more water? If the thing uses fire for light I plan to put it out to give us an edge over them."
Griz grips his dogslicer wishing he had prepared more combat worthy spells today.
OOC: I'll give Malyss another day, if he doesn't post then I'll move things along.
Kanock moves into the corridor and away from whatever is coming. He tries to find a place to hide that will give him a clear shot at the back of whatever it is if it intrudes him home.
OOC: Sorry for the delay.
From his hidden position from along the corridor Kanock gets the first view of everything that is occuring. Carrying a burning torch, more like a log, is a massive hulking only vaguely humanoid creature. You recognise it as a bugbear, a dreadful tenacious bully of the goblinoid race...though this one seems to have a more definate purpose. In procession behind the bugbear are goblins in what appear to be leathery gowns that you can't recognise. At the back you recognise some of your kin pulled along, wracked in chains.
For Griz and Grub the view is a bit more worrying. A large shadow cast from the torch stretches across the hall. There is a creaking and a crash as something large begins to smash it's way through the barrier.
OOC: Currently, for Griz and Grub, the bugbear has concealment but is still a viable target. Kanock you count 7 of the cloaked goblins, the bugbear and 5 of your kin. They don't seem to know you're there right now.
OOC: How are Kanock's kin being guarded and can he see any weapons on the leather-clad ones?
OOC: His kin are simply being dragged along by a single chain, each one tied to it by manacle looped through the gap. Each of the leather-clad goblins has a weapon of some sort ranging from a short sword to a morning star.
Watching his kin from the darkness, Kanock readies his bow to strike out at the largest foe, waiting as long as he can, trying to see what his allies inside the cave are are doing. He considers, briefly, striking first, but some strange sense comes over him, compelling him to hold his arrow, in the hopes he doesn't draw too much attention to himself.
Grub finishes her prayer, and steps forward to the Bugbear. "Release my brethren, or face the consequences."
OOC: Casting Sanctuary, which means for one round, if I'm targeted for an attack, the attacker has to make a DC 14 Will save, or they lose their action.
Also, making an Intimidate check. ;D
Rolling 1d20+1: (17)+1: Total = 18
Seeing that his kin has just revealed their position Griz realizes that he must strike now.
OOC: I move 30 ft so I can fit as many As as I can in my color spray spell which is a 15ft cone. Then I cast Color spray. Will save DC 16 Or lots of fun stuff happens. If I cannot reach then and fit one or two in my cone then i hide instead.
"Fear My Raw arcane power Infidels!"
The bugbear simply growls at the words of Grub, kicking the final bit of furniture out of the way. The sensation of a thick cloying mud covers your body. It's at this point Griz dives over infront of the large bugbear. A maelstrom of colours erupts forth from his hand covering almost all of the goblins outside. Kanock gets the front-row seat to the light show...and the collapse of half of their numbers. Four of the cloaked goblins fall to the ground and best of all the bugbear reaches up to it's eyes with a shout.
OOC: Roll initiative please folks. A small platoon has been reduced to a handful of disorganised goblins. Sadly two of those still standing are the ones holding the chain.
Rolling 1d20-1: (11)-1: Total = 10
OOC: Initiative roll
Rolling 1d20: (15): Total = 15
Add 4 to that roll
Slit their throats
Rolling 1d20+5: (9)+5: Total = 14
Kanock takes aim at the closest of the hooded ones holding the chains of his kin.
OOC: Ok order is as follows, goblins, Griz, Kanock and then Grub.
Clambering over the body of the unconcious bugbear the first goblin tries to smack Griz upside the head whilst the other lines up a javelin throw on the cleric. Perhaps it is only Grub that sees the cloying lump of mud come out of the ground and stay the javelin tossing goblin hand but everyone notices it stop mid-way. The club swing wide (rolled a three) over the wizards head.
OOC: Griz.
OOC: Sorry for the delay Had to help rebuild the Dojo after some flooding, Griz shifts back and fires his Blinding ray at the goblin that swung at him it is a ranged touch attack, If it hits they are blinded for 1 round if they have the same hit die (1), if they have more they are dazzled for one round.
Rolling 1d20: (11): Total = 11
add 4 to that versus his touch AC
"Kill them dead!"
OOC: There was no delay at all lad, moving at a decent pace.
Yet another bolt of arcane energy leaves the finger tips of Griz, striking the heavy cloaked goblin in its partially concealed face. Still reeling from the momentum of the missed blow this goblin looks like he is confused and lost.
Seeing a moment of opportunity, Kanock relaxes his fingers, letting the string of his bow pull the arrow away from him and to his hated enemy. Having sent it on its way, he now let fate guide the shaft down the corridor.
