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Messages - SageNytell

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RPGs / Re: Monsters and Other Childish Things Questions
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:55:29 PM »
Just an update: This is still happening, I went back to school after being out for six years and getting into the swing of things took longer than I thought it would. Game is 90% done, will take place most likely in early February.

RPGs / Re: Victim of Circumstance
« on: January 22, 2013, 03:12:53 PM »
Look, if we're going to be that nitpicky the only character in superhero comics that I can think of that meets this definition of 'not a victim of circumstance' is goddamned Lobo. He's got special powers because he's an alien, doesn't need someone else's sun to get powered, is the last of his species because he decided to kill all the rest for kicksies...

It's a common trope for a reason, it's about the inspiration of a normal person to become something more through a profound personal experience, and these tend to be traumatic.

General Chaos / Re: Disney poised to take over the world.
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:00:56 PM »
This was confirmed as fake, unfortunately.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: January 13, 2013, 06:44:06 PM »
Here's a new one:
Like the title says, some folks want to do a full animated version of the Lovecraft story 'Dagon'. It looks interesting, though I'm setting it to 'remember' and not backing yet because I want to see a bit more before I put down money.
As of right now, it's early in the process but looks unlikely to fund.

Also pissed that I missed seeing this:
Project was evidently doomed and there has been no follow-up, but a game where Bill Nye teaches you how a bird flies? Sounds cool to me.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:20:31 PM »
Double dipping is not exactly the best way to ingratiate yourself, to be sure. I'm not going to contribute to this specifically because of that.

For written entries, word count?


We should totally try to do an old-school Doom or Doom 2 deathmatch.
Alien Swarm is also fun.

The ending was the best match, by far. That was fun!

I'm in.  8) Let's kill backstab murder graciously and honestly trade with some dudes.

Isn't that just a fancy way of saying 'pissed off Jason and he came after me with the scissors'?

General Chaos / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: December 26, 2012, 12:27:27 AM »
Merry Christmas, everybody!

No, he doesn't even have the briefcase! I will trade it for... not bullets. Trust me.

I got run over...  :'(

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: December 20, 2012, 08:03:46 AM »
Anybody else here into LPs? Here's a good one of RE5 from SA, mentioned I would link this on the Facebook group for a dude looking for Black Hawk Down-style shenanigans versus a bunch of cultists. is the archive it's stored on, Bro-Op Thread: Resident Evil 5 Video 1, TECHNICAL ISSUE BONANZA is where the videos start. They're out of order on the archive, start with Episode 1, skip down to Episode 2: Operation 12 packs a day and watch from there to Doomtorch, then go from Get That Goat until END OF THE ROAD. I got through some fun menial tasks last weekend watching these.

That makes 6PM EST. You've got me on Skype - if I'm out that early I'll join in but I don't know if I'll be done that soon.
Game looks fun, though.

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