General Chaos / Gaming Confessional
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:14:12 PM »
After sharing many gaming stories with many friends I've come to realize that the vast majority of them are pointing out that I have been, much like our own Ross Payton, a horrible monster.
Brothers and sisters, I have sinned most heinously and so must confess my sins lest I continue.
To this end I have opened this topic in the hope that you too, the beauteous masses of RPPR, shall confess for your transgressions and be pure in the eyes of the mighty Gygax.
With that said, Here is my confession for the 19 years I have been playing.
It is more than possible that I have missed many other instances of my misgivings as a player/GM and will add them when they come to mind.
So RPPR, are you willing to confess?
Brothers and sisters, I have sinned most heinously and so must confess my sins lest I continue.
To this end I have opened this topic in the hope that you too, the beauteous masses of RPPR, shall confess for your transgressions and be pure in the eyes of the mighty Gygax.
With that said, Here is my confession for the 19 years I have been playing.
- I have, as a DM and as a player, fudged dice rolls to make for a more interesting game.
- During a Call of Cthulhu d20 game I allowed two of my players to play Black rapper stereotypes thus sabotaging my own game. I later killed off one of the Black rapper stereotypes when he consistently passed constitution checks against tranquillizers in a railroady scenario, the Cultist leader got annoyed and shot him in the head.
- Much like the above confession, I have consistently allowed players to play characters that are detrimental to the party and social contract.
- I own Call of Cthulhu D20.
- I once penalized the players at the finale of a scenario for not including a generator when setting up heavy machinery. In my defence they were talking in great detail about what they were obtaining through the Dilettante's vast wealth so I figured that two can play that game.
- I once used vast quantities of traps from the Grimtooth's traps splat books in a D&D dungeon.
- I have made deliberately broken and pointless characters based around a single joke because I was disinterested in the game that was being played.
- I have talked to other people about my characters.
- I regularly LARP.
- I have abandoned Campaigns because I have become more interested in the new shiny ruleset/setting I have just picked up.
- I have abandoned the new shiny ruleset/setting for a newer shinier ruleset/setting.
- I have had a tendency to backseat GM.
- I have stolen the spotlight and unthinkingly neglected to give it back.
- In the past when I roll badly, I am progressively less likely to enjoy the game.
- I often gloss over mechanics that I find uninteresting in favor of flavor and story.
I have spoilt my players by being far too lenient in Call of Cthulhu scenarios (I know this conflicts with the above confessions but this is more recent). - I have used far too many modular adventures/scenarios.
- I have railroaded to an extent that rivals the orient express.
- I try to maintain focus on the game but can easily be distracted into off-game conversation.
- I have used "I" far too many times in this confessional.
It is more than possible that I have missed many other instances of my misgivings as a player/GM and will add them when they come to mind.
So RPPR, are you willing to confess?