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Topics - Kiriel

Pages: [1]
RPGs / Stuck writing a good dungeon crawl? Not anymore!
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:18:49 PM »
Hello all! I was messing around on the web preparing for my next D&D 4e game and looking for some inspiration when a wild dungeon generator appeared. After looking at it I can't help but fall in love. It made setting up the game so easy! Of course somethings I changed to fit the story better but I figured it would be worth sharing.

This link goes to the dungeon generator but they also have an NPC generator, an encounter generator, and a treasure generator.

Hope this helps others as much as it did me!

RPGs / The dinner party D&D
« on: July 18, 2013, 12:14:06 PM »
Hi everyone!

I have just started a new D&D 4e campaign in the forgotten realms setting. All the players are new to D&D and I want to show them it’s not all just dungeon crawls. They actually enjoy talking to the NPCs and are starting to open up as role-players. I have set it up so they have been invited to a ball/dinner party/thing in Loudwater but I as a DM have never run such a scenario and would love some advice.

The characters in the group are a Dragonborn Swordmage, a Human/Revenant Rogue, a Human Paladin, and a Genasi Warlord.

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