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Topics - silentjudas

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RPGs / Question about what system to use
« on: May 07, 2009, 03:46:33 PM »
I'm going to be making a I AM LEGEND based campaign. It's a mix of the novel and the movie.
Basic idea is that the virus only affected North America and it was quarantined for 5-10 years (havent decided yet)
Nature has - for a good portion of the land - taken back over. Animals that once were only in zoos or were quickly going extinct now floruish once again. The various styles of vampires (the nutjob ones, the intelligent civilization creating ones, etc) live in different sized cities/villages etc. and luckily have learned from the past and have left most of the land alone. If you've seen the movie, imagine it sort of like that when it comes to nature.
After many years the quarantine has been lifted solely for military and research teams. However, curious folks from all sectors of life are tempted to sneak in, and many do. The player characters are a combination of illegal explorers going to explore the new version of the once modern North America.

That's the short of it.
So, I'm debating what system to use for this? I want something crunchy - being a campaign and all - and something versatile. I have never read any of the WoD stuff and I'd really rather not use d20, but I will if it comes down to it, and I may try using GURPS4e, but I wanted to see what everyone's opinion would be.

Shadowrun, of course, typically focuses on big-gun toting, magic-blasting masters of the shadows trying to eke a living out of KILLING EVERYTHING. haha

But I had a thought the other day about running an adventure/campaign where the characters play as squatters, hobos in the damp streets of the Sprawl. They'd spend much of the beginning scrounging for food and anything else they could find, and later help the local gang with pay for protection since they don't exactly have money. Low BP, low gear resources, etc. Nothing sensational, but allowing the players to be in the other part of the shadows, avoiding the police for different and many of the same reasons, and dealing with gangs from the other angle.

Does this sound like something y'all would find fun? If I can flesh it out, I might do it PbP here, since my typically group isn't having fun if someone isn't being cut in half with a minigun and a katana at the same time O.o;;

RPGs / Shadowrun 4e
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:05:31 PM »
I've recently purchased Shadowrun 4th edition and am liking it. I haven't read toooo much into the system, but the setting makes me happy. I've been thinking about running at least an adventure with it, debating whether or not to remove the fantasy elements or keep 'em, most likely having to keep them 'cause the few mates I play with love their fantasy.
How does everyone feel about SR4e?

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