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Messages - King Joey

Pages: [1]
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Getting old episodes on an iPhone
« on: January 18, 2012, 01:13:39 AM »
Ah, well that gets to the crux of my hatred of Apple products.  Every mp3 player I've owned before this iPhone I could simply plug into my computer's USB port and click and drag any files I wanted back and forth, just like any windows directory.  With the iPhone, though, I have not yet been able to figure out how to do it directly without using the accursed iTunes.

I did manage to get one episode to copy directly to my phone, but it came through as a song and I can't move it to my podcasts.  I can't think of a reason why this should be a problem (since songs and podcasts are basically interchangeable on the phone), so maybe I've found my answer!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Getting old episodes on an iPhone
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:51:01 AM »
Hello all,

I've just discovered this site's AP podcast, and as my other favorite AP podcast is not making episodes as fast as I'm listening to them, I'm really in need of a new source.

The problem is, I cannot figure out how to get the older episodes on my iPhone because the &*$#@^* thing will only load podcasts from iTunes, and iTunes doesn't carry any episodes before Halloween 2010.  Is there a way to download the old episodes from y'all's site, have iTunes convert/import/whatever them, and then put them on my iPhone?  I don't need step by step instructions (hopefully I can figure it out eventually), I just want to know if it's possible at all before I spend a bunch of time trying to figure it out.  If you do have pointers, though, they would be appreciated.

I am fully aware that, despite some unimpressive feats of computer tinkery, I am quite capable for being completely ignorant about such things (especially when it comes to my nemesis, "all things Apple"!).  So if this is a dumb question, feel free to berate me accordingly.  But since even dumb questions need answer, please try to include an answer in the berating if possible.

Thanks, and this looks like an incredible setup you've got here.  Look forward to hearing y'all!

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