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Topics - crash2455

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RPGs / Space Tycoon (working title)
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:53:47 AM »
I'm working on a simulation of sorts for my group.  The short of it is that they will run the space program in a fictitious country, building rockets and other launch systems to explore, and later, exploit space.

I had considered this originally because I realized that in space programs, between all the math and engineering there is real conflict and real emotion.  The space program is in a constant budget struggle to do the most dangerous things with what they have.  There is wonder and beauty in the cosmos, and there is incredible sorrow and doubt in the failure of manned missions.

I detailed a lot of ideas and concerns in this doc

My main questions are of interest and of feasibility. Am I crazy for thinking this would be an engaging game?  Are there any existing game systems that could take care of a managerial system like this?

Caleb, though you are new to RPPR and gaming in general, clearly you have a lot of talent in this craft. All of your PCs are totally awesome, and I just learned that Andrew's Fortune was not only your first time as a GM, but also a scenario you wrote yourself after playing 3 or 4 disjointed games and reading a tutorial from the CoC rulebook. I have been GMing for several months and have no idea how I'd write a scenario for a Dirty World, let alone one so memorable.

I hereby dedicate this thread to Caleb and all of his mad genius. Shine on you crazy devil, shine on.

RPGs / Paranoia (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Tangents)
« on: October 22, 2010, 05:38:34 PM »
I think I've run into a major problem as a GM. 

A problem I noticed most predominantly when I was running Paranoia a few nights ago.  I told the players that part of the point of Paranoia was to turn in your friends as traitors, so as to earn favor with the computer.  I discouraged them from doing this act randomly by telling them they needed evidence.  Unfortunately, this had the reverse effect I wanted:  Anytime anybody said something, the accusation of Treason flew up then and there.  After a while, some players sort of started ignoring the plot and just went back and forth with the treason stuff (even with the occasional execution), and we only made it half-way through before we ran out of time.

Now, in Paranoia, this is probably to be expected (though I think it's supposed to be somewhat expedited).  However, shit like this has started happening in my games recently (sans treason).  I'm all for RP, but I want to move the story along and keep the other players involved as well.  Have you guys run into this?  Do you have any methods (box of pain aside) to deal with it?

Play by Post / Dawn of Worlds (Game Thread)
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:00:24 PM »
The Recuitment Thread is here.

I'm a little lacking in creativity today, so here's a map I busted out in a minute.  I decided to christen this land "Grand Fenwick"

If everyone's cool with it, we can begin the First Age.

Recruitment Board / Dawn of Worlds (3+ Players)
« on: September 24, 2010, 03:16:52 AM »
Game Title: Dawn of Worlds
System: Dawn of Worlds <- Rules Here.  Right Click and "Save As"
Players Wanted: 3 or more
Posting Rate: Whenever
Special Rules: The game calls for a sheet of paper to be drawn on, to give definition to the world we are creating.  I propose that we use MSPaint or GIMP to modify an image of appropriate size.
Advancement Rules: N/A

This is a game I've played twice with friends.  I decided to put it to PbP because it's a bit dry to play on its own, and I've never gotten too far in a realtime game.  Additionally, it seems like it would work just as well in PbP as it would IRL (minus quips and general bullshitting) as it is extremely turn-based.

Mckma noted that I didn't include a premise here, so here's something from the manual:
Each player will be playing god. Usually players do not take on the role of a particular god, but this can make for a fun variant. What lies on the table before them is a barren, lifeless world. It is up to each player in turn to begin filling it. One of the most important things to remember about Dawn of Worlds is that as players create things, other players are entirely free to change them.

In essence, it's a massive sandbox where everyone plays a god and takes turns in creating a world, including terrain, weather, civilizations, and full-scale wars.

Any takers?

RPGs / Monsters - Road Trip Side Encounters
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:03:49 AM »
I figured since I kept throwing the topic around, I might as well post the Roadside Encounters I have written to this forum.  I'm mainly looking for criticisms and ideas, because having run a grand total of 2 games, I have no idea what I'm doing.  I just kind of write stuff as it comes to me (which also explains why certain notes may not be legible).

Additionally, I figure that if anyone actually wants to run these, more power to them.

Also, yeah.  I'm mostly ripping off movies.  TV sorta ruined my imagination.

Recruitment Board / Rise of the Demon King [Maid RPG : 4 - 6 players]
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:33:39 AM »
Game Title: Rise of the Demon King
System: Maid RPG (
Players Wanted: 4 - 6.
Posting Rate: Whenever works for people.
Special Rules:
No, you do not have to play a Maid (see below). 
Stress Explosions (since those are supposed to RP'd out for real-time minutes), will just be reduced to one (preferably epic) post detailing said explosion.
Advancement Rules: Rules Light Game.  Advancement doesn't really happen.

Inspirations:  Disgaea, Overlord ("Inspiration" = "Blatant Plagiarism")

The Evil Overlord once commanded a great empire, but great internal conflicts and power struggles in the Underworld brought about a revolution which shattered his empire into several smaller nations, some of whom obliterated his fortress, most of his workforce, and nearly himself in the process.  As his remaining council members (and only living allies), you work as his agents, doing his dirty work and spreading his domain once more through both the Mortal Realm and the Underworld.  He would do the work himself, but he's a lazy bastard and hasn't had to rely on his own strength for centuries.

This may subvert the whole game, but this Overlord's Council is utterly devoid of maids.  Your character follows the Maid Template (because I love the madness contained in the characters), but you are something else (unless you really want to be Maid of the Underworld).  I haven't really thought much more out about this plot (because it's largely based on a sample adventure from the book), but I'll probably flesh it out with more stuff if it gets that far / gets boring.

RPGs / Team Fortress 1862
« on: August 09, 2010, 02:46:06 AM »
Ever since I saw the comic for the Engineer update for TF2, I had been sorta fixating on this panel from the "Loose Cannon" comic, and it gave me an idea for (what I think) would be a solid one-shot.

Mutants & Masterminds:  Team Fortress 1862

Really, the source comic provides enough characters to create a viable story hook, and the setting allows for 9 pregenerated characters that most people would be familiar with.

I had thought about running the game in Wushu or Risus (to better fit the spirit of the source material), but I think it deserves a more rule-heavy system than that.

I don't want to think about it too much more because I can't tell if this is retarded or genius.

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