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Messages - corwinlinnel110

Pages: [1]
Other RPG's and Misc. / Looking for players, Mophidius Star Trek playtest
« on: October 17, 2016, 04:51:38 PM »
I signed up for Mophidius' Start Trek playtest, and I'm looking for players.

The current idea is to run it on roll20, using Skype or the native roll20 voice chat, though this can change per player preference.

My availability is Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 7-11:30pm, EST, twice a month. I have more wiggle room on Saturday (as you might imagine).

If your interested, and the above times work for you, post below!

A stunning surprise update!

The sheet below is a list of games you'd like to play. Fill in your dream games!

Good idea. Changed.

Hey peeps,

A bunch of us got together and figured we ought to have a regular RPPR community game. So, if you want to jump in on a one shot or run a game, follow the below link and sign up!

See you in cyberspace!

Yeah, it was my first time, and I had a real blast.

RPGs / Re: Red Markets at GenCon/Upcoming Beta
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:15:50 PM »
I'm in for the playtest (Friday afternoon is free, as is Sunday afternoon), and for the playtest rules. I can't promise my group will run a campaign, but we'll certainly do a few one-shots.

Other RPG's and Misc. / Re: Skype Eclipse Phase?
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:45:23 PM »
I'm interested.

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