« on: April 12, 2015, 10:27:58 AM »
Hey, I'm Matthew. I'm 20 years old and currently living in Ottawa, ON and have been lurking around on the site for awhile. I started playing rpgs around 2ish years ago in a 4e game that a friend from university invited me too. Around this time I picked up the core rules for Eclipse Phase which has sat on my shelf majestically for the same amount of time. I recently starting DMing my own Eclipse Phase game after the pain of trying to get a stable group together.
I've been listening to RPPR for around a year now and was brought to it via the EP forums list of actual play podcasts. Binge listening to Know Evil and the first few one-shots gave me the courage to start working toward DMing my own games of EP.
I enjoy listening to the main podcast and GDW and the APs when I can find a way to sit down listen to them for 2 - 3 hours. I have also pledge to stop lurking as much and become more sociable.