Lay out your top ten and why.
Don't try to impress anyone with some art-class bullshit either (I'm looking at anyone who is going to say Citizen Kane... it's not about the top ten movies ever made and how they advanced cinema etc. Just what you actually have seen at least a few times because you wanted to - not because you had to). Hopefully this will show some movies we wouldn't normally think to watch. Or we will discover that we all have roughly the same fucked up taste.
Don't worry about putting them in order - just pick your favourite 10.
1) Star Wars - I credit it with turning me on to sci-fi
2) Army of Darkness - B movies can be awesome too - see my quote
3) Dead Poets Society - Robin Williams can act... holy shit, never saw that coming
4) Conan - I credit this with introducing me to fantasy
5) Equilibrium - I must like it... I have watched it at least 9 times "Have you taken your dose?"
6) Weird Science - I saw this a ton of times when I was a kid, and it was a perfect example of the 80's
7) Porkys - boobs. "Why do they call you Meat?"

The Fifth Element - just a fun movie that I watch a lot "Moultipass."
9) Leon - Gary Oldman, Jean Reno, Natalie Portman - twisted awesome "No women, no kids."
10) Commando - mindless action with great one-liners "Where's Sully?"