I'm forced to admitted that I 'read' through this beast and have no fucking clue what's going on.
Maybe that's the point? I'm not familiar with Dada beyond mustaches on the Mona Lisa and urinals as sculpture, but damn.
I mean, fuckin' damn.
If Dada is about ignoring social norms, then how can you have a Dada RPG? The Forge people are a pretentious load of twats as far as I've seen,
but all that social contract bidness ain't just whistlin' Dixie, neither. So if Dada is about breaking down social contracts, more or less, but an RPG starts with a contract, then what is a Dada RPG? Is it the bit that suggests the GM explicitly lie to the players about what happens in the game, et al? Is a Dada RPG an RPG at all?
C'eci nest pas une D&D? Graaaaaaaaaargh...
Ia! Normality ftaghn ftaghn!
Seriously, I'm thinking I could make a DRYH character that went insomniac just from reading this!
Failing that, a CoC cultist that takes this book as holy writ.
Ross, Patrick, anything literary to help me out here?
Can you explain this?
Can you explain life?