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Messages - geekyogrt

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RPGs / Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:18:56 PM »
I'd like a copy of the playtest rules.

Well I have a list done up of 16 deaths in call of cthulhu games he's been in, 7 of which I need to relisten to confirm if he did and the cause.

How many of those are, for lack of a better term, "own goal?"

This really feels like it should be a PowerPoint presentation with many many charts.

I'm leaning towards a poorly done lego stop motion "movie trailer" for the No Soul Left Behind campaign.  I just need to find a giant badger.


I want between 5 and 10 categories, at the most. What kind of things would you guys most want to make?

I'd want to do a video again and have thought it would be fun to do a movie trailer for one of the campaigns.  Not sure what category that would fit into.

General Chaos / Re: Favorite NON RPG Tabletop Games
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:29:30 PM »

Definitely underrated.  We like to play without allowing the checklists / note taking.  After a few drinks, the mind game shenanigans really take off.

Big flaws? Thoughts? Condemnations for stealing other people's ideas?

What you described instantly made me think of Riddle of Steel.  Very similar in structure and damage from what I recall (it has been a few years).

It was a nightmare to run the first couple of times we played, as the rules for tracking damage varied based on blunt vs. blades etc.  Once we picked it up, it was the most fun I've ever had gaming.  Player behavior completely changed with the complexity and the fact that you could die in one round of combat.  Or lose your arm and healing magic was not common. 

Combat happened as the last resort or when the players could leverage their character motivations for additional dice.

It would be worth taking a look at to see how they approached some actions.  I think the lite / free trial version that they put out is still floating around.  It is scaled back, however the core concepts are present.

Also, the comment about passing damage through layers totes brought memories of battletech and the hit bubbles.  Probably dating myself on that one.

just in case Ross wants to learn ruby on rails:

Am I making up an RPPR episode where Cody suggested hiring a craigslist lady of the night for a game?  Maybe the New World campaign? 

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:02:41 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

The whole series is pretty great

Is it weird that the highest ranked podcasts tend towards the least money spent by their listeners per year?

I think the correlation (it isn't perfect but passes the eyeball test) is really on number of podcasts listened to & dollars spent.  It makes sense, in a way. 

If I'm a  casual football fan, I might read ESPN or a handful of sites (the very popular "main stream sites"  At the top of the study list).  If I am a super football fan, I probably go to a broader set of sites, possibly subscribe to football analytics / statistics sites, etc.

I will consume more data and potentially spend more for it.

I think the main takeaway from this is that someone in the RPPR crew needs to pretend to be a chick.  Could we do a poll?

RPGs / Re: Horror: How Far is Too Far?
« on: July 15, 2013, 07:27:44 AM »
bidoof -

Some really interesting points. 

Not asking this in a rude way, but what traumatic events are okay to cover?  Not saying it is on par with rape, but infidelity affects drastically more people than rape (again not equating, however there can be life altering shifts in personality, choices, etc).  It also occurs as a regular theme in entertainment, so folks affected are exposed constantly.

Is that okay to include in fiction / entertainment? 

Caleb's previous mention of mental illness is similar.

Is it only okay to include a traumatic event if it didn't affect the reader or it only affects a certain % of the population?  Why is one pain okay and another not? 

Is it up to the consumer to avoid sensitive material for their triggers vs the author to censor?  Should the author have to pre-disclose content of a sensitive nature i.e. movie ratings?

Again, curious vs. confrontational.

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: July 11, 2013, 05:11:25 PM »
The video trailer is literally the top thing on the Indiegogo page so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

When I went to the page last night, the top was the shadowy face picture vs. the video. Shrug

General Chaos / Re: Kickstarter: Cool Stuff
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:45:46 AM »
This is a cool web series I'm helping out with:

Just a couple of thoughts on the campaign page...

Anyway you guys can embed or clearly link to the video on the front page?  That is the first thing I look at when throwing money at a film project - i.e. can they put together an engaging video.  Making me click into the gallery (the horror) to know if there is a video is a lost conversion for most folks.

Also, throwing some of the plot into the video may be beneficial or at least something that makes the viewer sit up.  It also wasn't clear where they are in the process.  It feels like pre-pro, however their facebook page makes it seem like they are in production?  The further along you are, the more likely I am to pull out the wallet.  They keep mentioning that the production is innovative, how so?

Third - although Vimeo has a certain audience / quality aspect, youtube is the 2nd most used search engine in the world.  I would consider posting the video there with a couple keywords targeted.  I didn't see a version of it there after a quick poke.

RPGs / Re: Horror: How Far is Too Far?
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:27:19 PM »

This is different to Alien in that no one ever references the Facehuggers or their anatomical parts with language that has any sexual connotations.  The film certainly does evoke forceful oral rape but it's never described by the characters that way.  It's scary because that's where the audiences own imagination goes without having to be explicitly told 'This thing is gonna rape your face'.

That is because it was a movie vs. you know someone describing it.  It is regularly referred to as such in some of the books set in the universe.  Surrogate Penis is the actual phrase, I believe.  Also, I believe they refer to impregnating in the extended release of Aliens.  If Lover in the Ice were a movie (I'd kickstart that) you wouldn't have anyone describing it either.  It would be a visual experience.

On the question at hand, the line of "what is too far" is personal and it moves.  More people have had a traumatic sexual experience vs a cthulu zombie attack or poisonous spiders.  It is closer to reality.  Sex is just an uncomfortable topic for lots of folks, however that doesn't mean you should shy away from it (maybe not every monster is a sex monster could be a rule of thumb?).

If it isn't a game that a group should run, that is on them.  Delivery by the GM and the relationship between the group is not something that you can control.

On the creature itself, I viewed it more of a parasite with a disturbing delivery system vs. a rape sex monsters.  I also ate fried chicken right after watching Killer Joe, so my opinion may not be relevant.

You could alleviate the "I didn't get my fix" factor by not having the B sides interrupt the normal posting schedule when they are made public.  With that you don't have the gap in new content.

On general content - I really liked the debriefs of Know Evil & New Arcadia.  I realize that requires a campaign of some sort, however the concept was intriguing.  I would also be interested in throwing cash at a "classics" setup i.e. playing a bunch of old established scenarios - Tomb of horrors, etc.  A series around designing an actual system might be interesting - design choices, themes, etc.   

As a simple business curiosity, I'd be interested in seeing if you could create a standing DM and / or player service.  Basically, an RPPR member on retainer for a group via web games or a one time Blood Bowl-esque gaming merc.  It always seems to be a popular selection in the kickstarters.  Entertain my curiosities please.

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