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Topics - Zergor

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RPGs / Looking for ideas/feedback for a New World Colony campaign
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:46:36 PM »
Heya fellow gamers, I'm prepping the next set of adventures in a campaign, my players are lvl 5, D&D 4e. The new world primer has given me many ideas as it is very close to what I was going to do anyway.

Thus far I'm prepping the colony for the players. I've figured out the basic size of the colony is about 600 strong, a list of businesses or rather the merchants that came over to start a business, the workforce, military size, slaves, etc.. Not trying to decide what other details my players are going to ask.  guessed it took about 10 ships to get that many people here along with some supplies.

My hook for this trip was that back in the old world the players assisted a king in reclaiming an ancient royal crypt, inside they found the undead remains of a cursed adventuring group that had returned from a exploration journey. They had been sealed in the crypt along with everything they had brought back, to keep the curse from spreading. The players had been hired to enter the crypt and get all the gold out, as the kingdoms current economy was in dire straits and they needed whatever they could get, and no longer remembered the curse, or why the crypt had been sealed. At any rate inside the treasure horde they found maps and other things from a far away land, still unexplored in the current day, as well as items, and a sealed coffin from the new world. That's where the players are picking up, and heading to the new world in search of riches and treasure. 

I'm trying to just get a general feel prior to moving on, as to what things my players my ask about, want to do, and wanted some feedback. Like should I do much in game other than a narration of the journey across to ocean? What things would you ask you DM if you were heading into this situation as a player?


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