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Messages - GloriousMess

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Re: Question about introducing people into role playing games
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:58:57 PM »
Based on my own experience, I can offer advice depending on whether your friends like the intricacies of the RPG system more than the world. My regular group has a player that is very much into the details of the rule system, and loves working out powerful builds and non-standard approaches to classes or roles. I sympathise with that, but at the same time you can't offer more rule-based gameplay just because one person likes to roll dice. I always say the world and thus the story is the most important thing.

If you're going for 3.5 then it would probably be best to give them characters you've rolled up, and perhaps use a simplified character sheet. Focus less on what they're doing and more on why they're doing it, and don't be afraid of gratuitous rule bending or dice fudging if it means the experience is more fun. A hack'n'slash is great but Ezechiel357 hit the nail on the head: use simple encounters with simple monsters, and perhaps throw in one big thing at the end as a finale.

Oh and I notice this is your first post, just like this is mine. Yay!

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