I made an account because I like this game idea so much. I actually ran a session in d20 apocalypse since I was so familiar with it. I hope you don't mind.
Don't know how much I want to get into it. While currency exchange rates is something I have no doubt a certain type of grognard would get into, I can't think of a way it would be fun at the table. That's why I'm currently leaning towards just expressing everything in Bounty.
I suggest corp scrip. Money that is only useful for buying products from one company. Inferior in every way and products that aren't covered by said corporation are subject to availability. So you may have a month's worth of hot and ready pizzas, but Pizzahutco is not in the business of selling bullets.
Since I ran the game outside of St. Louis I thought about how the city would look after a good ruining. Quite a few of the once large buildings are now not so large and no one really calls it St. Louis anymore since a million or so zombies still roam the place. The arch has actually fallen in the middle and is now one of the tallest structures in the entire place, but it didn't fall entirely. So now due to the jutting blackened structures are now referred to as "The Horns", which then everyone started calling the city that. Only old timers and a few people actually from there actually call it St. Louis anymore.
Capitalism enjoys a good status quo. Status quo is good for business. I imagine that they would be quietly sabotaging the government's ability to reclaim land west of the Mississippi or better yet, profit from them by purchasing land plots from people at better prices than what the gov is asking for, consolidating said land into large plots and then selling it to the government at the premium.
Oh wait, Farmer John had a living descendant and we purchased the rights? We can just give her a pittance or litigate her poverty stricken self into oblivion. Or if worse comes to worse, sometimes the house that those kind of people burn down with everyone inside of them. You know how squatter houses are these days...
Essentially it would be cut throat capitalism. A return to the sort that was common in the guilded age, but now more technologically advanced.
We need you to escort these 100 strike breakers 50 miles past the river to an enclave where the workers no longer want to work 16 hour days for little pay and dangerous working conditions. What do you mean that you're being fired at? Those are just local insurgents. Mark their locations and we'll send in the pacification drones.
Lastly, and this came up a few times in the last game, I imagined that old zombies are usually so low on the totem pole of threats that they're not killed on sight, but often ignored. So there would still be a fair number of them walking around. I imagine that herding dozens, hundreds or in the case of enclaves, even thousands of them to push on an enemy to waste their strength would be a standard tactic. Sure it's dangerous because of the odd aberrant, but there's no better way to deal with moving or pinning entrenched forces. Then they go back and loot the then cleared (or mostly cleared) area when the only other force besides zombies that could threaten them are on the run or under siege.