Rolling 1d20+9: (15)+9: Total = 24
To hit...
Rolling 1d6+1: (4)+1: Total = 5
If it hits
The arrow hits the goblin in the chest, the robe does nothing to stem the blow, or the bleeding. It crumples into a heap and his fellow goblin quickly scans the corridor trying to spot where the arrow came from.
OOC: Can I have the stealth check I should of made you roll earlier? Now it is the cleric, infront of you a befuddled goblin.
Rolling 1d20+16: (20)+16: Total = 36
Kanock drops back against the wall momentarily after his arrow flies, hoping in the confusion that his precise location was not noticed.
You're like a ghost, dropping flush against the rock, your skin tone assisting.
OOC: Ok it is Grub, Kinahto I need you to post.
"Charge forward, brothers and sisters! The blessing of our mother is upon you!" The rest of the goblins feel energized and ready to attack.
OOC: Casting Bless. Any allies in 50 ft. gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
And, uh, sorry for not posting. Sorta forgot it was my turn. :-\
The blinded goblin slashes at Griz with the short sword like a drunk trying to swat a fly. Coming at Grub the goblin makes a viscous lunge with his horrid blade. Your kinsmen rush in at the attackers and begin scrabbling away with the improvised clubs and blades. The blind goblin falls quickly to a sharp blow to the side of the head, however the one in contest with Grub still stands.
Kanock sees a rather worrying sight, the two goblins guarding your kin have begun to wantonly start stabbing at them.
OOC: Griz.
Griz steps back And fires another blinding ray at one of the goblins who are harming his kin
OOC: ranged touch
Rolling 1d20: (12): Total = 12
+4 to hit from dex but -4 because they are in close combat. Same effect as the last spell.
Perhaps it was divine intervention, perhaps it was luck but the goblin puts his foot in just the right place to side-step the ray. If it had hair it would be parted...and blind.
OOC: Ok Kanock, knock another arrow.
Many goblins were cowardly, but this was below even a goblin. Nocking another arrow, he sighted down his arm and gently pulled back. When his hand reached his ear, he released his hold on the arrow, sending it down the hall toward one of the goblins striking at his kin.
OOC: Ranged attack (+7) against flat-footed favored enemy (+2) in melee (-4) with deadly aim (-1)
Rolling 1d20+4: (7)+4: Total = 11
Rolling 1d6+1: (1)+1: Total = 2
The arrow clinks off the stone by the cultists feet, the target of your attack turns and simply hisses into the darkness.
OOC: Ok then your kin have surrounded the remaining living cultist in the hall and the captive members of your clan are currently being slaughtered, what do you do Grub?
Grub grasps her pickaxe, and, with a mighty downward swing, shouts, "Drizella judges you unworthy. DIE!"
Rolling 1d20+3: (10)+3: Total = 13
Rolling 1d6+3: (5)+3: Total = 8
With her kin surrounding the goblin it didn't have a hope in hell. Evidently her god is guiding the blow which buries the head to the shaft. Pulling the pickaxe back the head leaves the body, which slide off of the 'pick' with a hollow thud.
The goblin that turned to the hidden sniper grabs the next of your kin, brings a knife to it's throat and then shouts.
"Take another shot and she dies, stay back!"
The other cultist appears to be making some strange hand gestures at the opening of the hall. A moment late a bolt of dark energy shoots from his hands, over the heads of your kin and clansmen and then buries itself deep in the pile of furs. There's a hideous gasp behind Griz and Grub.
OOC: Griz you're up now. You can see the cultist in the entrance-way.
Ooc: same thing as last round to the nearest enemy
Rolling 1d20: (7): Total = 7
add 4 to that versus touch AC
Ooc: same thing as last round to the nearest enemy <img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d20: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(7): Total = 7 </div> add 4 to that versus touch AC
The goblin in the entrance way eyes go wide as the ray just misses him. Kanock sees the ray go wild.
OOC: Kanock you're up, one of your kin is a hostage, you could try to strike the cultist holding him but if you miss it will kill your kin. The other target is out in the open.
“She’s dead anyway, it is but a matter of time for us all.”
Kanock quickly drew and nocked another arrow, raised his bow once more, and let fly. His hate for many of his kin overpowering any restraint he may feel because of the hostage. Besides, the loss of another barren female would hurt less each day, until they were all gone.
Base: +7, Favoured enemy +2, in-melee -4 = +5
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d20+5: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(4)+5: Total = 9 </div>
If it hits: 1d6-1, Favoured enemy +2
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d6+1: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(4)+1: Total = 5 </div>
-afternote - well, that sucked...
Despite his intentions towards even the barren female the arrow goes well wide, breaking into splinters on the stone wall. The goblin holding the female hostage visibly flinches.
