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Messages - Phineas_Rage

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Re: pee pee doo doo 4E is a bad game
« on: July 02, 2009, 10:52:12 AM »
I played 3rd edition when it came out, stopped caring about it, and when 4th edition came out, I jumped on the bandwagon and loved it. Last weekend I recently played a 3rd edition game (much to my chagrin as it was a last minute bait and switch).

3rd edition has its merits. As someone who likes social situations, I ended up playing a bard and it was fun being able to use my spells to affect roleplaying outcomes more easily than 4th edition. However, in combat, boy, did I feel useless (as opposed to when I was playing a bard in 4th edition, where I felt like I was at least helping out a bit). The party needed a fighter, but I refused to play it 'cause, Lord, are they boring in 3rd edition. Playing a fighter in fourth edition is a lot more fun.

Anyway, I came away thinking "both editions have their merits and are fun." I still walked away from the table thinking, "Yeep. I played Dungeons & Dragons."

General Chaos / Re: I can't help myself... I gotta brag a little bit
« on: June 17, 2009, 02:52:17 PM »
too late im dead X_X

nah j/k i ate a western bacon burger from hardees it was p good

It may have been good but I think it did something to your brains, like remove your capitals and periods.


Granted I'm not one who should give anybody crap about their grammar...


How many nested quotes can we get in one thread?


Made myself some burgers tonight. Lovely pucks with cheese. My favorite kind. Did use a new sauce. Normally I go with mayo and ketchup but I was out of ketchup so I mixed mayo with tomato garlic pasta sauce. Lovely new tastes.

sounds pretty damn good. I was watching a cooking show and they made stuffed burgers they made a bottom patty and filled it with blue cheese, oinons and i think bacon strips pre cooked, random spices and then made another thin patty put it ontop of the bottom patty with all the junk in it and primped the edges like a pie crust, looked realy good in the end i wanna try that out!

another fun grill item is take a whole chicken drink half a can of beer and put it in the bottom of the chicken put paprika, salt and pepper in a bowl mixed all up lots of paprika and rub the whole chicken down with the seasoning anything left over put in the bottom whole of the chicken. then you make the chicken sit on the can put its leggs forward and the can back so its litterly sitting on the can or you can buy a stand and use that. but i like jusy the can. cook it ftell the bredst meat reaches a nice done temp i think 140 or 160. should say on your thermomiter, or about 45 min to an hour. turns out great!
Mmmmm... Beer-can Chicken sounds damn good.
Hasenpfeffer is equally delicious.

You gotta mince up some Jalapenos and mix in some cayenne and hot sauce in that patty, bro. Serve with pepperjack.

RPGs / Re: Trail of Cthulhu
« on: June 17, 2009, 02:50:34 PM »
That's horribly unrealistic. If he was a good DM and staying true to life, you would've come out of that nuclear reactor with super powers.

General Chaos / Re: Signs you might be using the Internet too much
« on: June 12, 2009, 12:38:33 PM »
I'm not sure how to go about fixing this internet ennui issue, but I have some suggestions on what not to do:

1) Do not read a book.
2) Do not exercise.

The long term effects of these two activities have not been sufficiently studied are not worth pursuing under any circumstance.

RPGs / Re: Fantasy Burnout.
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:29:29 PM »
Thanks for the great suggestions. I'll let you know how it goes.

As for being burn out on sexual fantasies, I don't know, maybe they should just make a Freud RPG. Where, for once in your life, you're rewarded with experience for banging your mother.

RPGs / Re: Project 15
« on: June 11, 2009, 12:25:32 PM »
Project 15 sounds like something Chris Hansen would disapprove of greatly.

RPGs / Re: in which i am being smug
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:09:46 PM »
In this response, I am being playfully snarky: I hope one of the travel encounters is a skill challenge to avoid blisters.

RPGs / Re: Fantasy Burnout.
« on: June 10, 2009, 03:35:04 PM »
... and I'll talk like that fantastic DJ they had in the game. Non-stop.

Although, this talk about Fantasy Burnout makes me think there should be a Fantasy Death Race 2000. I would like to see mechanics set up regarding regaining your abilities and scoring points by running over the elderly. Additionally, it's still an even match between Jason Statham in the Death Race rematch and Sylvester Stallone as Machine Gun Joe in Death Race 2000.

RPGs / Re: Trail of Cthulhu
« on: June 10, 2009, 11:33:32 AM »
Someone I played with didn't want to play Call of Cthulhu 'cause you got crazier as you progressed. But, man, isn't that the fun of it all?

RPGs / Re: Fantasy Burnout.
« on: June 10, 2009, 11:25:28 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions, team.

And you're right, an RPG version of Burnout would be pretty sweet. Although I don't think I know enough words to describe car crashes over and over again in an interesting way. Sounds like a homework assignment to me.

I think I tricked my group into doing Call/Trail of Cthulhu. Any suggestions for adventures? That aren't, like, Haunted House? And are, like, pulpy?

RPGs / Fantasy Burnout.
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:56:21 PM »
Hey Team,

So, my group has recently come to the decision that we've burned out on fantasy. Which isn't to say that I haven't enjoyed my time of meeting people in taverns and then fetching things for them, but I'd like to switch it up a bit. Spice up my roleplaying life.

Anyway, my question is: can anyone recommend any good RPGs with novel settings? Maybe even a system dedicate to dramatically novel goals. Or better yet if you've played something recently that made you "re-fall in love" with RPGs. I only request that there's no dwarves and elves, please.


RPGs / Re: Music?
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:48:50 PM »
I think the most important thing to keep in mind is to not play music with vocals. I think one of the worst games I played was where someone said they were going to put on some music (and of course I thought it was mood music) but it just turned out to be various popular songs. Roleplaying went down, but commenting on music selection went up!

Movie and game soundtracks are the best. I agree with whoever said to aim for "obscure" if possible ('cause if you recognize something, you just might want to comment on it, or maybe the soundtrack makes you just think of whatever movie it came from). But, heck, even the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack works great.

Or play Slayer.

RPGs / Re: Trail of Cthulhu
« on: June 07, 2009, 02:44:37 PM »
I think my original aversion to the Gumshoe system (or, should I say, GUMSHOE system), was that I thought that having only one dice (and a six-sided dice at that!) would be too simple. And, granted, I haven't run it yet, but I actually think that it's great. I believe the simplicity really just kind of facilitates the storytelling.

But, y'know, you'll probably get very similar experiences with both systems in terms of story. Not to mention how easy it is to convert one to the other. This post doesn't really have a point, just that both are probably enjoyable and the systems work well to facilitate storytelling.

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