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Messages - Sriad

Pages: [1]
Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Music Composition
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:58:05 PM »
Thanks... I guess I WAS dreaming, but the links are awesome and I'll check them out. I'm running a small games company and just looking for ways to get original music for our next game.

Looking forward to more play sessions! Make sure you give Aaron lots of important game-changing decisions!

A good way to get music made cheaply (relatively; I don't actually know your budget) is to talk to a junior or senior undergrad in Music Composition.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: 4e combat speed
« on: February 08, 2011, 04:54:06 PM »
Another good use of Monster Knowledge Checks is dropping (possibly very) strong hints about how hard the encounter is.  This helps the players know what level of resource expenditure they need.

For that to be most effective it's good for the players to have an idea of what their baseline resource use should be:
If you're a class with a daily power that lasts all encounter (Barbarian rage, stances, etc) use one during your first or second turn; whenever you're in position for it to be effective.
After that (or immediately if you don't have that kind of ability) unload encounter powers, concentrating on one or two squishy (or debuffed to MAKE 'em squishy) targets.  Many an Elite monster fell victim to a vulnerability debuff by our Leader and follow-up alpha strikes by our strikers, not even making it out of first round of combat.
If, after a round or two of this, the baddies are still going strong they should break out the daily powers.
Make sure the players remember to blow an Action Point every other encounter; they get them back at milestones so no point letting them go to waste.

I'd also reiterate what FuzzyDan said about XP budgeting.  Using it on one or two normal or elite monsters that are MUCH higher level than the PCs usually (until high paragon or epic, at least) leads to a miserable encounter where the players can't hurt the monster without rolling an 18, and the monster can't miss them without rolling a 3.

For the first few levels especially, though, it's very easy to misjudge the difficulty of an encounter.  A +5 level fight with a god at level 26 is a thrilling use of advanced tactics and smart use of powers.  A +5 level fight with an orc chieftain at level 3 is a TPK.

RPGs / Re: EXP Free is the way to be...
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:09:52 PM »
I've played (almost) exclusively with exp, but exp-less is nice not just because it frees up effort that would otherwise be used in book-keeping, but also because it allows the GM to move the scope and power level of the campaign forward at whatever pace they like.

Of course even in exp-using games this happens sometimes; over one Christmas break we decided 6 months went by in world, wrote a couple pages talking about what our characters did, and came back 2 levels higher.

General Chaos / HERO OF THE BEACH!!! This week in Grant Morrison news...
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:56:03 PM »
The "Flex Mentallo" miniseries is, after almost fifteen years of legal tangles with Charles Atlas, being reprinted in collection form.  Hooray!

...the bad news is we'll apparently have to wait until Fall to (legally) read the books without shelling out a couple hundred bucks on E-bay.

General Chaos / Re: Aaaaron. Ohhh Aaaron.
« on: August 05, 2010, 02:31:23 PM »
I was thinking roboporn so, I didn't click.

Only in the loosest sense of the world.

And by loosest I do not mean floppy robo-vag.

General Chaos / Re: Aaaaron. Ohhh Aaaron.
« on: August 04, 2010, 08:38:05 PM »
why does everything has to end up as an mmorpg?

Not so bad; Transformers is much more suited to being an MMORPG than a lot of other properties.  There's enough duration to the war and small-time foot soldiers that there's all kinds of room to work in, Transformers are really hard to kill permanently, it's totally reasonable to fight on dozens of different worlds, get upgrades and harder missions (levels) as you demonstrate value to your faction...

Could be a very good MMO, could suck.  Much like every other MMO. ;)

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: New world campaign
« on: August 04, 2010, 03:26:57 AM »
Slow does not effect teleport speed!  It says right in the condition description!  "This speed applies to all your movement modes, but it does not apply to teleportation or to a pull, a push, or a slide."  How did you have "arguments" about it?

Anyway, love the podcast and APs.  In my group we're usually more concerned with broad world building than individual PC plot lines, so I'm very interested in other play styles and group dynamics.  Keep up the good work!

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