I'm a little late to this thread as I have been super busy since I returned from the con.
I have to say though I had a great time and I will be back next year. I didn't make the meet up due some scheduling problems (along with other problems like leaving my event tickets home).
I did get the chance to meet Tadanori Oyama though. he was running his Oil in the Coffee game on the table next to a few of us playing Reign. I gotta say Tad that had to go over very well. Your table seemed to be having a blast laughing the whole game. It sounded great...
The con definitely helped me and our group who were just returning to roleplaying or just starting. I was looking at different settings and rules and was about to buy Better Angels when I came across Savage Worlds which several players had recommended to me. I was glancing through the book and a guy asked me if I had any questions and I asked a few which he answered. I thanked him and said I was going to pick it up. He responded "I appreciate that". It was only then that I realized I was talking to Shane Lacy Hennesy the author of the book. I also had the pleasure of meeting Steve Jackson, Ed Greenwood, and Kevin Siembieda. Anyways it was an awesome time.
I walked away with the following items if anyone cares

Pathfinder Core Rules
Pathfinder Reign of Winter Adventure Path 1: Snows of Summer
Shadows of Esteren Prologue signed by the artist and one of the designers
Savage Worlds Deluxe signed by Shane Lacy Hennesy
The Wizards Mask signed by Ed Greenwood
Rex Final Days of the Empire (Board Game)
New Dice!