General Chaos / Evil Buffalo Zombies: The Return!
« on: March 04, 2013, 02:54:36 PM »
Most of you have watched/listened to Ross' parody commercial Oregon Trail 13, and if you haven't, you need to watch it right now:
Now that you have watched it, or watched it again, I'll introduce you to Evil Buffalo Zombies: The Return!
I have been teaching myself how to program in Python, so I decided to write this game up to test how to properly call multiple functions inside multiple loops and how to work with classes. I decided to share it with all of you: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pgdkpml71yrzsl3/HRQcu5kSov?m
#IMPORTANT EDIT:: I have a major interview on Thursday, so I didn't have time to clean up all the flavor text and properly break lines of texts, so you'll have to suffer with the beta.
To play it, you'll need to download all of the files and put them into a directory. I used cx_Freeze on a Win7 64bit system to make the script executable, so there is a chance (I mean this will definitely happen) that if you are running Mac OS or Linux the files will not work.
For people that have Python installed, here is a direct link to the script: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v81c0dewruk4878/Evil%20Buffalo%20Zombies.py?m
Finally, I've only been working with Python for a month, so there is no making fun of my amateurish coding skills. I mean it. I will delete your avatar.
Now that you have watched it, or watched it again, I'll introduce you to Evil Buffalo Zombies: The Return!
I have been teaching myself how to program in Python, so I decided to write this game up to test how to properly call multiple functions inside multiple loops and how to work with classes. I decided to share it with all of you: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pgdkpml71yrzsl3/HRQcu5kSov?m
#IMPORTANT EDIT:: I have a major interview on Thursday, so I didn't have time to clean up all the flavor text and properly break lines of texts, so you'll have to suffer with the beta.
To play it, you'll need to download all of the files and put them into a directory. I used cx_Freeze on a Win7 64bit system to make the script executable, so there is a chance (I mean this will definitely happen) that if you are running Mac OS or Linux the files will not work.
For people that have Python installed, here is a direct link to the script: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v81c0dewruk4878/Evil%20Buffalo%20Zombies.py?m
Finally, I've only been working with Python for a month, so there is no making fun of my amateurish coding skills. I mean it. I will delete your avatar.