OOC: Grub you're up, cultist in the doorway. Another thing to note...some rounds have passed since the colourspray went off.
"YOU HAVE COMMITTED THE GREATEST SIN," Grub shouts in a religious fervor as she charges at the cultist with a hostage, "NONE TURN AGAINST THEIR KIN!"
OOC: Charging this guy. +2 to hit, -2 to defense.
Rolling 1d20+5: (3)+5: Total = 8
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d6+3: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(5)+3: Total = 8 </div>
OOC: Guys would you prefer me using the dice roller or do you not mind the mystery of my rolls literally behind a screen?
The cultist manages to position the hostage in the way at just the right moment. The female collapses into a bundle by your feet...the pickaxe buried in it's stomach is a clue to the cause of this. The cultist in clear panic lashes out with its short blade at the priestess.
OOC: Does a 12 hit your AC?
The other cultist in the entrance way laughs maniacly before drawing a dagger and lobbing it into the fray of your kin. It howls with success as the dagger bites into the shoulder of a male, who still stands.
Your kin spread out like a swarm of rats, stabbing at the throats and chests of the unconcious enemies. Many of these foes give a death rattle before leaving this plane. The problem comes when the Bugbear is stabbed and immediately rise to its knees, the shiv still buried to the hilt in it's gut.
The magic and dagger slinging goblin collapses under a flurry of blows from the two of your kin not slitting throats.
Wailing, wailing fills the chamber as a creature rises from amongst the furs. Where your matron was covered in blanched red skin now odd and strange limbs emerge.
"My children, give over to the true gods, the saviour of goblinkind! Drink deep from the lake! Relieve your souls the burden of this plane!"
OOC: Ok as ever we have iniative order starting again. Griz you're up, right now all your kin have swarmed ahead of you. Your clan leader/priestess is behind you, damn near cackling.
Ooc: Out of combat spells are ready and my dagger can only do 1 damage IF it hits soo for my move action and standard
Griz moves to hide behind the barricade and draws his bow
" Kill them MEN Rend their flesh"
OOC: Well it's now the arrow slinging kanock, the hostage taker is sans hostage and Grub is just to the side.
Disgusted with his shaky shooting, excuses flowing through his small mind about how he usually hunts single prey, and not large melees, Kanock fits another arrow. This is his fifth, and he lets fly at the one menacing Grub, hoping to not strike his companion.
OOC - Since I’m not totally certain if he is in melee or not, I’m just going to use a straight d20 roll and put the modifiers here:
Base +7, FE +2, -4 Melee
Rolling 1d20+5: (5)+5: Total = 10
If it hits:
Base 1d6-1, FE +2
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 1d6+1: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(2)+1: Total = 3 </div>
OOC - wow... shitty shooting for sure...
OOC: Damn you have the worst luck with that bow, despite a hefty modifier. Thank god we've got a good posting rate going at the moment. Well we've got the cleric to rely on, to be fair her pickaxe has killed more people than anyone else.
Angered by her own incompetence, Grub swings again.
Rolling 1d20+3: (7)+3: Total = 10
Rolling 1d6+3: (4)+3: Total = 7
OOC: This isn't CoC! We want high rolls!
The bugbear enraged at the rude awakening simply cleaves straight through the attacking goblin with it's clube sending the little green man across the room.
To attempt to aid in your assault on the cowardly cultist javelins are thrown at him. The dark fiendish god seems to be smiling on him today as the length of wood rattle in the corridor.
OOC: Griz please try and sneeze on them.
OOC: sorry for the delay have been training for nito cup and I will be out of town for a couple days soon but continue without me while im gone shouldn't take more than a week Less if I Get my ass handed to me or break an arm.
Griz sizes up the faliure of his allies and his lack of spells and does the one thing That a goblin wizard of his skill knows how to do
OOC: I fire my bow
Rolling 1d20: (1): Total = 1
add for to that to hit then If it misses I run away, If it hits I stay and fire another one next round with the same thing if i miss with that and so on and so forth while I am gone, Wow level one wizards suck!.
OOC: Don't worry about being gone over the next week as I'll be visiting friends in another city from the 31st through to the 6th. As for level 1 wizards? Yeah they do take a little bit of weighing up when and where to use the spells and always trying to manipulate the environment to the best of their abilities. However I must say that these dice rolls are maddening.
The arrow barely making it beyond the limits of the draw string before it tumbles sadly to the ground.
OOC: Kanock if you hit I'll give you bonus exps and a harem of fertile goblin women...or men, whatever is your fancy.
