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Messages - H. Bergeron

Pages: [1]
he meant here

just a FYI: Boyos is an underground poet who has transcended the need for consistently spelling words the same way. That or he's a time traveler from Renaissance era England - a time when the spelling of words was not standardized - so that little habit has remained the same despite his knack for picking up the habits for his new mileau.

I like to think he's a highly sophisticated robot whose English-language programming was corrupted when his scientist creator attempted to destroy him in a fit of Romantic guilt. To this day, he wanders the earth, dreaming of ways to truly become a man.

Maybe he's a highly sophisticated robot whose English-language programming was corrupted on the day that he was first connected to the Internet -- and he's never been the same since?

ep 51 @~35 minutes

Many kind thanks to you, oh savior!
Lucky you got her before me.


I vaguely remember there being a letter on one of the podcast episodes about role-playing in the Star Wars universe and how it was stupid to play as Jedi or Sith. I can't seem to find it now, but I would like to so that I can share it with a friend of mine who ALSO hates the Jedi in the Star Wars games. Anyone able to help?  Thanks!

(boy, what an auspicious first post)

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