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Messages - Diametes

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Re: Free Call of Cthulhu Scenarios!
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:41:58 AM »
Sweet. I just ran a game on Thursday with my gaming group. They were so used to D&D that I didn't think they'd like this type of game. My favorite part of the game was causing a guy to leave the table in fear of what was happening to the other guys that split away from the group. They loved it so much, they're bugging me run another one.

That being said. Awesome.

RPGs / Re: So Catalyst Game Labs is fucked
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:22:52 PM »
Ouch. Stuff like that really drives me insane. I was just getting into Eclipse Phase as well.

General Chaos / Re: Introduction
« on: March 11, 2010, 11:41:31 PM »
Hello to all. I registered back in October, but figured that March was a good time to post.

I've been listening to RPPR since the Tides of Doom adventure and instantly fell in love with the podcast. The mental imagery of the first monster still sends jawesomeness through my very core. I started my RPG career in high school with a homebrew game based on Final Fantasy Tactics, and from what I recall it was fairly good. From there I jumped into a Deadlands game with that same group and later a 3.5E campaign.

My current group is running a 3.5E campaign (Tried to get my friend to run 4th, but he believes it to be Satan incarnate) that's been going since last October. With the exception of our GM and myself, the other people are relatively new to RPGs. I'd feel horrible in saying that the GM and I popped their "RPG cherry" with RIFTs. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I absolutely regret that decision. Between our RIFTs game and current campaign, I attempted to run Dark Heresy with the group. The general weakness of the characters and the fact that they could not run around blowing everything up was mind-boggling to them. They're more of the "Fight me or give me a quest!" variety. Now that the 3.5E campaign has mellowed them out, I'm going to attempt to get a Rogue Trader game started in a few weeks.

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