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Topics - Herrigold

Pages: [1]
General Chaos / "EXTRA, EXTRA: Forum Lurker Creates iOS Dungeon Romp"
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:32:56 PM »
Hi Everyone,

So this is what I do everyday, we're announcing it today and it should be out by the end of August. I hope you like it, it's my first really big title since I left BioWare and started my own company.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

Herrigold (Tobyn)

RPGs / My own Trail of Cthulhu character autogen for Numbers
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:46:30 PM »
Hey all.

I've only had sporadic time on my hands since the birth of our son, so I've been studying how RPG's roll up characters. I decided to use my iPad to make neat and tidy sheets in Apple's excel knock-off called "Numbers". I started with Traveller, and the Judge Dredd supplement, and decided to make it auto-roll the base characteristics. Didn't take long, and was a fun task. Next I did one for Call of Cthulhu, which auto rolled many more characteristics and this time I thought I'd make an auto name and profession generator too (profession loosely based on characteristics rolls for realism). Keep in mind I'm doing this all on the iPad! I was pretty proud of that. So then I wanted to make one for Trail of Cthulhu... but there wasn't any rolling for that, just spending. That's an entirely different problem! But, after nearly two weeks of an hour or two a day, I've finally got it doing what I wanted. It was no easy task, a bit mind bending at times and you should see some of the calculations! Here's a screen, making it look all too easy:

All you have to do to get a new character is change the seed number under the health stat. Next I might make it auto choose drive and pillars of sanity. If there's interest, I'll post the whole doc when it's fully complete.

RPGs / Masters of the Universe RPG
« on: March 04, 2011, 10:39:37 PM »
Just a thought. I think the main aspects of character rolling would be which garishly saturated and unnatural colors you'd be suited in.

RPGs / Dennis Detweller's Delta Green: Denied to the Enemy
« on: February 20, 2011, 12:07:08 PM »
Just started reading this book, it's got a solid intro. I know you guys are into this genre and setting... doesn't Ross know these guys or something? Anyway, plenty of people going crazy, heads flowering open, monsters from the depths, taxidermy, secret Nazi organizations... and I'm only on chapter four! You can get it on any Kindle device.

Just started reading this book, it's got a solid intro. I know you guys are into this genre and setting... doesn't Ross know these guys or something? Anyway, plenty of people going crazy, heads flowering open, monsters from the depths, taxidermy, secret Nazi organizations... and I'm only on chapter four! You can get it on any Kindle device.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Music Composition
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:26:31 PM »
Whassup Dudes,

Long time listener, first time poster here. Great stuff to the whole RPPR gang! Quick question... I seem to remember Ross and Tom talking about some music composition contacts during one of their shows, but I can't find it. Was I dreaming that up?

Keep up the good work!

Pages: [1]