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Topics - TheStrangerInTheFog

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RPGs / Serenity Role Playing Game
« on: January 29, 2014, 08:47:54 AM »
Hey all,

Has anyone here played the Serenity RPG? I just finished going through Firefly with my flatmates, and I need something to block-out the twelve-year-old echo of a million Browncoats crying out in pain and being silenced. Not to mention, if I try to run CoC now, it'll just end up being a whimsical romp through space on a rusting ship, with a latent Psychic on-board.

But yeah - is it worth picking up? I've read mixed reviews online.

I download the Actual Plays onto my iPod, which I generally take with me when I go hiking. So basically; at the top of Hay Bluff, during the hike up Snowdon, and whilst scrambling along the Clevedon coastline. Also, when I had a pretty miserable job as a marshal at a paintball centre, last Summer, RPPR kept me entertained during the tedium of kit-cleaning and gun-maintenance.

How about the rest of you?

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