OOC: Don't worry about being gone over the next week as I'll be visiting friends in another city from the 31st through to the 6th. As for level 1 wizards? Yeah they do take a little bit of weighing up when and where to use the spells and always trying to manipulate the environment to the best of their abilities. However I must say that these dice rolls are maddening.
The arrow barely making it beyond the limits of the draw string before it tumbles sadly to the ground.
OOC: Kanock if you hit I'll give you bonus exps and a harem of fertile goblin women...or men, whatever is your fancy.
00C: the Griz ran away from combat to leave his men to die if they win he will claim credit if not he will find a new tribe that needs a shaman.
OOC - does that mean Kanock is up? If so, lets take another shot!
Frustration was starting to set in, and it was no doubt causing him to snap his release instead of the gentleness required for a good shot. A deep breath to slow his nerves, a squint of his eyes, and then he reached back and pulled another arrow from his depleting quiver.
Slower than before, he fits it to the string, pulls the string back, his small muscles bunching with the effort, the tendons of his hand stretching with the effort. The bow raises, leveling the arrow at his foe.
He slowly starts to exhale, timing his release with the slight falling of the bow as the breath leaves him.
A small prayer may have even crossed his mind.
Base +7, FE +2, -4 Melee
Rolling 1d20+5: (10)+5: Total = 15
Base 1d6-1, FE +2
Rolling 1d6+1: (1)+1: Total = 2
The arrow strikes the cultist in the shoulder, who gives a howl of agony. Despite the several inches of wood sticking out of the goblin he still stands.
OOC: Grub, bring some sweet pickaxe justice.
OOC - don't forget his bonus xp and harem of fertile goblin women :)
OOC: Pickaxe justice it is.
IC: Grub takes another swing, this time determined to fell her foe.
Rolling 1d20+3: (2)+3: Total = 5
Rolling 1d6+3: (6)+3: Total = 9
The pickaxe flies wide sending sparks up from the stone floor.
OOC: I'm running out of descriptions for your sucky rolls.
The bugbear clobbers another one of your kin before stepping back out into the corridor. The bugbear is followed by your ex-den mother who is still cooing to you to join her. She fires off a ray of dark energy towards the fleeing wizard.
OOC: Does a 15 hit your touch AC Griz? If so your puny arms will be 5 points punier (STR).
OOC- you have to admit - we really are playing goblins...
The pickaxe flies wide sending sparks up from the stone floor.
OOC: I'm running out of descriptions for your sucky rolls.
The bugbear clobbers another one of your kin before stepping back out into the corridor. The bugbear is followed by your ex-den mother who is still cooing to you to join her. She fires off a ray of dark energy towards the fleeing wizard.
OOC: Does a 15 hit your touch AC Griz? If so your puny arms will be 5 points punier (STR).
OOC: sorry Been training to much and my str is at -1 now and If this is like 3.5 that would make me paralyzed.
OOC: Don't worry, it was Enfeebling Ray, it's only a penalty not damage and stops at 1. So you're still up and about but you're going to have a tough time doing much. I believe it is also your turn.
but you're going to have a tough time doing much.
OOC - Well, no kidding - that seems to be the norm for us ;) It's a good thing we aren't fighting paper bags - we'd get creamed!
OOC: Back from tournament Sorry I was gone for so long
Griz holds his action hoping that his strength will comeback momentarily.
OOC: Kanock you're up.
With lucky number seven in his hand, Kanock is certain this shot will help his kin out. If it doesn't...
Base +7, FE +2, -4 Melee
Rolling 1d20+5: (16)+5: Total = 21
Base 1d6-1, FE +2
Rolling 1d6+1: (6)+1: Total = 7
@#&*$%$ finally!
OOC: aaaaaand you miss. ;)
The arrow plunges right through the hostage taking cultists throat leaving only a hideous death rattle as he drops limply to the floor.
OOC: It's grub and then the final enemy. The bugbear....and your old den mother is certainly rocking a new look. Sorry this has taken so long folks, I know it's a bit of a PbP gaming no-no to start with combat but I think it's been pretty intense...if not miss filled.
OOC: I will try and fail to hit the Bugbear.
Rolling 1d20+3: (10)+3: Total = 13
Rolling 1d6+3: (4)+3: Total = 7
The goblin limbers up to her distant cousin and now surely mortal enemy but misses with the pick.
"Surrender to master, live"
The bugbear spits these words out at you with the club raised high above it's head. Yellow eyes, pupils slits, like it's staring into your very soul.
You ex-den mother coos to you Grub.
"Drizella can't help you now little sister, surely the power of this master is clear? A true god capable of influencing all he touches...and it's influence is carried upon many fingers"
OOC: Well griz you're still holding I know but if you wish to go now you can.